Список рекомендованных книг-2021 от журнала "Локус" — 135 книг

The 22 Murders of Madison May
Max Barry
Год издания:2021
Издательство:G.P. Putnam's Sons

Young real estate agent Madison May is shocked when a client at an open house says these words to her. The man, a stranger, seems to know far too much about her, and professes his love--shortly before he murders her.
Felicity Staples hates reporting on murders. As a journalist for a midsize New York City paper, she knows she must take on the assignment to research Madison May's shocking murder, but the crime seems random and the suspect is in the wind. That is, until Felicity spots the killer on the subway, right before he vanishes.
Soon, Felicity senses her entire universe has shifted. No one remembers Madison May, or Felicity's encounter with the mysterious man. And her cat is missing. Felicity realizes that in her pursuit of Madison's killer, she followed him into a different dimension--one where everything about her existence is slightly altered. At first, she is determined to return to the reality she knows, but when Madison May--in this world, a struggling actress--is murdered again, Felicity decides she must find the killer--and learns that she is not the only one hunting him.
Traveling through different realities, Felicity uncovers the opportunity--and danger--of living more than one life.
Раздел: Романы. Научная фантастика

Solnechnaja2201 19 мая 2022 г., 13:39

Мэтт Белл
Год издания:2021
Издательство:Custom House

In eighteenth-century Ohio, two brothers travel into the wooded frontier, planting apple orchards from which they plan to profit in the years to come. As they remake the wilderness in their own image, planning for a future of settlement and civilization, the long-held bonds and secrets between the two will be tested, fractured and broken—and possibly healed.
Fifty years from now, in the second half of the twenty-first century, climate change has ravaged the Earth. Having invested early in genetic engineering and food science, one company now owns all the world’s resources. But a growing resistance is working to redistribute both land and power—and in a pivotal moment for the future of humanity, one of the company’s original founders will return to headquarters, intending to destroy what he helped build.
A thousand years in the future, North America is covered by a massive sheet of ice. One lonely sentient being inhabits a tech station on top of the glacier—and in a daring and seemingly impossible quest, sets out to follow a homing beacon across the continent in the hopes of discovering the last remnant of civilization.
Раздел: Романы. Научная фантастика

Solnechnaja2201 19 мая 2022 г., 13:39

The Horizon
Gautam Bhatia
Год издания:2021

Раздел: Романы. Научная фантастика

Solnechnaja2201 19 мая 2022 г., 13:42

The Actual Star
Моника Бирн
Год издания:2021
Издательство:Harper Voyager

Braided together are the stories of a pair of teenage twins who ascend the throne of a Maya kingdom; a young American woman on a trip of self-discovery in Belize; and two dangerous charismatics vying for the leadership of a new religion, racing toward a confrontation that will determine the fate of the few humans left on Earth after massive climate change.
In each era, a reincarnated trinity of souls navigates the entanglements of tradition and progress, sister and stranger, and love and hate—until all of their age-old questions about the nature of existence converge deep underground, where only in complete darkness can they truly see.
Раздел: Романы. Научная фантастика

Solnechnaja2201 19 мая 2022 г., 13:44

The Galaxy, and the Ground Within
Becky Chambers
Год издания:2021

When a freak technological failure halts traffic to and from the planet Gora, three strangers are thrown together unexpectedly, with seemingly nothing to do but wait.
Раздел: Романы. Научная фантастика

Solnechnaja2201 19 мая 2022 г., 13:45

Падение Левиафана
Джеймс Кори
Год издания:2022
Серия:Science Fiction

Падение Лаконской империи освободило из-под власти Уинстона Дуарте более 1300 солнечных систем. Но древний враг, погубивший строителей врат, не дремлет и вновь начинает войну против нашей вселенной. В безжизненной системе Адро научная группа Элви Окойе отчаянно пытается понять природу строителей врат и причину их гибели. Для этого Элви готова рискнуть собой и не вполне человеческими детьми, на которых падает вся тяжесть научного поиска. Полковник Алиана Танака ведет охоту за беглой дочерью Дуарте по всему пространству освоенных человечеством систем, разыскивая самого исчезнувшего императора. А Джеймс Холден с командой "Росинанта" пытается сложить будущее человечества из руин и обломков прошлого. В то время как невообразимые силы добиваются уничтожения всего человечества, перед Холденом с его странными союзниками открывается последний отчаянный шанс объединить человечество в великую галактическую цивилизацию, избавленную от войн, розни, лжи и секретов. Но не обойдется ли победа дороже поражения?
Раздел: Романы. Научная фантастика

Solnechnaja2201 19 мая 2022 г., 13:45

Птичий город за облаками
Энтони Дорр
Год издания:2022
Издательство:Азбука-Аттикус, Иностранка
Серия:Большой роман

Роман выстроен подобно матрешке (или «Облачному атласу» Дэвида Митчелла): здесь хитроумно перекрещиваются жизни и судьбы Анны и Омира, пребывающих по разные стороны стены в осажденном турками Константинополе 1453 года, а также пожилого энтузиаста древнегреческой литературы Зено и юного экотеррориста Сеймура в современном Айдахо, а также Констанции, которая летит к далекой экзопланете на корабле «Арго» под управлением всезнающей Сивиллы.
Раздел: Романы. Научная фантастика

Solnechnaja2201 19 мая 2022 г., 13:45

The Book of All Skies
Грег Иган
Год издания:2021
Издательство:Greg Egan

Del lives in a world of many skies: by passing through the Hoops embedded in the ground, her people can walk freely between land that lies beneath a new set of constellations for every circuit they make around the edge of a Hoop.
When archaeologists find a copy of the famed Book of All Skies, Del takes delivery of the manuscript in her role as conservator at the Museum of Apasa, hoping it will shed light on the fate of the Tolleans, the ancient civilisation that produced it. But when the book is stolen, the theft sets in motion a series of events that will see her travelling farther than she had ever imagined possible, and her understanding of her world and its history irrevocably transformed.
Раздел: Романы. Научная фантастика

Solnechnaja2201 19 мая 2022 г., 13:47

The Echo Wife
Sarah Gailey
Год издания:2021
Издательство:Tor Books

Martine is a genetically cloned replica made from Evelyn Caldwell’s award-winning research. She’s patient and gentle and obedient. She’s everything Evelyn swore she’d never be. And she’s having an affair with Evelyn’s husband.
Now, the cheating bastard is dead, and the Caldwell wives have a mess to clean up. Good thing Evelyn Caldwell is used to getting her hands dirty.
Раздел: Романы. Научная фантастика

Solnechnaja2201 19 мая 2022 г., 13:48

Клара и Солнце
Кадзуо Исигуро
Год издания:2021
Издательство:Эксмо, Inspiria
Серия:Loft. Нобелевская премия: коллекция

Клара совсем новая.
С заразительным любопытством из-за широкого окна витрины она впитывает в себя окружающий мир — случайных прохожих, проезжающие машины и, конечно, живительное Солнце. Клара хочет узнать и запомнить как можно больше — так она сможет стать лучшей Искусственной Подругой своему будущему подростку.
От того, кто выберет Клару, будет зависеть её судьба.
Раздел: Романы. Научная фантастика

Solnechnaja2201 19 мая 2022 г., 13:48

Николь Корнхер-Стейс
Год издания:2021
Издательство:Gallery / Saga Press
Серия:Firebreak #1

Like everyone else she knows, Mallory is an orphan of the corporate war. As a child, she lost her parents, her home, and her entire building in an airstrike. As an adult, she lives in a cramped hotel room with eight other people, all of them working multiple jobs to try to afford water and make ends meet. And the job she’s best at is streaming a popular VR war game. The best part of the game isn’t killing enemy combatants, though—it’s catching in-game glimpses of SpecOps operatives, celebrity supersoldiers grown and owned by Stellaxis, the corporation that runs the America she lives in.
Until a chance encounter with a SpecOps operative in the game leads Mal to a horrifying discovery: the real-life operatives weren’t created by Stellaxis. They were kids, just like her, who lost everything in the war, and were stolen and augmented and tortured into becoming supersoldiers. The world worships them, but the world believes a lie.
The company controls every part of their lives, and defying them puts everything at risk—her water ration, her livelihood, her connectivity, her friends, her life—but she can’t just sit on the knowledge. She has to do something—even if doing something will bring the wrath of the most powerful company in the world down upon her.
Раздел: Романы. Научная фантастика

Solnechnaja2201 19 мая 2022 г., 13:48

The House of Styx
Дерек Кюнскен
Год издания:2022
Серия:Venus Ascendant

Life can exist anywhere. And anywhere there is life, there is home.
In the swirling clouds of Venus, George-Étienne and his children are one of a few families of la colonie living on floating plant-like trawlers, salvaging what they can in the fierce acid rain and crackling storms. Outside is deadly for the unprepared or unwary, but the planet’s atmosphere is far from the only threat a family can face.
For the surface of Venus carries its own secrets, too. In the depths, there is a wind that shouldn’t exist. For George-Étienne and the House of Styx, harnessing it may be worth risking all.
Раздел: Романы. Научная фантастика

Solnechnaja2201 19 мая 2022 г., 13:50

Beyond the Hallowed Sky
Кен Маклауд
Год издания:2021
Серия:Lightspeed Trilogy #1

Science fiction legend Ken MacLeod begins a new space opera trilogy by imagining humankind on the precipice of discovery - the invention of faster-than-light travel unlocks a universe of new possibilities, and new dangers.
When a brilliant scientist gets a letter from herself about faster-than-light travel, she doesn't know what to believe. The equations work, but her paper is discredited - and soon the criticism is more than scientific. Exiled by the establishment, she gets an offer to build her starship from an unlikely source. But in the heights of Venus and on a planet of another star, a secret is already being uncovered that will shake humanity to its foundations.
Раздел: Романы. Научная фантастика

Solnechnaja2201 19 мая 2022 г., 13:53

The Second Shooter
Ник Маматас
Год издания:2021

In the first reports of every mass shooting, there’s always mention of a second shooter—two sets of gunshots, a figure seen fleeing the scene—and they always seem to evaporate as events are pieced together.
Commissioned by a fringe publisher to investigate the phenomenon, journalist Mike Karras finds himself tailed by drones, attacked by a talk radio host, badgered by his all-knowing (and maybe all-powerful) editor, and teaming up with an immigrant family of conspiracy buffs.
Together, they uncover something larger and stranger than anyone could imagine—a technomystical plot to ‘murder America.’
Time for Karras to meet his deadline.
Раздел: Романы. Научная фантастика

Solnechnaja2201 19 мая 2022 г., 13:55

Пустошь, что зовется миром
Аркади Мартин
Год издания:2023
Серия:Sci-Fi Universe. Лучшая новая НФ

Инопланетная армада вторгается в космическое пространство империи Тейкскалаан. Чужие не выходят на связь и их не получается уничтожить. В отчаянной попытке наладить отношения с таинственными агрессорами, командующий имперским флотом вызывает дипломатов. Теперь Махит Дзмаре и Три Саргасс, все еще не оправившиеся от недавних потрясений в империи, сталкиваются с невыполнимой задачей ― попытаться общаться с враждебным существом. Их провал гарантирует миллионы смертей в бесконечной войне. Продолжение романа-лауреата премии Хьюго "Память, что зовется империя".
Раздел: Романы. Научная фантастика

Solnechnaja2201 19 мая 2022 г., 13:56

Ннеди Окорафор
Год издания:2021

From Africanfuturist luminary Okorafor comes a new science fiction novel of intense action and thoughtful rumination on biotechnology, destiny, and humanity in a near-future Nigeria.
Anwuli Okwudili prefers to be called AO. To her, these initials have always stood for Artificial Organism. AO has never really felt...natural, and that's putting it lightly. Her parents spent most of the days before she was born praying for her peaceful passing because even in-utero she was "wrong". But she lived. Then came the car accident years later that disabled her even further. Yet instead of viewing her strange body the way the world views it, as freakish, unnatural, even the work of the devil, AO embraces all that she is: A woman with a ton of major and necessary body augmentations. And then one day she goes to her local market and everything goes wrong.
Once on the run, she meets a Fulani herdsman named DNA and the race against time across the deserts of Northern Nigeria begins. In a world where all things are streamed, everyone is watching the "reckoning of the murderess and the terrorist" and the "saga of the wicked woman and mad man" unfold. This fast-paced, relentless journey of tribe, destiny, body, and the wonderland of technology revels in the fact that the future sometimes isn't so predictable. Expect the unaccepted.
Раздел: Романы. Научная фантастика

Solnechnaja2201 19 мая 2022 г., 13:57

Perhaps the Stars
Ada Palmer
Год издания:2021
Издательство:Tor Books

World Peace turns into global civil war.
In the future, the leaders of Hive nations―nations without fixed location―clandestinely committed nefarious deeds in order to maintain an outward semblance of utopian stability. But the facade could only last so long. The comforts of effortless global travel and worldwide abundance may have tempered humanity's darkest inclinations, but conflict remains deeply rooted in the human psyche. All it needed was a catalyst, in form of special little boy to ignite half a millennium of repressed chaos.
Now, war spreads throughout the globe, splintering old alliances and awakening sleeping enmities. All transportation systems are in ruins, causing the tyranny of distance to fracture a long-united Earth and threaten to obliterate everything the Hive system built.
With the arch-criminal Mycroft nowhere to be found, his successor, Ninth Anonymous, must not only chronicle the discord of war, but attempt to restore order in a world spiraling closer to irreparable ruin.
The fate of a broken society hangs in the balance. Is the key to salvation to remain Earth-bound or, perhaps, to start anew throughout the far reaches of the stars?
Раздел: Романы. Научная фантастика

Solnechnaja2201 19 мая 2022 г., 13:59

We Are Satellites
Sarah Pinsker
Год издания:2021
Издательство:Berkley Books

Val and Julie just want what's best for their kids, David and Sophie. So when teenage son David comes home one day asking for a Pilot, a new brain implant to help with school, they reluctantly agree. This is the future, after all.
Soon, Julie feels mounting pressure at work to get a Pilot to keep pace with her colleagues, leaving Val and Sophie part of the shrinking minority of people without the device.
Before long, the implications are clear, for the family and society: get a Pilot or get left behind. With government subsidies and no downside, why would anyone refuse? And how do you stop a technology once it's everywhere? Those are the questions Sophie and her anti-Pilot movement rise up to answer, even if it puts them up against the Pilot's powerful manufacturer and pits Sophie against the people she loves most.
Раздел: Романы. Научная фантастика

Solnechnaja2201 19 мая 2022 г., 13:59

Ричард Пауэрс
Год издания:2023
Серия:Великие романы

Астробиолог Тео Бирн ищет жизнь в далеком космосе и после смерти жены в одиночку воспитывает своего девятилетнего сына Робина, необычного умного мальчика, который сочиняет стихи и может часами в мельчайших подробностях рисовать животных и растения. А еще его хотят исключить из школы за то, что он избил собственного друга. С каждым месяцем состояние Робина ухудшается, и тогда отец прибегает к новейшему методу лечения – нейронной обратной связи. Робин начинает контролировать собственные эмоции, взаимодействуя с моделью, которая основана на предварительно записанном образе эмоций его покойной матери, ранее участвовавшей в эксперименте. А тем временем мир вокруг Бирнов и по всей Земле начинает разрушаться.
Раздел: Романы. Научная фантастика

Solnechnaja2201 19 мая 2022 г., 14:00

Doors of Sleep
Тим Пратт
Год издания:2021
Издательство:Angry Robot
Серия:The Journals of Zaxony Delatree #1

What would you do if you woke up and found yourself in a parallel universe under an alien sky? This is the question Zax Delatree must answer every time he closes his eyes.
Every time Zax Delatree falls asleep, he travels to a new reality. He has no control over his destination and never knows what he will see when he opens his eyes. Sometimes he wakes up in technological utopias, and other times in the bombed-out ruins of collapsed civilizations. All he has to live by are his wits and the small aides he has picked up along the way - technological advantages from techno-utopias, sedatives to escape dangerous worlds, and stimulants to extend his stay in pleasant ones.
Thankfully, Zax isn't always alone. He can take people with him, if they're unconscious in his arms when he falls asleep. But someone unwelcome is on his tail, and they are after something that Zax cannot spare - the blood running through his veins, the power to travel through worlds...
Раздел: Романы. Научная фантастика

Solnechnaja2201 19 мая 2022 г., 14:02

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