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Today’s top could be tomorrow’s bottom when playing the caste game!

School is hard enough as it is, but when students are forced to play a cutthroat game to determine their social ranks—and subsequent treatment—all bets are off.

Karino’s older half brother Tatsumi is a proper honor student, diligently and obediently following the path laid out for him by others. But after he unexpectedly falls for eccentric Senzaki, he takes a surprising detour by unscrupulously securing the delinquent caste for himself. Senzaki accepts Tatsumi’s feelings with reckless abandon, expecting him to do the same. But is Tatsumi willing to forge a new path to be with the impetuous Senzaki?

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  • Содержание
  • Дополнительная информация об издании

    ISBN: 9781974712472

    Год издания: 2020

    Том: 3 из 5

    Язык: Английский

    Paperback, 186 pages

    Возрастные ограничения: 18+

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