Цикл книг «Mark of the Thief» — 3 книги

Mark of the Thief
Jennifer A. Nielsen
Год издания:2015
Издательство:Scholastic Press

When Nic, a slave in the mines outside of Rome, is forced to enter a sealed cavern containing the lost treasures of Julius Caesar, he finds much more than gold and gemstones: He…

Rise of the Wolf
Jennifer A. Nielsen
Год издания:2016
Издательство:Scholastic Press
Серия:Mark of the Thief #2

A powerful amulet. A vengeful goddess. A deadly quest.

Nic may have escaped enslavement in the mines outside of Rome, but his troubles are far from over. The Praetor War—the…

Wrath of the Storm
Jennifer A. Nielsen
Год издания:2017
Издательство:Scholastic Press
Серия:Mark of the Thief #3

Trouble has a way of seeking out Nicolas Calva, and it's not likely to leave him alone any time soon. With Caesar's magic bulla, the Malice of Mars, and the possibility of a…