Game Studies — 151 книга — стр. 2

Game Design Workshop: A Playcentric Approach to Creating Innovative Games
Tracy Fullerton
Год издания:2008
Издательство:CRC Press

Master the craft of game design so you can create that elusive combination of challenge, competition, and interaction that players seek. This design workshop begins with an…

Level Up!: The Guide to Great Video Game Design
Скотт Роджерс
Год издания:2010

Design and build cutting-edge video games with help from video game expert Scott Rogers!

If you want to design and build cutting-edge video games but aren'€™t sure where to…

Creating Emotion in Games: The Craft and Art of Emotioneering
David Freeman
Год издания:2003
Издательство:New Riders

David Freeman brings you the inside scoop on how to apply the Emotioneering? techniques he's so well known for. These powerful techniques create a breadth and depth of emotion in…

Social Game Design: Monetization Methods and Mechanics
Tim Fields, Brandon Cotton
Год издания:2011
Издательство:CRC Press

Social Game Design reveals what you need to know in order to create and monetize online social games. Using examples from successful game designs, you'll learn what makes these…

Challenges for Game Designers
Brenda Brathwaite, Ian Schreiber
Год издания:2008
Издательство:Cengage Learning

Welcome to a book written to challenge you, improve your brainstorming abilities, and sharpen your game design skills! Challenges for Game Designers: Non-Digital Exercises for…

Virtual Economies: Design and Analysis
Vili Lehdonvirta, Edward Castronova
Год издания:2014
Издательство:The MIT Press

In the twenty-first-century digital world, virtual goods are sold for real money. Digital game players happily pay for avatars, power-ups, and other game items. But behind every…

I Am Error: The Nintendo Family Computer / Entertainment System Platform
Nathan Altice
Год издания:2015
Издательство:The MIT Press

In the 1987 Nintendo Entertainment System videogame Zelda II: The Adventure of Link, a character famously declared: I AM ERROR. Puzzled players assumed that this cryptic mesage…

Super Power, Spoony Bards, and Silverware: The Super Nintendo Entertainment System
Dominic Arsenault
Год издания:2017
Издательство:The MIT Press

This is a book about the Super Nintendo Entertainment System that is not celebratory or self-congratulatory. Most other accounts declare the Super NES the undisputed victor of the…

A Composer's Guide to Game Music
Winifred Phillips
Год издания:2014
Издательство:The MIT Press

Music in video games is often a sophisticated, complex composition that serves to engage the player, set the pace of play, and aid interactivity. Composers of video game music…

Gaming: Essays On Algorithmic Culture
Александр Р. Гэллоуэй
Год издания:2006
Издательство:Univ Of Minnesota Press

Video games have been a central feature of the cultural landscape for over twenty years and now rival older media like movies, television, and music in popularity and cultural…

Rise of the Videogame Zinesters: How Freaks, Normals, Amateurs, Artists, Dreamers, Drop-outs, Queers, Housewives, and People Like You Are Taking Back an Art Form
Анна Антропи
Год издания:2012
Издательство:Seven Stories Press

Anthropy in Rise of the Videogame Zinesters launches the first intergalactic offensive against the corporate systems of production, condescending media coverage, and pervasive…

First Person : New Media as Story, Performance, and Game
Noah Wardrip-Fruin, Pat Harrigan

Electronic games have established a huge international market, significantly outselling non-digital games; people spend more money on The Sims than on "Monopoly" or even on…

Hamlet on the Holodeck: The Future of Narrative in Cyberspace
Janet H. Murray

"[A] brilliant look at the future of storytelling." -- James Coates, Chicago Tribune " Hamlet on the Holodeck reaches beyond the scope of interactive narrative and encompasses the…

The Video Game Theory Reader
Mark J.P. Wolf, Bernard Perron
Год издания:2003

In the early days of Pong and Pac Man, video games appeared to be little more than an idle pastime. Today, video games make up a multi-billion dollar industry that rivals…

Half-Real: Video Games Between Real Rules and Fictional Worlds
Jesper Juul
Год издания:2005
Издательство:The MIT Press

A video game is half-real: we play by real rules while imagining a fictional world. We win or lose the game in the real world, but we slay a dragon (for example) only in the world…

Extra Lives: Why Video Games Matter
Том Бисселл
Год издания:2011
Издательство:Vintage Books

In Extra Lives, acclaimed writer and life-long video game enthusiast Tom Bissell takes the reader on an insightful and entertaining tour of the art and meaning of video games.…

A Theory of Fun for Game Design
Raph Koster
Год издания:2013

Now in full color, the 10th anniversary edition of this classic book takes you deep into the influences that underlie modern video games, and examines the elements they share with…

Game Design Workshop: Designing, Prototyping, & Playtesting Games
Tracy Fullerton, Christopher Swain, Steven Hoffman
Год издания:2004

Master the craft of game design so you can create that elusive combination of challenge, competition, and interaction that players seek. This design workshop begins with an…

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