Список рекомендованных книг-2021 от журнала "Локус" — 135 книг — стр. 3

Cyber Mage
Саад З. Хоссейн
Год издания:2021
Издательство:The Unnamed Press

Welcome to Dhaka, Bangladesh in 2089. A city notorious for its extreme population density has found an unexpected way to not just survive a global climate apocalypse, but thrive: pump enough biological nanotech into the neighborhood and all of the bodies together form a self-sustaining, and even temperate, microclimate. Of course, this means that millions of humans have to stay put in order to maintain a livable temperature, and people are getting restless. All of the nanotech has also led to some surprises: certain people no longer need food or water while others can live without functioning organs.
So the mercenary Djibrel has to carry a machete wherever he goes. Only a swift beheading can ensure the job gets done anymore. Djibrel navigates the crowded streets, humans teeming with genetic mutations, looking for answers about what happened to the Djinn, a magical super race of genies who seem to have disappeared, or merged, with humans for survival. What Djibrel doesn’t know is that his every move is being tracked by the infamous Cyber Mage―better known to his parents as Murzak, a privileged snarky teenager who regularly works for a Russian crime syndicate with a band of elite hackers, like his best friend ReGi, who resides in North Africa’s FEZ (Free Economic Zone). Respected and feared online, Murzak is about to embark on one of his biggest challenges: attending high school IRL. But when he discovers a brand new type of AI, operating on a dark web from the abandoned Kingdom of Bahrain that he thought was just an urban myth, Murzak and Djibrel will have to face the unimaginable in an already inconceivable world.
Раздел: Романы. Фэнтези

Solnechnaja2201 19 мая 2022 г., 15:23

Paladin's Strength
T. Kingfisher
Год издания:2021
Издательство:Red Wombat Studio
Серия:The Saint of Steel

He’s a paladin of a dead god, tracking a supernatural killer across a continent. She’s a nun from a secretive order, on the trail of the raiders who burned her convent and kidnapped her sisters.
When their paths cross at the point of a sword, Istvhan and Clara will be pitched headlong into each other’s quests, facing off against enemies both living and dead. But Clara has a secret that could jeopardize the growing trust between them, a secret that will lead them to the gladiatorial pits of a corrupt city, and beyond…
Раздел: Романы. Фэнтези

Solnechnaja2201 19 мая 2022 г., 15:24

Под шепчущей дверью
Ти Джей Клун
Год издания:2023
Издательство:Like Book
Серия:Young Adult. Friendly

Добро пожаловать на «Переправу Харона». Горячий чай, свежие булочки и щепотка мёртвых душ. Когда Жнец пришёл забрать Уоллеса с его собственных похорон, тот начал подозревать, что мёртв. А когда Хьюго, владелец необычной чайной лавки, пообещал помочь ему переправиться из одного мира в другой, Уоллес наконец-то понял, что его определённо нет в живых. Но даже после смерти ему не хотелось отказываться от своей земной, пусть и не очень интересной, жизни. Ему дают ровно неделю на переход. И Уоллес намерен провести эти семь дней так, как всегда мечтал.
Раздел: Романы. Фэнтези

Solnechnaja2201 19 мая 2022 г., 15:25

Build Your House Around My Body
Вайолет Куперсмит
Год издания:2021
Издательство:Random House

Two young women go missing decades apart. Both are fearless, both are lost. And both will have their revenge.
1986 The teenage daughter of a wealthy Vietnamese family loses her way in an abandoned rubber plantation while fleeing her angry father and is forever changed.
2011 A young, unhappy Vietnamese American woman disappears from her new home in Saigon without a trace.
The fates of these two women are inescapably linked, bound together by past generations, by ghosts and ancestors, by the history of possessed bodies and possessed lands. Alongside them, we meet a young boy who is sent to a boarding school for the métis children of French expatriates, just before Vietnam declares its independence from colonial rule; two Frenchmen who are trying to start a business with the Vietnam War on the horizon; and the employees of the Saigon Spirit Eradication Co., who find themselves investigating strange occurrences in a farmhouse on the edge of a forest. Each new character and timeline brings us one step closer to understanding what binds them all.
Раздел: Романы. Фэнтези

Solnechnaja2201 19 мая 2022 г., 15:25

Нефритовое наследие
Фонда Ли
Год издания:2022
Серия:Fanzon. Наш выбор

В старые времена только бойцы кланов Зеленой Кости обладали таинственным магическим нефритом. Но теперь о нем известно во всем мире. Каждый хочет получить доступ к сверхъестественным способностям, начиная от членов правительства, наемников и обычных преступников — и заканчивая врачами, спортсменами и киноактерами. Борьба за контроль над нефритом становится все более масштабной и смертоносной, и это значит, что образ жизни кланов Зеленой Кости больше никогда не будет прежним.
В стране идет борьба между опасными группировками и иностранными агентами. Семья Коулов измучена старыми обидами и междоусобицами, в то время как их противники захватывают власть. Клан Коулов должен выяснить, кто истинный враг его Семьи, а кто союзник. Но даже нерушимых уз крови и клятв верности может быть недостаточно для выживания кланов Зеленой Кости…
Раздел: Романы. Фэнтези

Solnechnaja2201 19 мая 2022 г., 15:26

Последний выпуск
Наоми Новик
Год издания:2023
Серия:Young Adult. Смертельное образование. Бестселлер Наоми Новик

Пережить выпускной в Шоломанче смогут не все. Лишь немногие покинут стены школы, остальных ждёт ужасная участь. Но сейчас у Галадриэль проблемы посерьёзнее: кажется, школа решила сделать всё, чтобы она и вовсе не дошла до выпускного зала. Иначе как объяснить то, что безумное количество злыдней ополчилось на неё – и только на неё! Что ж, Галадриэль готова принять вызов. Однако чего ей это будет стоить? Ведь согласно пророчеству, она та, кто может уничтожить не только школу, но и весь мир…
Раздел: Романы. Фэнтези

Solnechnaja2201 19 мая 2022 г., 15:26

Son of the Storm
Суйи Дэвис Окунгбова
Год издания:2021

In the ancient city of Bassa, Danso is a clever scholar on the cusp of achieving greatness--only he doesn't want it. Instead, he prefers to chase forbidden stories about what lies outside the city walls. The Bassai elite claim there is nothing of interest. The city's immigrants are sworn to secrecy.
But when Danso stumbles across a warrior wielding magic that shouldn't exist, he's put on a collision course with Bassa's darkest secrets. Drawn into the city's hidden history, he sets out on a journey beyond its borders. And the chaos left in the wake of his discovery threatens to destroy the empire.
Раздел: Романы. Фэнтези

Solnechnaja2201 19 мая 2022 г., 15:26

Helen Oyeyemi
Год издания:2021
Издательство:Hamish Hamilton

When Otto and Xavier Shin declare their love, an aunt gifts them a trip on a sleeper train to mark their new commitment--and to get them out of her house. Setting off with their pet mongoose, Otto and Xavier arrive at their sleepy local train station, but quickly deduce that The Lucky Day is no ordinary locomotive. Their trip on this former tea-smuggling train has been curated beyond their wildest imaginations, complete with mysterious and welcoming touches, like ingredients for their favourite breakfast. They seem to be the only people onboard, until Otto discovers a secretive woman who issues a surprising message. As further clues and questions pile up, and the trip upends everything they thought they knew, Otto and Xavier begin to see connections to their own pasts, connections that now bind them together.
Раздел: Романы. Фэнтези

Solnechnaja2201 19 мая 2022 г., 15:27

Книга формы и пустоты
Рут Озеки
Год издания:2023
Серия:Большие романы

Через год после смерти своего любимого отца-музыканта тринадцатилетний Бенни начинает слышать голоса. Это голоса вещей в его доме — игрушек и душевой лейки, одежды и китайских палочек для еды, жареных ребрышек и листьев увядшего салата. Хотя Бенни не понимает, о чем они говорят, он чувствует их эмоциональный тон. Некоторые звучат приятно, но другие могут выражать недовольство или даже боль.
Когда у его матери Аннабель появляется проблема накопления вещей, голоса становятся громче. Сначала Бенни пытается их игнорировать, но вскоре голоса начинают преследовать его за пределами дома, на улице и в школе, заставляя его, наконец, искать убежища в тишине большой публичной библиотеки, где не только люди, но и вещи стараются соблюдать тишину. Там Бенни открывает для себя странный новый мир. Он влюбляется в очаровательную уличную художницу, которая носит с собой хорька, встречает бездомного философа-поэта, который побуждает его задавать важные вопросы и находить свой собственный голос среди многих.
И в конце концов он находит говорящую Книгу, которая рассказывает о жизни и учит Бенни прислушиваться к тому, что действительно важно.
Раздел: Романы. Фэнтези

Solnechnaja2201 19 мая 2022 г., 15:29

Ч. Л. Полк
Год издания:2021
Серия:The Kingston Cycle #3

For years, Robin Thorpe has kept her head down, staying among her people in the Riverside neighborhood and hiding the magic that would have her imprisoned by the state. But when Grace Hensley comes knocking on Clan Thorpe’s door, Robin’s days of hiding are at an end. As freed witches flood the streets of Kingston, scrambling to reintegrate with a kingdom that destroyed their lives, Robin begins to plot a course that will ensure a freer, juster Aeland. At the same time, she has to face her long-bottled feelings for the childhood love that vanished into an asylum twenty years ago.
Can Robin find happiness among the rising tides of revolution? Can Kingston survive the blizzards that threaten, the desperate monarchy, and the birth throes of democracy? Find out as the Kingston Cycle comes to an end.
Раздел: Романы. Фэнтези

Solnechnaja2201 19 мая 2022 г., 15:31

Grave Reservations
Чери Прист
Год издания:2021
Издательство:Atria Books
Серия:Booking Agents #1

Meet Leda Foley: devoted friend, struggling travel agent, and inconsistent psychic. When Leda, sole proprietor of Foley's Flights of Fancy, impulsively re-books Seattle PD detective Grady Merritt’s flight, her life changes in ways she couldn’t have predicted.
After watching his original plane blow up from the safety of the airport, Grady realizes that Leda’s special abilities could help him with a cold case he just can’t crack.
Despite her scattershot premonitions, she agrees for a secret reason: her fiancé’s murder remains unsolved. Leda’s psychic abilities couldn’t help the case several years before, but she’s been honing her skills and drawing a crowd at her favorite bar’s open-mic nights, where she performs Klairvoyant Karaoke—singing whatever song comes to mind when she holds people’s personal effects. Now joined by a rag-tag group of bar patrons and pals alike, Leda and Grady set out to catch a killer—and learn how the two cases that haunt them have more in common than they ever suspected.
Раздел: Романы. Фэнтези

Solnechnaja2201 19 мая 2022 г., 15:33

The Shipbuilder of Bellfairie
Мери Рикерт
Год издания:2021
Издательство:Undertow Publications

A fantastical crime mystery with a soupçon of magic that brings to mind not only Shelley's creation but A Confederacy of Dunces in its exploration of flawed and tragic characters.
Раздел: Романы. Фэнтези

Solnechnaja2201 19 мая 2022 г., 15:35

All the Murmuring Bones
A.G. Slatter
Год издания:2021
Издательство:Titan Books

Long ago Miren O'Malley's family prospered due to a deal struck with the mer: safety for their ships in return for a child of each generation. But for many years the family have been unable to keep their side of the bargain and have fallen into decline. Miren's grandmother is determined to restore their glory, even at the price of Miren's freedom.
A spellbinding tale of dark family secrets, magic and witches, and creatures of myth and the sea; of strong women and the men who seek to control them.
Раздел: Романы. Фэнтези

Solnechnaja2201 19 мая 2022 г., 15:37

The Jasmine Throne
Tasha Suri
Год издания:2021

Imprisoned by her dictator brother, Malini spends her days in isolation in the Hirana: an ancient temple that was once the source of the powerful, magical deathless waters — but is now little more than a decaying ruin.
Priya is a maidservant, one among several who make the treacherous journey to the top of the Hirana every night to clean Malini’s chambers. She is happy to be an anonymous drudge, so long as it keeps anyone from guessing the dangerous secret she hides.
But when Malini accidentally bears witness to Priya’s true nature, their destinies become irrevocably tangled. One is a vengeful princess seeking to depose her brother from his throne. The other is a priestess seeking to find her family. Together, they will change the fate of an empire
Раздел: Романы. Фэнтези

Solnechnaja2201 19 мая 2022 г., 15:37

The Memory Theater
Карин Тидбек
Год издания:2021

In a world just parallel to ours exists a mystical realm known only as the Gardens. It is a place where feasts never end, games of croquet have devastating consequences, and teenagers are punished for growing up. For a select group of Masters, it's a decadent paradise where time stands still. For those who serve them, however, it's a slow torture where their lives can be ended in a blink.
In a bid to escape before their youth betrays them, Dora and Thistle--best friends and confidants--set out on a remarkable journey through time and space. Traveling between their world and ours, they hunt the one person who can grant them freedom. Along the way they encounter a mysterious traveler who trades in favors and never forgets debts, a crossroads at the center of the universe, our own world on the brink of war, and a traveling troupe of actors with the ability to unlock the fabric of reality.
Раздел: Романы. Фэнтези

Solnechnaja2201 19 мая 2022 г., 15:37

The Escapement
Леви Тидхар
Год издания:2021
Издательство:Tachyon Publications

Into the reality called the Escapement rides the Stranger, a lone gunman on a quest to rescue his son from a parallel world. But it is too easy to get lost on a shifting landscape full of dangerous versions of his son’s most beloved things: cowboys gone lawless, giants made of stone, downtrodden clowns, ancient battles, symbol storms, and shadowy forces at play.
But the flower the Stranger seeks still lies beyond the Mountains of Darkness. Time is running out, as he journeys deeper and deeper into the secret heart of an unforeseen world.
Раздел: Романы. Фэнтези

Solnechnaja2201 19 мая 2022 г., 15:39

The Hood
Леви Тидхар
Год издания:2021
Издательство:Head of Zeus -- an AdAstra Book

God bless you, England, on this glorious Year of Our Lord, 1145.
Things are definitely not right in Nottingham. Rebecca, daughter of a Jewish money-lender, has a sense for it.
A mad monk schemes to resurrect the Christ from body parts. A bone harpist murders creatures of legend for a price. A fae creature binds its wings and embraces a new God and his son.
And don't even mention the Hood. The Man in Green. The Prince of Thieves. The tick-tock taker of the ten-toll tax.
What hope have the series of sheriffs sent to hold the peace?
It's the forest, you see. Sherwood. Ice Age ancient, impenetrable, hiding a dark and secret heart. But hearts, no matter how black, no matter how hidden, are not immune to change. The old world is dying... and a terrifying new one is waiting to take its place.
Rebecca senses an opportunity. But how far is she willing to go, and what price - because there is always a price - will she have to pay?
Раздел: Романы. Фэнтези

Solnechnaja2201 19 мая 2022 г., 15:41

No Gods, No Monsters
Cadwell Turnbull
Год издания:2021
Издательство:Blackstone Publishing

Раздел: Романы. Фэнтези

Solnechnaja2201 19 мая 2022 г., 15:41

The Angels of L19
Jonathan Walker
Год издания:2021

Theres more than one way to be born again. Liverpool, 1984. The teenagers at Garston Chapel are the same as the rest of us: The Smiths, U2, crushes, football, mates. The grimy, low-down politics of the Thatcher era casting deep shadows in this proud and broken city, but the kids have got other things on their minds Jesus Christ Our Lord for one. Almost normal kids, then. But Robert isnt at all normal. Because Robert is visited by angels - if thats what they are. He cant tell a soul about his secret. All anyone can see is his strange behaviour as he desperately seeks to understand what they mean, what they want from him. As Roberts two worlds merge, the real and the visionary intersect with increasing intensity and what is being asked of him becomes terrifyingly clear. The Angels of L19 is a moving and entirely original story of young lives at the confluence of faith and doubt, angels and demons, life and death. And where redemption is possible, even for those we think might be lost forever.
Раздел: Романы. Фэнтези

Solnechnaja2201 19 мая 2022 г., 15:43

Тайный дворец: Роман о Големе и Джинне
Хелен Уэкер
Год издания:2023
Серия:Большой роман

Впервые на русском — продолжение «лучшего дебюта в жанре магического реализма со времен „Джонатана Стренджа и мистера Норрелла“ Сюзанны Кларк» (BookPage). Хава — голем, созданный из глины в Старом свете; она уже не так боится нью-йоркских толп, но по-прежнему ощущает человеческие желания и стремится помогать людям. Джинн Ахмад — существо огненной природы; на тысячу лет заточенный в медной лампе, теперь он заточен в человеческом облике в районе Нью-Йорка, известном как Маленькая Сирия. Хава и Ахмад пытаются разобраться в своих отношениях — а также меняют жизни людей, с которыми их сталкивает судьба. Так, наследница многомиллионного состояния София Уинстон, после недолгих встреч с Ахмадом страдающая таинственным заболеванием, отправляется в поисках лечения на Ближний Восток — и встречает там молодую джиннию, которая не боится железа и потому была изгнана из своего племени...
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Solnechnaja2201 19 мая 2022 г., 15:43

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