Greg Weisman – лучшие книги
- 18 произведений
- 9 изданий на 3 языках
По популярности
Звездные Войны. Кэнан (сборник) Грег Вайсман, Greg Weisman, Pepe Larraz
ISBN: 978-5-04-097098-8 Год издания: 2018 Издательство: Эксмо, Комильфо Язык: Русский Кэнан Джаррус известен как дерзкий, острый на язык лидер разношёрстной команды корабля "Призрак", сражающейся за свободу против всемогущей Галактической Империи! Но до того как он взял себе имя Кэнан — до падения Республики, — его звали Кейлеб Дьюм, он был джедаем-падаваном мастера Депы Биллабы. Пришла пора узнать, как этот юнец превратился в отступника, каким мы его знаем теперь! Как Кейлеб избежал чистки, когда канцлер Палпатин отдал Приказ 66, предписывающий убить всех джедаев? Как ему удалось выжить, когда погибла его наставница? И что же делать юному падавану, если его навыки — всё равно что нарисованная на спине мишень? А после…
Star Wars: Kanan Vol. 1: The Last Padawan Марк Брукс, Greg Weisman, Pepe Larraz
ISBN: 0785193669, 9780785193661 Год издания: 2015 Издательство: Marvel Comics Язык: Английский Kanan Jarrus: In Star Wars Rebels, he's a cocky, sarcastic renegade fighting against the Galactic Empire alongside the ragtag crew of the Ghost. But years before, at the height of the Clone Wars, he was known as Caleb Dume, Jedi Padawan under the instruction of Jedi Master Depa Billaba. Neither master nor apprentice ever suspected that the Clone Troopers they commanded would turn on them upon the issuing of Order 66-the order to execute all Jedi. How did Caleb Dume survive? How did he learn to survive on his own? And how did he become the man we know as Kanan Jarrus?
Kanan Vol. 2: First Blood Greg Weisman, Pepe Larraz
ISBN: 978-0785196037 Год издания: 2016 Издательство: Marvel Язык: Английский Continue to explore the early days of Kanan Jarrus, the sensational star of Star Wars Rebels! You've seen Kanan's last adventure as a Padawan, now witness his very first! The boy who was Caleb Dune must find his feet as the Clone Wars rage all around him. When the Jedi Temple comes under attack, what can a mere Padawan do to make a difference? Caleb and his new Master Bilaba will take command of their own Clone troop, and lead them into the furious Battle of Mygeeto. But lying in wait for them there are a pair of Separatist Generals, one of whom is one of the most deadly threats in the entire galaxy! Can Caleb and Bilaba survive Grievous?
War of the Spark: Ravnica Greg Weisman
ISBN: 978-1-9848-1745-7, 1984817450 Год издания: 2019 Издательство: Del Rey Язык: Английский Teyo Verada wants nothing more than to be a shieldmage, wielding arcane energies to protect his people from his world’s vicious diamondstorms. When he’s buried alive in the aftermath of his first real tempest, the young mage’s life is about to end before it can truly begin—until it doesn’t. In a flash, a power he didn’t know he had whisks him away from his home, to a world of stone, glass, and wonder: Ravnica. Teyo is a Planeswalker, one of many to be called to the world-spanning city—all lured by Nicol Bolas, the Elder Dragon. Bolas lays siege to the city of Ravnica, hungry for the ultimate prize: godhood itself. His unparalleled magic and unstoppable army appear poised to bring the city to utter ruin.
Among those who stand in the way of Bolas’s terrifying machinations are the Gatewatch, Planeswalkers sworn to defeat evil, no matter where it’s found. But as they work to unite the other mages and mount a defense of the city and its people, the terrifying truth of Bolas’s plan becomes clear. The Elder Dragon has prepared a trap to ensnare the most powerful mages from across the Multiverse—and it’s too late to escape.
As forces great and small converge on the city and the battle rages, the stakes could not be higher. If the Gatewatch falters and the Planeswalkers fail, the curtain will fall on the age of heroes—and rise on the infinite reign of Nicol Bolas -
Starbrand & Nightmask: Eternity's Children Greg Weisman, Domo Stanton
ISBN: 978-0785196662 Год издания: 2016 Издательство: Marvel Язык: Английский They're former Avengers with tremendous power, but almost zero life experience. Now Starbrand and Nightmask are out on their own, trying to find their place as heroes, cosmic entities and...students? College -it's a whole new universe for this pair, posing more questions than their mid-term exam. Can two all-powerful friends share a tiny dorm room? How hard is intergalactic teleportation after partying all night long at your first kegger? And will they keep their grades up while putting bad guys down? Time to find out, along with Starbrand & Nightmask! -
Spider-Man: The Gauntlet, Vol. 3 - Vulture & Morbius Greg Weisman
ISBN: 0785146121 Год издания: 2010 Издательство: Marvel Язык: Английский The gauntlet rages on as Peter Parker meets the new VULTURE! Who is he? Why does he prey on the city's criminals? And what extreme circumstance could possibly make Spider-Man even consider allying with a creature this deadly? And if that's not bad enough, Fred Van Lente and Joe Quinones bring Spider-Man face-to-face with MORBIUS, The Living Vampire! Plus, since losing his legs in service to his country, Flash Thompson's not been deterred by his physical limitations. But even a hero can have his limits.