Адам Смит

Adam Smith

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Адам Смит — библиография

  • Adam Smith: The Wealth of Nations Адам Смит
    "By preferring the support of domestic to that of foreign industry, he intends only his own security; and by directing that industry in such a manner as its produce may be of the greatest value, he intends only his own gain; and he is in this, as in many other cases, led by an invisible hand to promote an end which was no part of his intention. Nor is it always the worse for the society that it was no part of it."
  • Исследование о природе и причинах богатства народов Адам Смит
    Оригинальное название: An Inquiry into the Nature and Causes of the Wealth of Nations
    Первая публикация: 9 марта 1776
    Язык: Английский
  • Selections from The Wealth of Nations Адам Смит
    This carefully annotated selection features the main analysis of the operation of an economic system, the introductory chapter of the great attack on mercantilism, and portions of the analysis of the functions of the state-Books I, IV, and V. Edited by George J. Stigler, this useful volume includes an introduction and a bibliography.
  • The Theory of Moral Sentiments Адам Смит
    Written in 1759 by Scottish philosopher and political economist Adam Smith, “The Theory of Moral Sentiments” provides much of the foundation for the ideas in his later works, most notably in “The Wealth of Nations.” Through this initial text, Smith expresses his general system of morals, exploring the propriety of action, reward and punishment, sense of duty, and the effect of numerous factors on moral sentiment. In so doing, Smith devised innovative theories on virtues, conscience, and moral judgment that are still relevant and accessible today. Though somewhat surprising to find a philosopher of Smith’s abilities discussing aspects such as luck and sympathy and how they affect self-image or relationships, “The Theory of Moral Sentiments” never loses its critical excellence in its good-natured understanding of the human exploration for the meaning of being good. This edition includes an introduction by Herbert W. Schneider.
  • The Wealth of Nations Адам Смит
    Оригинальное название: An Inquiry into the Nature and Causes of the Wealth of Nations
    The foundation for all modern economic thought and political economy, «The Wealth of Nations» is the magnum opus of Scottish economist Adam Smith, who introduces the world to the very idea of economics and capitalism in the modern sense of the words. Smith details his argument in the following five books: Book I. Of the Causes of Improvement in the productive Power of Labour, Book II. Of the Nature, Accumulation, and Employment of Stock Introduction, Book III. Of the Different Progress of Opulence in Different Nations, Book IV. Of Systems of Political Economy, and Book V. Of the Revenue of the Sovereign or Commonwealth; which taken together form a giant leap forward in the field of economics. A product of the «Age of Enlightenment,» «The Wealth of Nations» is a must read for all who wish to gain a better understanding of the principles upon which all modern capitalistic economies have been founded and the process of wealth creation that is engendered by those principles. This unabridged edition includes introductions by Ernest Belfort Bax and Edwin R. A. Seligman.
  • The Theory of Moral Sentiments Адам Смит
    The foundation for a general system of morals, this 1749 work is a landmark in the history of moral and political thought. Readers familiar with Adam Smith from The Wealth of Nations will find this earlier book a revelation. Although the author is often misrepresented as a calculating rationalist who advises the pursuit of self-interest in the marketplace, regardless of the human cost, he was also interested in the human capacity for benevolence — as The Theory of Moral Sentiments amply demonstrates.The greatest prudence, Smith suggests, may lie in following economic self-interest in order to secure the basic necessities. This is only the first step, however, toward the much higher goal of achieving a morally virtuous life. Smith elaborates upon a theory of the imagination inspired by the philosophy of David Hume. His reasoning takes Hume's logic a step further by proposing a more sophisticated notion of sympathy, leading to a series of highly original theories involving conscience, moral judgment, and virtue.Smith's legacy consists of his reconstruction of the Enlightenment idea of a moral, or social, science that embraces both political economy and the theory of law and government. His articulate expression of his philosophy continues to inspire and challenge modern readers.
  • The Wealth of Nations Адам Смит
    Оригинальное название: An Inquiry into the Nature and Causes of the Wealth of Nations
  • Wealth of nations in 3 p. Part 3. Богатство народов в 3 ч. Часть 3 Адам Смит
    Дата написания: 2017
    В книге представлен главный труд выдающегося шотландского экономиста Адама Смита «Исследование о природе и причинах богатства народов», оказавший большое влияние на развитие экономической теории. В настоящее издание вошла пятая книга трактата. Произведение дано на языке оригинала. Знакомство с оригиналами творений классиков зарубежной литературы, науки, искусства поможет сегодняшним студентам составить более точное представление о неповторимой стилистике каждого автора, а также расширит словарный запас, знания об истории языка, фразеологии. Неадаптированное издание.
  • Supermoney Adam Smith
    &uot;Adam Smith continues to dazzle and sparkle! With the passage of time, Supermoney has, if anything, added to its power to inspire, arouse, provoke, motivate, inform, illuminate, entertain, and guide a whole new generation of readers, while marvelously reprising the global money show for earlier fans." -David M. Darst, author of The Art of Asset Allocation Managing Director and Chief Investment Strategist, Morgan Stanley Individual Investor Group «Nobody has written about the craft of money management with more insight, humor, and understanding than Adam Smith. Over the years, he has consistently separated wisdom from whimsy, brilliance from bluster, and character from chicanery.» -Byron R. Wien, coauthor of Soros on Soros Chief Investment Strategist, Pequot Capital Management Supermoney may be even more relevant today than when it was first published nearly twenty-five years ago. Written in the bright and funny style that became Adam Smith's trademark, this book gives a view inside institutions, professionals, and the nature of markets that has rarely been shown before or since. «Adam Smith» was the first to introduce an obscure fund manager in Omaha, Nebraska, named Warren Buffett. In this new edition, Smith provides a fresh perspective in an updated Preface that contextualizes the applicability of the markets of the 1960s and 1970s to today's markets. Things change, but sometimes the more they change, the more they stay the same.
  • The Wealth of Nations. The Economics Classic - A Selected Edition for the Contemporary Reader Adam Smith
    Published in 1778, The Wealth of Nations was the first book on economics to catch the public's attention. It provides a recipe for national prosperity that has not been bettered since, based on small government and the freedom of citizens to act in their best interests. It reassuringly assumes no knowledge of its subject, and over 200 years on still provides valuable lessons on the fundamentals of economics. This deluxe, selected edition is a stylish keepsake from the Capstone Classics series. This edition includes: An abridged selection of all 5 books for the contemporary reader An original commentary offering new research and analysis by classic literature guru Tom Butler-Bowdon A biography and chronology of Adam Smith's life and the events surrounding the original publication of the work Today, The Wealth of Nations is still essential reading for any business or self-development library, reminding us that it is the ingenuity and drive of people, not governments, that remains the source of personal, national and global prosperity.
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