Шон Дэнкер

Sean Danker

  • 5 книг
  • 3 подписчика
  • 317 читателей
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5 73
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3 84
2 25
1 13

Новинки Шона Дэнкера

  • The Glory of the Empress Sean Danker
    ISBN: 978-0399587085
    Год издания: 2018
    Издательство: Ace Books
    Язык: Английский
    From the author of "Admiral" and "Free Space" comes an exciting military science fiction novel about an eclectic mix of Evagardian soldiers on a mission to test a new weapon, but instead find something much more dangerous.

    The war between Evagardian Empire and the Commonwealth is at its peak.

    The Evagardians have developed a weapon that could change everything, but they can't use it until it's been fully tested. Targeting unsuspecting pirates in a newly annexed system, far from the worst of the fighting, is supposed to be a safe way to determine if the weapon is ready for live combat.

    Everything about the mission is unconventional; the crew of twelve has been pulled from every corner of the Imperial Service, but it should still be an easy tour. After all, a few pirates can't possibly threaten Evagard's elite, especially when they're armed with the most powerful technology in the Imperium.

    But it's an unproven system aboard an experimental ship, and there are worse things than pirates waiting in the Demenis System. Far from the front lines, the crew of the Lydia Bennett is about to start a war of their own, and they're a long way from home.
  • В открытом космосе Шон Дэнкер
    ISBN: 978-5-04-092278-9
    Год издания: 2018
    Издательство: Fanzon
    Язык: Русский

    Рожденный в Коенгарде, сбежавший с Нидароса и не оставивший свидетельств о том, кем был раньше, Адмирал… Рядовой Первого Флота, переговорщик Тесса Салмагард. Лейтенант-имперец Ибуки Сей. Пилот с невероятной силой Дайана Кладинова. Они вылетели из имперского Пойнта, но не явились на Ред-Йондер. В Пространстве свободной торговли их разыскивает имперская служба безопасности и эвагардская разведывательная служба. Межгалактическая война окончена, но Адмирал снова в опасности.

  • Free Space Sean Danker
    ISBN: 0-451-47580-1, 978-0-451-47580-0
    Год издания: 2017
    Издательство: Ace Books
    Язык: Английский
    In the follow-up to Admiral, the intergalactic war has ended and hostilities between the Evagardian Empire and the Commonwealth are officially over, but the admiral is far from safe. . . .

    "I'd impersonated a prince, temporarily stopped a war, escaped a deadly planet, and survived more assassination attempts than I could conveniently count. After all that, there shouldn't have been anything simpler than a nice weekend with a charming Evagardian girl.

    However, some corners of the galaxy aren't as genteel as the Empire, and Evagardians aren't universally loved, which is how I ended up kidnapped to be traded as a commodity.

    Their timing couldn't have been worse. I'm not at my best, but these people have no idea whom they're dealing with: a highly trained, genetically engineered soldier in the Imperial Service who happens to be my date."
  • Admiral Шон Дэнкер
    ISBN: 9780451475794
    Год издания: 2016
    Издательство: Ace Books
    Язык: Английский
    “I was on a dead ship on an unknown planet with three trainees freshly graduated into the Imperial Service. I tried to look on the bright side.”

    He is the last to wake. The label on his sleeper pad identifies him as an admiral of the Evagardian Empire—a surprise as much to him as to the three recent recruits now under his command. He wears no uniform, and he is ignorant of military protocol, but the ship’s records confirm he is their superior officer.

    Whether he is an Evagardian admiral or a spy will be of little consequence if the crew members all end up dead. They are marooned on a strange world, their ship’s systems are failing one by one—and they are not alone.
  • Адмирал Шон Дэнкер
    ISBN: 978-5-699-92272-7
    Год издания: 2016
    Издательство: Fanzon
    Язык: Русский

    Эпоха Объединения, наступившая на Старой Земле в XXI веке, определила развитие человечества на все последовавшие столетия. Империя Эваргарда, возникшая после Объединения, осваивает космос, захватывая все новые и новые миры. ...Он проснулся последним. Маркировка на "спальнике" идентифицирует его как адмирала Эвагардской империи - такой же сюрприз, как и трое практикантов под его началом. Он не носит униформы и не осведомлен о военном протоколе, но отчеты судна подтверждают, что он - вышестоящее должностное лицо. Адмирал ли он Эвагардской империи или шпион Ганрайского содружества - не имеет большого значения, ведь скоро они все будут…
