Серия книг «Campaign» — 400 книг — стр. 2

Издательская серия

Данная серия специализируется на крупных кампаниях, полномасштабных сражениях и военных операциях с античности до современности. Книги содержат 3-D карты с высоты птичьего полета, боевые схемы, цветные и черно-белые фотографии.

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33 749

Год издания: 1991

Серия: Campaign

Agincourt is one of the most evocative names in English military history. Henry V's forces were tired, hungry, and faced a French army three to six times more numerous. However,… Развернуть 


Год издания: 1990

Серия: Campaign

At Bull Run, two inexperienced, ill-trained and poorly led armies clashed in the opening engagement of the American Civil War. Culminating in a stalwart defensive fight by Thomas… Развернуть 


Год издания: 1991

Серия: Campaign

The entry of the USA into World War I spelt disaster for Imperial Germany. The massive superiority in men and materials which the Americans could provide meant that if Germany had… Развернуть 


Год издания: 1991

Серия: Campaign

Culloden marked the end of the last and greatest of the Jacobite adventures the '45 Rebellion in which the Highland clans challenged the power of the Hanoverian King of England.… Развернуть 


Год издания: 2000

Серия: Campaign

Fought on 14th October 1066 between Duke William of Normandy and Harold Godwinson, king of England, the Battle of Hastings irrevocably changed the course of English history.… Развернуть 


Год издания: 1992

Серия: Campaign

In the late 1870s the British Imperial administration in the Cape colony in southern Africa began to view the Zulu kingdom as a challenge to its authority.To contain this… Развернуть 


Год издания: 1992

Серия: Campaign

Waterloo holds a special place among the great battles of history. The climax of more than twenty years of war, it was indeed a close-run affair, matching two of the world's… Развернуть 


Год издания: 1992

Серия: Campaign

In the summer of 1943 the German army stood poised for a major offensive. The attack was aimed at the Kursk salient, which the Germans intended to isolate, trapping large numbers… Развернуть 


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