The New Italians

Charles Richards - The New Italians

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Generations of visitors to Italy have been seduced by the sensuality and vivaciousness of the people, by the…
Издательство: Penguin Books

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Эксперт Лайвлиба

27 декабря 2011 г. 23:54



Хотя книга и была написана 16 лет назад, думаю, она не потеряла свою актуальность и сегодня.

Это политический, экономический и антропологический портрет страны, написанный аглийским журналистом, который много лет проработал в…


Italy has seduced generations with its sunshine, landscapes, art treasures and the warmth and vitality of its people, devoted to style, sensuality and the pleasures of life. The reality is less rosy. Italy is as exasperating as it is enchanting. Appalling public services, a rotten political class, the creeping tentacles of the Mafia, the all-forgiving Mother Church and infinitely indulgent 'mamma' have long prevented Italians facing up to their collective failings. In 'The New Italians', journalist Charles Richards paints a compelling group portrait of the country and people, spanning football to Freemansonry, kickbacks to kidnappings. He concludes that however much things change, the Italians will remain essentially the same, and pull through with their customary 'brio'

ISBN: 0140171096

Год издания: 1995

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