Ох уж эти горячие вампиры

4 книги

  • Пробудившийся любовник Дж. Р. Уорд
    ISBN: 978-5-699-50768-9
    Год издания: 2011
    Издательство: Эксмо, Домино
    Язык: Русский

    В тайном Братстве черного кинжала шесть воинов, и самый грозный из них носит имя Зетист. Когда-то бывший рабом крови, он до сих пор одержим прошлым. На его теле остались шрамы, в душе - следы страданий и унижений. О мрачных подвигах этого бойца ходит дурная слава; его неутолимая ярость страшна не только людям и лессерам, но даже вампирам, которых он призван защищать. Гнев - единственный друг Зетиста, а внушаемый им ужас - его единственная утеха... пока однажды он не спасает похищенную врагами вампирского рода красавицу Беллу. Впервые на русском новый роман культовой саги, продавшейся миллионными тиражами!

  • Lover Unleashed J. R. Ward
    ISBN: 978-0451235114
    Год издания: 2011
    Издательство: Signet
    Язык: Английский

    Payne, twin sister of Vishous, is cut from the same dark, seductive cloth as her brother. Imprisoned for eons by their mother, the Scribe Virgin, she finally frees herself - only to face a devastating injury. Manuel Manello, M.D., is drafted by the Brotherhood to save her as only he can - but when the human surgeon and the vampire warrior meet, their two worlds collide in the face of their undeniable passion. With so much working against them, can love prove stronger than the birthright and the biology that separates them?

  • Shadow's Claim Kresley Cole
    ISBN: 1471113906, 9781471113901
    Год издания: 2012
    Издательство: Simon & Schuster
    Язык: Английский

    Trehan Daciano, known as the Prince of Shadows, has spent his life serving his people, striking in the night, quietly executing any threat to their realm. The coldly disciplined swordsman has never desired anything for himself -- until he beholds Bettina, the sheltered ward of two of the Lore's most fearsome villains. Desperate to earn her guardians' approval after a life-shattering mistake, young Bettina has no choice but to marry whichever suitor prevails -- even though she's lost her heart to another. Yet one lethal competitor, a mysterious cloaked swordsman, invades her dreams, tempting her with forbidden pleasure. Even if Trehan can…

  • The Chosen J.R. Ward
    ISBN: 0451475208, 978-0451475206
    Год издания: 2017
    Издательство: Ballantine Books
    Язык: Английский

    Xcor, leader of the Band of Bastards, convicted of treason against the Blind King, is facing a brutal interrogation and torturous death at the hands of the Black Dagger Brotherhood. Yet after a life marked by cruelty and evil deeds, he accepts his soldier’s fate, his sole regret the loss of a sacred female who was never his: the Chosen Layla. Layla alone knows the truth that will save Xcor’s life. But revealing his sacrifice and his hidden heritage will expose them both and destroy everything Layla holds dear—even her role of mother to her precious young. Torn between love and loyalty, she must summon the courage to stand up against the…


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