Серия книг «Folio World’s Classics» — 30 книг — стр. 2


Год издания: 2020

Серия: Folio World’s Classics

«… It's what's inside of us that makes us turn out the way we do» — the phrase embedded in the mouth of one of the heroes of the story, became the leitmotif of the most famous… Развернуть 


Год издания: 2020

Серия: Folio World’s Classics

Oscar Wilde (1854—1900) — Anglo-Irish writer, an outstanding master of paradox and satirical nonsense. Reflections on good, evil and beauty are inherent in Wilde’s «The Fairy… Развернуть 

«Anne of Avonlea», a novel by Canadian writer Lucy Maud Montgomery (1874–1942), is a sequel to «Anne of Green Gables». After the Royal Teachers’ Seminary, Anne returned to Avonley… Развернуть 

«Anne of Green Gables» is the first and most famous novel by Canadian writer Lucy Maud Montgomery (1874–1942). A single brother and his sister decide to adopt a teenage boy so he… Развернуть 

Le roman gothique «Le Fantôme de l’Opéra» appartient à la plume de l'écrivain français Gaston Leroux et, selon l'auteur lui-même, représente des événements réels. Des événements… Развернуть 

Jane Eyre, the protagonist tof the novel of the same name by British writer Charlotte Brontë (1816—1855), was raised in an orphanage. Having received an excellent education, the… Развернуть 

Wilkie Collins (1824—1889) — English writer and playwright, one of the founders of the detective genre. «I Say No» is a typical English Victorian novel. This novel has everything… Развернуть 

Der Held dieser Geschichte von Franz Kafka (1883—1924) wacht eines Tages auf... als Insekt wiedergeboren. Er verliert seinen Job, die Familie sperrt ihn in ein Zimmer. Eine solche… Развернуть 


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