Победители — стр. 2

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Robert Westall 4.2
Twelve-year-old Harry struggles to make it on his own after his family is lost in a German air raid. But as he and his dog companion journey along the northern English coast, there is never enough distance between them and the terrible war.
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Anne Fine 0.0
Kitty Killin is not only a good storyteller, but also the World's Greatest Expert when it comes to mothers having new and unwanted boyfriends. Particularly when there's a danger they might turn into new and unwanted stepfathers...
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Джеральдин Маккорин 0.0
Ailsa doesn't trust MCC Berkshire, the mysterious man helping out in her mother's antique shop. He tells wonderful stories about all the antiques, and his stories persuade the customers to buy the items he talks about, but everything he says is a pack of lies. Isn't it?

The story of Ailsa and MCC is interwoven with the stories MCC tells the customers, which range from romances to adventure stories; from crime dramas to pirate stories; from stories set in modern-day Ireland to stories set in ancient China.
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Ruth Thomas 0.0
Winner of the prestigious Guardian Children's Fiction Award in 1988, this book is the compelling and unique story of two children, Julian and Nathan, from inner city London. Outsiders at school and unhappy at home, the two are strangely drawn together. They stumble across some money with which they try to buy friendship in their class, but with teachers and parents closing in the two are forced to run away. The story centres on the brilliant and unusual friendship that develops between these two children, thrown together by force of circumstance.
A hard-hitting, well-crafted story of great emotional range that has an important message about personal growth and friendship, this novel is suitable for strong readers between the ages of 10 and 12.
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Джеймс Олдридж 4.7
When young Spit MacPhee came to live with his grandfather, the people of the Australian country town of St Helen feared for his future. For Fyfe MacPhee was a crazy old man, and barefoot Spit had to fend for himself along the riverbank where they lived. While some people believed that Spit could look after himself, there were those who believed he would be better cared for in a boys home - and when old Fyfe died after one of his 'turns' a fierce battle to decide Spit's destiny began.
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Энн Пиллинг 0.0
One day Henry brings home an innocent looking leg from a fashion dummy to add to his junk collection. A local gang of thugs is very interested in the leg and seems to be prepared to stop at nothing to get it back.
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Тед Хьюз 0.0
"We will speak to the people," said God. "We will ask them a few simple questions. Then you shall hear. In their sleep they will say what they truly know."

It is 2am and God and his Son look down from a grassy hilltop on the spire and roofs of a village. Summoned in their sleep, the inhabitants one by one describe truly an animal they know well.

"This is a very beautiful book: pages of English moonlight, a modern Aesop in a village where God and his Son go to visit mankind and ask a few simple quetions ... the pomes are pure enchantment.
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Dick King-Smith 3.0
Knopf is proud to present a handsome 20th-anniversary edition of Dick King-Smith’s bestselling novel that became an Academy Award–nominated movie. When Babe arrives at Hogget Farm, Mrs. Hogget’s thoughts turn to sizzling bacon and juicy pork chops—until he reveals a surprising talent for sheepherding, that is. Before long, Babe is handling Farmer Hogget’s flock better than any sheepdog ever could. Babe is so good, in fact, that the farmer enters him into the Grand Challenge Sheepdog Trials. Will it take a miracle for Babe to win?

Complete with the original text and stunningly reillustrated by acclaimed artist Maggie Kneen, this anniversary edition of Babe is perfect to introduce a new generation of readers to the magical story of a pig like no other.
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Анита Дезэй 0.0
A story of survival set in a small fishing villlage near Bombay. Lila and Hari, aged 13 and 12, struggle to keep the family, including two young sisters, going when their mother is ill and their father usually the worse for drink. When Hari goes to Bombay to find work, Lila seems to be responsible for everything. Although the book paints a picture of extreme poverty, it demonstrates the strength of the family even in the most extreme circumstances and offers a powerful picture of another culture.
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Michelle Magorian 4.2
When the Second World War breaks out, young Willie Beech is evacuated to the countryside.
A sad, deprived child, he slowly begins to flourish under the care of kind old Tom Oakley. But then his cruel mother summons him back to war-torn London . . .
Will he ever see Mister Tom again?
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Энн Шли 0.0
Paul's act of vandalism triggers emotions within him that cause him to question his place in his orderly society of the future.
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Andrew Davies 0.0
He played war games for years--but now it's real! Conrad's daydreams are so powerful that one night he finds himself a prisoner in Nazi Germany where his "wild and intriguing fantasy" (School Library Journal, starred review) becomes terrifyingly real. An ALA Notable Children's Book.
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Диана Уинн Джонс 4.3
Английская писательница Диана Уинн Джонс считается последней великой сказочницей. Миры ее книг на столько ярки, что так и просятся на экран. По ее бестселлеру "Ходячий замок" знаменитый мультипликатор Хаяо Миядзаки, обладатель "Золотого льва" - высшей награды Венецианского кинофестиваля, снял одноименный анимационный фильм, завоевавший популярность во многих странах. Брат и сестра Мур и Гвендолен после гибели родителей поступают на воспитание к своему дальнему родственнику - великому волшебнику Крестоманси, надзирающему за применением магии во всей Вселенной. Поначалу Мур очень радуется за свою сестру, одаренную ведьму, которой прочат блистательное будущее в мире магии, но сам Крестоманси совсем иного мнения о талантах Гвендолен. Тихий, застенчивый Мур, привыкший боготворить старшую сестру, оказывается в самом центре событий - страшных и невероятных, печальных и смешных.
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Peter Dickinson 4.1
In an ancient kingdom controlled by the sinister power of the Priests, Tron is a temple-boy in training, devoted to performing vital rituals to O and Aa, the gods of the Sun and Moon. But when he overturns a solemn sacrifice of the Blue Hawk, Tron is in deadly danger and must run for his life.
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Nina Bawden 4.4
Johnnie was only the runt of the litter, a little peppermint pig. He'd cost Mother a shilling, but somehow his great naughtiness and cleverness kept Poll and Theo cheerful, even though it was one of the most difficult years of their lives.
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Winifred Cawley 0.0
English schoolgirl Jinnie is so anxious about the forthcoming scholarship examination that she falls ill. The doctor advises a few days' vacation. So Jinnie goes to stay with Gran, at Coalgate, a small closely knit mining town in the north of England.

Not that Dad approves. With a General Strike imminent, he considers Coalgate no place for a young girl. Dad disapproves of strikes, but then he disapproves of a lot of things happening in the late 1920s—short skirts, bobbed, hair, and the Charleston, to name just a few. Because of Dad, Jinne disapproves of such things too.

At Coalgate, Jinne comes face to face with Sin in all of its manifestations—a dance, Aunt Polly who is No Better Than She Should Be—face to face with life, in fact.

Coalgate, although a mining town, is far from dreary. Its people are real, dimensional. The town teems with life. And the reader is swept up in a rush of events generated by a fascinating and varied cast of characters.
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Барбара Уиллард 0.0
Orphaned in 1557 by the plague and disowned by her brother's widow who claims she is not true kin to the family, fifteen-year-old Lilias begins a life-long attempt to identify her true parentage.

When her mother dies suddenly, Lilias learns that she has no true place in the household in which she was brought up. She turns her back on all she has known, hiding herself as a servant in a manor house. She marries a rough ironworker, who sets his foundry in the Weald - the forest of the southeast. When he dies,Lilias takes over his work and becomes one of the richest women in the forest, It is a time when guns and gunstones can make fortunes, for England's is threatened by Spanish ships.
Long before she has achieved her deepest ambitions, finding her true family, Lilias has learned to survive in a tough world and forged her own identity. She will leave her daughter, Ursula - whose happiness could be destroyed by her mother's ruthlessness - heiress to far more than riches - the amazing secret of Mantlemass, which is already generations old.
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Ричард Адамс 4.4
«Обитатели холмов» — история искателей приключений по неволе, которым пришлось покинуть свой гибнущий город и отправиться в длинное, полное опасностей путешествие. И ни один из них не знает, где оно должно окончиться.

У героев романа Адамса есть своя мифология, язык, обычаи и жизненный уклад. Они рассказывают друг другу сказки и роют подземные убежища. Но они кролики, а не люди, превращенные фантазией автора в зверей.

Этот удивительный роман способен покорить сердца не только взрослых, но и детей. «Обитатели холмов» — одна из лучших книг, написанных в XX веке, — занимает достойное место в одном ряду с «Маленьким принцем» А. де Сент-Экзюпери, «Чайкой по имени Джонатан Ливингстон» Р. Баха, «Вином из одуванчиков» Р. Брэдбери и «Цветов для Элджернона» Д. Киза.

Роман публикуется в исправленном и дополненном варианте.
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Gillian Avery 0.0
Pressured by his father to leave school for a career he doesn't want, a nineteenth-century Manchester boy runs away and gains a new perspective on his future.
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Джон Кристофер 0.0
One of a series of fiction for schools. The moral of this story, set in the 21st century, is that freedom has to be won and kept by the young. It won the Guardian Prize for Children's Literature.
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K. M. Peyton 0.0
An absorbing novel about twelve-year-old orphaned Christina who is sent to live with her fierce uncle and his two sons in their decaying mansion, Flambards. Christina discovers a passion for horses and riding but finds herself part of a strange household, divided by emotional undercurrents and cruelty.
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Joan Aiken 0.0
Winner of the Guardian Prize for Fiction

In the small town of Pennygaff, where Owen has been sent to live after his mother’s death, a legendary golden harp has been found. Knowing of the prophesy of the Harp of Teirtu, Owen must prevent the magic harp from falling into the evil clutches of its reputed owner, the sinister and diabolical Lord Mayln. But it won’t be easy. Owen and his friend Arabis are plunged into a hair-raising adventure of intrigue, kidnapping, exotic underground worlds, savage beasts...even murder.

For only too late will Owen learn that Lord Mayln will stop at nothing to have the golden harp.
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Алан Гарнер 3.6
Средневековая валлийская легенда о Ллью Лло Джифсе, Блодведд и Гронве Пебире из четвёртой ветви «Мабиногиона» странным образом вновь напомнила о себе в наши дни… Загадочные и жуткие события начались, как только с чердака старого дома вдруг стали доноситься подозрительные звуки — стук, скрип, скрежет… Неужто в доме завелись крысы? Или, хуже того, привидения? Нет — то просыпаются старые кельтские мифы, заставляя героев холодеть от страха и совершать необъяснимые поступки…Сказочная повесть Алана Гарнера «Совы на тарелках» (1967) удостоена медали Carnegie и премии Guardian.
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Леон Гарфилд 0.0
A dramatic and eerie story of lost identity and family secrets, told in Leon Garfield's memorable and distinctive style.

George Treet is happy with his life as part of a family of travelling actors. But George's world turns upside down when he discovers that Mr Treet is not his real father, and that he must go and live with his real family.Where someone, somewhere out in the fog, is waiting for him...

Leon Garfield was one of the most celebrated children's authors of the twentieth century, and won the Guardian Award, The Whitbread Award, and the Carnegie medal. This is a fast-moving, exciting read and is accompanied by atmospheric black and white line drawings by acclaimed artist Jason Cockcroft
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