Список рекомендованных книг-2016 от журнала "Локус" — 102 книги

Company Town
Мэдлин Эшби
Год издания:2016
Издательство:Tor Books

New Arcadia is a city-sized oil rig off the coast of the Canadian Maritimes, now owned by one very wealthy, powerful, byzantine family: Lynch Ltd.

Hwa is of the few people in her community (which constitutes the whole rig) to forgo bio-engineered enhancements. As such, she's the last truly organic person left on the rig--making her doubly an outsider, as well as a neglected daughter and bodyguard extraordinaire. Still, her expertise in the arts of self-defense and her record as a fighter mean that her services are yet in high demand. When the youngest Lynch needs training and protection, the family turns to Hwa. But can even she protect against increasingly intense death threats seemingly coming from another timeline?

Meanwhile, a series of interconnected murders threatens the city's stability and heightens the unease of a rig turning over. All signs point to a nearly invisible serial killer, but all of the murders seem to lead right back to Hwa's front door. Company Town has never been the safest place to be--but now, the danger is personal.

A brilliant, twisted mystery, as one woman must evaluate saving the people of a town that can't be saved, or saving herself. (Amazon.com)

Раздел: Романы. Научная фантастика

Solnechnaja2201 6 февраля 2017 г., 14:44

The Medusa Chronicles
Стивен Бакстер, Аластер Рейнольдс
Год издания:2016
Издательство:Saga Press

A sequel to Sir Arthur C. Clarke’s Nebula Award–winning novella “A Meeting with Medusa,” this novel continues the thrilling adventure of astronaut Howard Falcon, humanity’s first explorer of Jupiter from two modern science fiction masters.

Howard Falcon almost lost his life in an accident as the first human astronaut to explore the atmosphere of Jupiter—and a combination of human ingenuity and technical expertise brought him back. But he is no longer himself. Instead, he has been changed into an augmented human: part man, part machine, and exceptionally capable.

With permission from the Clarke Estate, Stephen Baxter and Alastair Reynolds continue this beloved writer’s enduring vision and have created a fresh story for new readers. The Medusa Chronicles charts Falcon’s journey through the centuries granted by his new body, but always back to mysteries of Jupiter and the changing interaction between humanity and the universe. A compelling read full of incredible action right from the beginning, this is a modern classic in the spirit of 2001 and The Martian.

Раздел: Романы. Научная фантастика

Solnechnaja2201 6 февраля 2017 г., 14:47

Take Back the Sky
Greg Bear
Год издания:2016
Серия:War Dogs #3

The conclusion to an epic interstellar trilogy of war from master of science fiction, Greg Bear.

Marooned beneath the icy, waxy crust of Saturn's moon, Titan, Skyrine Michael Venn and his comrades face double danger from Earth and from the Antagonists, both intent on wiping out their growing awareness of what the helpful alien Gurus are really doing in our solar system.

Haunted by their dead and by the ancient archives of our Bug ancestors, the former combatants must now team up with their enemies, forget their indoctrination and their training, and journey far beyond Pluto to the fabled Planet X, the Antagonists' home world, a Sun-Planet in the comet-generating Kuiper belt. It's here that Master Sergeant Venn will finally understand his destiny and the destiny of every intelligent being in the solar system-including the enigmatic Gurus.

Раздел: Романы. Научная фантастика

Solnechnaja2201 6 февраля 2017 г., 14:50

C. J. Cherryh
Год издания:2016
Серия:Foreigner #17

The seventeenth novel in Cherryh’s Foreigner space opera series, a groundbreaking tale of first contact and its consequences…

The human and atevi inhabitants of Alpha Station, orbiting the world of the atevi, have picked up a signal from an alien kyo ship telling them that the ship is inbound toward Alpha. Five thousand of the inhabitants of Alpha are human refugees from the now derelict Reunion Station. They have seen this scenario before, when a single kyo ship swooped into the Reunion system and, without a word, melted a major section of Reunion Station with a single pass. These refugees, who were rescued through the combined efforts of an allied group of humans and atevi and brought to safety at Alpha, are now desperate with fear.

Bren Cameron—brilliant human emissary of Tabini-aiji, the powerful atevi political leader on the mainland below, and also the appointee of the human president of the island nation of Mospheira—is the obvious choice of representative to be sent up to deal with both the panicked refugees and the incoming alien ship.

As a member of the spacefaring delegation who rescued the refugees, Bren has talked to kyo before—and even won their trust by saving one of their kind from a Reunioner prison. Because of his remarkable diplomatic and linguistic abilities, Bren managed to communicate with that grateful kyo individual on a limited basis, and he has evidence that that same kyo is on the ship heading to defenseless Alpha Station.

But no one can predict what an alien race might do, or what their motivations could be.

And Bren Cameron, the only human ever to be accepted into atevi society, is now the one individual with a hope of successfully interacting with the crew of the incoming ship. But Bren knows it will take putting himself in the hands of the kyo.

Can Bren count on the gratitude of one individual alien to save his life and the lives of thousands on Alpha Station?

Раздел: Романы. Научная фантастика

Solnechnaja2201 6 февраля 2017 г., 14:53

Пепел Вавилона
Джеймс Кори
Год издания:2019
Издательство:Фантастика Книжный Клуб
Серия:Science Fiction

Назревавшая десятилетиями революция Пояса началась в огне. Окончится она кровью. Свободный флот - радикальная группа астеров - нанес непоправимый ущерб Земле и теперь ведет пиратскую войну среди внешних планет Солнечной системы. Направляющиеся в тысячи новых миров за вратами колонисты становятся легкой добычей, и не осталось кораблей, достаточно сильных, чтобы их защитить. Команда Джеймса Холдена лучше других знает преимущества и слабости Свободного флота. Уступающие ему в числе и мощи остатки старых политических сил взывают к «Росинанту», поручая ему отчаянную миссию: достичь станции Медина в сердце сети колец-врат. Однако и новый альянс уязвим, а борьба за власть только начинается.

Раздел: Романы. Научная фантастика

Solnechnaja2201 14 июня 2019 г., 23:14

Europe in Winter
Dave Hutchinson
Год издания:2016

Union has come. The Community is now the largest nation in Europe; trains run there from as far afield as London and Prague. It is an era of unprecedented peace and prosperity. So what is the reason for a huge terrorist outrage? Why do the Community and Europe meet in secret, exchanging hostages? And who are Les Coureurs des Bois? Along with a motley crew of strays and mafiosi and sleeper agents, Rudi sets out to answer these questions - only to discover that the truth lies both closer to home and farther away than anyone could possibly imagine.

Раздел: Романы. Научная фантастика

Solnechnaja2201 6 февраля 2017 г., 14:59

False Hearts
Лора Лэм
Год издания:2016
Издательство:Tor Books

Two formerly conjoined sisters are ensnared in a murderous plot involving psychoactive drugs, shared dreaming, organized crime, and a sinister cult.

Raised in the closed cult of Mana's Hearth and denied access to modern technology, conjoined sisters Taema and Tila dream of a life beyond the walls of the compound. When the heart they share begins to fail, the twins escape to San Francisco, where they are surgically separated and given new artificial hearts. From then on they pursue lives beyond anything they could have previously imagined.

Ten years later, Tila returns one night to the twins' home in the city, terrified and covered in blood, just before the police arrive and arrest her for murder--the first homicide by a civilian in decades. Tila is suspected of involvement with the Ratel, a powerful crime syndicate that deals in the flow of Verve, a drug that allows violent minds to enact their darkest desires in a terrifying dreamscape. Taema is given a proposition: go undercover as her sister and perhaps save her twin's life. But during her investigation Taema discovers disturbing links between the twins' past and their present. Once unable to keep anything from each other, the sisters now discover the true cost of secrets.

Раздел: Романы. Научная фантастика

Solnechnaja2201 6 февраля 2017 г., 15:01

Вечная жизнь Смерти
Лю Цысинь
Год издания:2018
Серия:Sci-Fi Universe. Лучшая новая НФ

Прошло 50 лет после Битвы Судного Дня. Закончилась Эра Устрашения. Но над цивилизацией нависла ещё более грозная опасность - земные сигналы могут привести других агрессивных высокоразвитых разумных обитателей Тёмного Леса. Весь космос населён врагами, стремящихся уничтожить конкурентов. Людям предстоит объединиться и подготовиться к возможному апокалипсису. Этот путь будет полон удивительных свершений, побед и трагедий, потрясающих открытий и прозрений.

Достигнет ли человечество звёзд или погибнет в своей колыбели?

Раздел: Романы. Научная фантастика

Solnechnaja2201 6 августа 2018 г., 23:30

Ken MacLeod
ISBN:0-316-36365-0, 978-0-316-36365-5
Год издания:2016

Sentient machines work, fight and die in interstellar exploration and conflict for the benefit of their owners - the competing mining corporations of Earth. But sent over hundreds of light-years, commands are late to arrive and often hard to enforce. The machines must make their own decisions, and make them stick.

With this new found autonomy come new questions about their masters. The robots want answers. The companies would rather see them dead.

The Corporation Wars: Dissidence is an all-action, colorful space opera giving a robot's-eye view of a robot revolt.

Раздел: Романы. Научная фантастика

Solnechnaja2201 6 февраля 2017 г., 15:05

Into Everywhere
Paul McAuley
Год издания:2016

Humanity's future has been disrupted and shaped by the mysterious alien Jackaroo. We spread to the planets they gave us, and we discovered the ruins of a dozen previous civilistions. All previous clients of the Jackaroo, all dead. So far we have escaped that fate - but we have also escaped from the Jackaroo's planets and begun to explore the galaxy. The discovery of ancient spaceships, and the unlocking of their mysteries, has led to a new way of life. But humanity's failings and conflicts are always with us.

A woman living a quiet secluded life, with only her dog and her demons for company. The dissolute heir to a powerful merchant family. The laminated brain of the woman who led us into the universe. A policeman, seemingly working for the Jackaroo. All of these people are on the edges of a vast plan, one which will span decades and light years. A piece of alien code has awakened, and the end of our species may be happening around us.

And we may finally discover if the aliens really are here to help us.

Раздел: Романы. Научная фантастика

Solnechnaja2201 6 февраля 2017 г., 15:10

Уилл Макинтош
Год издания:2018
Серия:Большая фантастика

Фоллер открывает глаза. Наступает День Первый. Ужасающая картина из обломка земли, повисшего в небе, разрушенных зданий и выщербленного асфальта. Кругом голод и паника. Что произошло? Почему люди не помнят друг друга?

В кармане Фоллера — подсказки. Фотография незнакомой девушки. Рисунок, написанный кровью. Фигурка игрушечного парашютиста. Фоллер понимает: его мир не единственный. И решается на прыжок с края мира.

Раздел: Романы. Научная фантастика

Solnechnaja2201 6 августа 2018 г., 23:31

After Atlas
Emma Newman
Год издания:2016
Серия:Planetfall Novel, A #2

Gov-corp detective Carlos Moreno was only a baby when Atlas left Earth to seek truth among the stars. But in that moment, the course of Carlos’s entire life changed. Atlas is what took his mother away; what made his father lose hope; what led Alejandro Casales, leader of the religious cult known as the Circle, to his door. And now, on the eve of the fortieth anniversary of Atlas’s departure, it’s got something to do why Casales was found dead in his hotel room—and why Carlos is the man in charge of the investigation.

To figure out who killed one of the most powerful men on Earth, Carlos is supposed to put aside his personal history. But the deeper he delves into the case, the more he realizes that escaping the past is not so easy. There’s more to Casales’s death than meets the eye, and something much more sinister to the legacy of Atlas than anyone realizes...

Раздел: Романы. Научная фантастика

Solnechnaja2201 6 февраля 2017 г., 15:23

The Core of the Sun
Johanna Sinisalo
Год издания:2016
Издательство:Grove Atlantic, Black Cat Cideb

The Eusistocratic Republic of Finland has bred a new human sub-species of receptive, submissive women, called eloi, for sex and procreation, while intelligent, independent women are relegated to menial labor and sterilized so that they do not carry on their "defective" line. Vanna, raised as an eloi but secretly intelligent, needs money to help her doll-like sister, who has disappeared. Vanna forms a friendship with a man named Jare, and they become involved in buying and selling a stimulant known to the Health Authority to be extremely dangerous: chili peppers. Then Jare comes across a strange religious cult in possession of the Core of the Sun, a chili so hot that it is rumored to cause hallucinations. Does this chili have effects that justify its prohibition? How did Finland turn into the North Korea of Europe? And will Vanna succeed in her quest to find her sister, or will her growing need to satisfy her chili addiction destroy her?

Раздел: Романы. Научная фантастика

Solnechnaja2201 6 февраля 2017 г., 15:25

Occupy Me
Tricia Sullivan
Год издания:2016

A woman with wings that exist in another dimension. A man trapped in his own body by a killer. A briefcase that is a door to hell. A conspiracy that reaches beyond our world. Breathtaking SF from a Clarke Award-winning author. Tricia Sullivan has written an extraordinary, genre defining novel that begins with the mystery of a woman who barely knows herself and ends with a discovery that transcends space and time. On the way we follow our heroine as she attempts to track down a killer in the body of another man, and the man who has been taken over, his will trapped inside the mind of the being that has taken him over. And at the centre of it all a briefcase that contains countless possible realities. Tricia Sullivan returns to the genre with a book that will define the conversation within the genre and will show what it is capable of for years to come. This is the best book yet from a writer of exceedingly rare talent who is much loved in the genre world.

Раздел: Романы. Научная фантастика

Solnechnaja2201 6 февраля 2017 г., 15:34

Таде Томпсон
Год издания:2019
Серия:Звёзды научной фантастики

2066 год, Нигерия. Роузуотер – город, построенный вокруг Звезды Полынь. Такое прозвище получил огромный инопланетный объект, доступ к которому преграждает биокупол, непроницаемый для человеческих технологий. Его прибытие изменило Землю: в воздухе теперь парят ксеноспоры, человечество начинает меняться, а США стали закрытой зоной, уйдя в полную изоляцию. В Роузуотере собираются ученые, военные и представители почти всех стран мира, а также отчаявшиеся и смертельно больные люди. Кто-то из них хочет заглянуть за непреодолимую стену. Кто-то жаждет исцеления, ведь Полынь способна вылечить любую болезнь на свете и даже оживить мертвых. Все ждут, что иная жизнь, наконец, ответит на многочисленные вопросы людей. Но она молчит.

Кааро – правительственный агент с криминальным прошлым. Он – последний человек, который был внутри биокупола, и возвращаться туда не желает. Но когда что-то начинает убивать таких же агентов, как он, Кааро придется лицом к лицу столкнуться с собственной мрачной историей и понять, что контакт с внеземным разумом может произойти вне зависимости от того, хотим мы того или нет.

Раздел: Романы. Научная фантастика

Solnechnaja2201 6 февраля 2017 г., 15:37

Центральная станция
Леви Тидхар
Год издания:2018
Серия:fanzon.neo фантастика

250 000 мигрантов остались жить у подножия гигантского космического вокзала. Культуры сплавились вместе, как реальность и виртуальность. Город вокруг продолжает расти, словно сорняк.

Жизнь дешева, а инфа ничего не стоит.

Борис Чонг возвращается домой с Марса. Многое изменилось. У него появился ауг — марсианский симбионт, меняющий восприятие. Бывшая любовница воспитывает странного ребенка, способного "касаться" сознанием потоков данных. Двоюродная сестра влюблена в роботника — поврежденного киборга, ветерана войн, о которых уже никто не помнит. Отец неизлечимо болен раком памяти. А следом за Борисом тайно прилетает инфо-вампир.

Над ними всеми возвышается Центральная станция, межпланетный узел между Землей и космическими колониями, куда человечество во всем своем многообразии ушло, чтобы избежать войн и бедствий. Все связано с Иными, могущественными сущностями, которые через Разговор, глобальную сеть потока сознания, вызывают безвозвратные изменения.

Люди и машины Центральной станции продолжают приспосабливаться, процветать и эволюционировать...

Раздел: Романы. Научная фантастика

Solnechnaja2201 17 ноября 2018 г., 15:53

Genevieve Valentine
Год издания:2016
Издательство:Saga Press
Серия:The Persona Sequence

Suyana Sapaki survived an assassination attempt and has risen far higher than her opponents ever expected. Now she has to keep her friends close and her enemies closer as she walks a deadly tightrope—and one misstep could mean death, or worse—in this smart, fast-paced sequel to the critically acclaimed Persona.

A year ago, International Assembly delegate Suyana Sapaki barely survived an attempt on her life. Now she’s climbing the social ranks, dating the American Face, and poised for greatness. She has everything she wants, but the secret that drives her can’t stay hidden forever. When she quickly saves herself from a life-threatening political scandal, she gains a new enemy: the public eye.

Daniel Park was hoping for the story of a lifetime. And he got her. He’s been following Suyana for a year. But what do you do when this person you thought you knew has vanished inside the shell, and dangers are building all around you? How much will Daniel risk when his job is to break the story? And how far will he go for a cause that isn’t his?

Раздел: Романы. Научная фантастика

Solnechnaja2201 6 февраля 2017 г., 15:52

Подземная железная дорога
Колсон Уайтхед
Год издания:2019
Издательство:АСТ, Corpus

Это история о борьбе с рабством в Америке XIX века, и историческая правда переплетена в ней не только с художественным вымыслом, но и с фантастическими допущениями. Подземной железной дорогой называли организацию, помогавшую неграм добираться с рабовладельческого Юга на Север, но в книге Уайтхеда это настоящая железная дорога, со станциями, поездами, машинистами. Именно по ней уезжает юная Кора, сбежавшая с хлопковой плантации в Джорджии, по ней путешествует, преодолевая суровые испытания, по стране, там же находит путь к спасению.

Раздел: Романы. Научная фантастика

Solnechnaja2201 14 июня 2019 г., 23:16

Alien Morning
Rick Wilber
Год издания:2016
Издательство:Tor Books

Peter Holman is a freelance sweeper. The year 2030 sees a new era in social media with sweepcasting, a multisensory interface that can convey every thought, touch, smell, sight, and sound, immersing the audience in another person's experience.

By fate, chance, or some darker design, Peter is perfectly positioned to be the one human to document the arrival of the aliens, the S'hudonni.

The S'hudonni offer advanced science in exchange for various trade goods from Earth. But nothing is as simple as it seems. Peter finds himself falling for, Heather Newsome a scientist chosen by the S'hudonni to act as their liaison. Engaged to his brilliant marine biologist brother, Tom, Heather is not what she seems. But Peter has bigger problems. While he and his brother fight over long-standing family troubles, another issue looms: a secret war among the aliens, who are neither as benevolent nor as unified as they first seemed.

Peter slowly learns secrets he was never meant to know, about the S'hudonni, and about his own family. Realizing that he has been used, he can only try to turn his situation around, to save what he can of his life and of the future of Earth.

Раздел: Романы. Научная фантастика

Solnechnaja2201 6 февраля 2017 г., 19:40

Walter Jon Williams
ISBN:0-765-38781-6, 978-0-7653-8781-3
Год издания:2016

Having offended her superiors by winning a battle without permission, Caroline Sula has been posted to the planet Earth, a dismal backwater where careers go to die. But Sula has always been fascinated by Earth history, and she plans to reward herself with a long, happy vacation amid the ancient monuments of humanity's home world.

Sula may be an Earth history buff, but there are aspects of her own history she doesn't want known. Exposure is threatened when an old acquaintance turns up unexpectedly. Someone seems to be forging evidence that would send her to prison. And all that is before someone tries to kill her.

If she's going to survive, Sula has no choice but to make some history of her own.

Раздел: Романы. Научная фантастика

Solnechnaja2201 6 февраля 2017 г., 19:42

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