Вручение 2010 г. — стр. 2

Страна: Великобритания Место проведения: город Лондон Дата проведения: 2010 г.

Медаль Карнеги

Энн Кессиди 0.0
Do the answers to Lauren's tragic unsolved past lie in the house full of death? Lauren and her aunt and uncle are returning to London after years away. For Lauren it is a return to the sight of a terrible family tragedy and a house full of ghosts. When she was six years old her mother and little sister were murdered in their home and Lauren's dad was put in prison for the crime. Now she is living a stone's throw from her old house, and despite her trepidation, Lauren is curious to know who lives there now, and how the house will make her feel. When she becomes friendly with Nathan, the son of the new owners, she finds herself back at the scene of so many nightmares—of memories, but also of things forgotten. Lauren blocked out a lot of that fateful day, but now that she's older, things are coming back to her, things that could mean her dad is innocent. After all these years of hating him Lauren now faces the prospect of loving her dad once again. But is it that easy?
Фиона Э. Хиггинс 4.1
"Черную книгу секретов" объявили новым шедевром английской готической литературы, это был самый громкий дебют последних лет со времен "Тринадцатой сказки" Дианы Сеттерфилд. Большой успех ждал и новые романы-загадки Ф.Э.Хиггинс - "Заклинателя" и "Коллекционера стеклянных глаз".
Гектор Фитцбодли перенял у своего отца, модного виноторговца и страстного лепидоптериста, любовь к бабочкам. Но вот отец, сломленный и разоренный шантажом одноглазого авантюриста Гулливера Трупина, умирает, а Гектор отправляется бродяжничать на Южный берег Урбс-Умиды и лелеять планы мести. И тут его познания в бабочках оказываются как нельзя кстати: барон Боврик де Вандолен (так теперь именует себя Трупин) едет к леди Мандибл в имение Визипиттс-холл, где она готовит свой знаменитый ежегодный бал, и берет с собой Гектора, ведь именно бабочки должны сделать этот бал не просто знаменитым, но легендарным. Однако не только у Гектора есть тайная цель; так лорд Мандибл мечтает добыть на охоте косматого вепря, а "барон Боврик" - собрать семь стеклянных глаз с драгоценными камнями, по глазу на каждый день недели...
Mary Hoffman 0.0
A story of persecution and poetry, love and war set in 13th century Southern France. As crusaders sweep through the country, destroying all those who do not follow their religion, Bertrand risks his life to warn others of the invasion. As a troubadour, Bertrand can travel without suspicion from castle to castle, passing word about the coming danger. In the meantime Elinor, a young noblewoman, in love with Bertrand, leaves her comfortable home and family and becomes a troubadour herself. Danger encircles them both, as the rising tide of bloodshed threatens the fabric of the society in which they live.
Suzanne LaFleur 0.0
"I had everything I needed to run a household: a house, food, and a new family. From now on it would just be me and Sammy–the two of us, and no one else."
A tragic accident has turned eleven-year-old Aubrey’s world upside down. Starting a new life all alone, Aubrey has everything she thinks she needs: SpaghettiOs and Sammy, her new pet fish. She cannot talk about what happened to her. Writing letters is the only thing that feels right to Aubrey, even if no one ever reads them.
With the aid of her loving grandmother and new friends, Aubrey learns that she is not alone, and gradually, she finds the words to express feelings that once seemed impossible to describe. The healing powers of friendship, love, and memory help Aubrey take her first steps toward the future.
Readers will care for Aubrey from page one and will watch her grow until the very end, when she has to make one of the biggest decisions of her life.
Love, Aubrey is devastating, brave, honest, funny, and hopeful, and it introduces a remarkable new writer, Suzanne LaFleur. No matter how old you are, this book is not to be missed.
Анна Перера 0.0
Khalid, a fifteen-year-old Muslim boy from Rochdale, is abducted from Pakistan while on holiday with his family. He is taken to Guantanamo Bay and held without charge, where his hopes and dreams are crushed under the cruellest of circumstances. An innocent denied his freedom at a time when Western boys are finding theirs, Khalid tries and fails to understand what's happening to him and cannot fail to be a changed young man
Джонатан Страуд 4.1
Хачли Свейнссон всегда любил слушать истории о своем предке Свейне, который возглавил древних воинов в решающем сражении с троввами - чудовищами, пожирающими людей. После этой битвы троввы отступили к горам, и люди, живущие в долине, вздохнули спокойно, хотя и боятся выходить за линию курганов, охраняющих их земли. Однако Халли не очень-то верит в существование троввов. Сам он, надо сказать, совсем не похож на древних героев: не слишком красив, да и ростом не вышел. Зато он мастер на всякие шутки и розыгрыши, и один из таких розыгрышей дорого обошелся ему, вызвав цепь событий, круто изменивших судьбу юноши и его сородичей...
Рик Риордан 4.6
Кронос, собравший огромную армию титанов, хочет захватить и разрушить священный Олимп. На помощь он призвал могущественного великана - Тифона. Боги вступают в сражение с этим страшным противником, оставив без защиты свою обитель. И только Перси Джексон - единственный, кто раскусил военную хитрость Кроноса. Вместе с друзьями-полукровками он встает на защиту Олимпа. Удастся ли им отбить атаки чудовищ или защитникам придется погибнуть в неравном бою? Надеяться они могут только на чудо, а еще на помощь тех богов, кто пока предпочитает не принимать участие в битве.
Бали Рай 0.0
It's 1919 and Amritsar is a city on the brink of rebellion. Riots, violence and tension spill onto the streets . . . Bissen Singh fought bravely for the British Empire during World War One. Now he waits patiently for news from England. Gurdial, a young orphan, is desperate to marry Sohni, the daughter of a rich and evil man. And Jeevan, Gurdial's oldest friend, is swept up in the revolution and changing beyond all recognition. Bissen, Gurdial and Jeevan are looking to the future whilst trying to escape ghosts from the past. But as the fight for Amritsar reaches a terrifying climax, their lives will be changed for ever. An epic story of love and life, war and death from multi-award-winning author Bali Rai.
Мэл Пит 0.0
A breathtaking retelling of Othello set in South America, by Carnegie Medal-winning author Mal Peet. Winner of the Guardian Children's Fiction Prize.

Revered as a national hero … married to the desirable Desmerelda … cherished by the media … football star, Otello, has it all. But a sensational club transfer sparks a media frenzy, and when he is wrongly implicated in a scandal, the footballer’s life turns into a tragic spiral of destruction. South America’s top sports journalist, Paul Faustino, witnesses the power of the media in making and breaking people's lives.
James Patterson 4.2
Until now, Max and the flock have lived a lonely existence: hunted down, tortured, and pushed to the fringe of society. Always on the run, they have never been able to live a normal life. But things are changing.

The flock have finally found acceptance for their extraordinary skills. They don't have to hide away any longer - far from it: now everyone wants to see just what they can do. But fame and fortune always come at a price. Meanwhile, sinister forces are plotting their attack, putting more than just the flock in danger.

Something deadly is lurking in the depths of the ocean. As the flock uncover a terrible secret set to threaten the world, can they save the day or is this a disaster too tough to tackle, even for them?
Рейчел Уорд 3.9
Адам Доусон знает, кто, когда и как умрет, — для этого ему достаточно взглянуть человеку в глаза. Знает, но не говорит: сообщать людям даты их смерти — жестоко и бессмысленно, ведь с числами не поспоришь. Но как поступить, если видишь, что очень много народу погибнет в один день — и этот день настанет всего через несколько месяцев? Как докричаться до населения восьмимиллионного города, как добиться, чтобы тебя услышали? Судьба ставит перед Адамом нешуточную задачу — предотвратить конец света…
Дженни Валентайн 0.0
A stunning new look for the irresistible novel from Guardian-award-winning novelist, Jenny Valentine. Number 33 Georgiana Street houses many people and yet seems home to none. To runaway Sam it is a place to disappear. To Bohemia, it's just another blip between crises, as her mum ricochets off the latest boyfriend. Old Isobel acts like she owns the place, even though it actually belongs to Steve in the basement, who is always looking to squeeze in yet another tenant. Life there is a kind of ordered chaos. Like ants, they scurry about their business, crossing paths, following their own tracks, no questions asked. But it doesn't take much to upset the balance. Dig deep enough and you'll find that everyone has something to hide…
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