Лучшие книги Стива Трайба
- 4 произведения
- 15 изданий на 3 языках
По популярности
Шерлок. Большая энциклопедия самого интеллектуального сыщика Стив Трайб
ISBN: 978-5-17-100945-8 Год издания: 2016 Издательство: АСТ Язык: Русский Хроники съемок великого сериала от зарождения идеи у трех одержимых героем продюсеров до многоточия, поставленного в конце последней серии третьего сезона. О том, как создавались характеры Шерлока Холмса и Джона Ватсона, что находится в чертогах разума гениального сыщика, как создавались загадки и разрабатывались новые методы расследований, какими ухищрениями пользовались создатели спецэффектов, что делает в сериале какая-то Молли, реален ли взрыв в метро, почему не сгорел в костре Джон Ватсон. Новый Шерлок в современной реальности, наполненной гаджетами, интернет-технологиями, генетическими экспертизами и все тем же табачным пеплом оказался как нельзя более уместен. -
Доктор Кто. Жизнь и времена Джеймс Госс, Стив Трайб
ISBN: 978-5-17-096337-9 Год издания: 2016 Издательство: АСТ, Mainstream Язык: Русский «Доктор Кто» — самый продолжительный научно-фантастический сериал в мире, важная часть массовой культуры Великобритании и многих других стран. Элементы сериала известны и узнаваемы не только его фанатами, которые есть во многих странах мира. Этот информативный и красочный путеводитель содержит 11 разделов, которые рассказывают об 11 перевоплощениях Доктора. Помимо увлекательных писем, дневников, сверхсекретных правительственных данных, обрывков записок, вы найдете истории, мнения и впечатления создателей и исполнителей главных ролей о создании культового британского сериала «Доктор Кто». -
Доктор Кто. ТАРДИС. Энциклопедия Стив Трайб
ISBN: 978-5-17-102501-4 Год издания: 2018 Издательство: АСТ, Mainstream Язык: Русский Взгляд изнутри на 900 лет путешествий на знаменитой машине времени Доктора.
В этой книге вы найдете все, что вам нужно знать о ТАРДИС: откуда она возникла, где побывала, как работает и как изменилась со времен первого появления на той свалке в Восточном Лондоне в 1963 году.
Фотографии, дизайнерские рисунки и концепт-арты разных сезонов сериала, включенные в эту мини-энциклопедию, помогут исследовать бесконечный интерьер корабля, заглянуть в его гардероб и спальни, генераторные и лазарет, коридоры и галереи, а также покажут, как съемочные группы создавали полицейскую будку, внутри и снаружи. -
Doctor Who: The Tardis Handbook Steve Tribe
ISBN: 978-1-84607-986-3 Год издания: 2010 Издательство: Random House UK Язык: Английский This is the inside scoop on 900 years of travel aboard the Doctor’s famous time machine. Everything you need to know about the TARDIS is here – where it came from, where it’s been, how it works, and how it has changed since we first encountered it in that East London junkyard in 1963. Including photographs, design drawings and concept artwork from different eras of the series, this handbook explores the ship’s endless interior, looking inside its wardrobe and bedrooms, its power rooms and sick bay, its corridors and cloisters, and revealing just how the show’s production teams have created the dimensionally transcendental police box,…
Doctor Who: The Time Traveller's Almanac Steve Tribe
ISBN: 978 1 846 07572 8 Год издания: 2008 Издательство: BBC Books Язык: Английский Who are the eminent artists of the 16th, 19th, or 21st centuries? What are the mysteries of Carrionite Science? Where do the Daleks come from? Answers to all of these questions and more are found in The Time Traveller's Almanac, the ultimate intergalactic fact-finder.
The Almanac draws on resources far and wide, from the beginning of time to the end of the universe, to provide information on key historical events and great lives, important issues in science, technology and the arts, and the stories that have defined each era.
Fully illustrated with photos and artwork, T The Time Traveller's Almanac provides an essential biography of the Doctor Who univeta. -
Doctor Who: The Dalek Handbook Джеймс Госс, Стив Трайб
ISBN: 978-1-84-990232-8 Год издания: 2014 Издательство: BBC Books Язык: Английский Daleks!
The Dalek Handbook is your complete guide to the Doctor's greatest enemies. It explores the Daleks' origins on the planet Skaro, how a Time Lord intervention altered the course of Dalek history, and how they emerged to wage war on Thals, Mechonoids, Draconians and humans. It also reveals the secrets of Dalek design, the development of their iconic look and sound, and their enduring appeal on and off the screen.
With artwork and photographs from six decades of Doctor Who, The Dalek Handbook is the ultimate celebration of all things Dalek.
Exterminate! -
The University Challenge Quiz Book Стив Трайб
ISBN: 9781846078569 Год издания: 2022 Издательство: BBC Books For almost 50 years, University Challenge has served as a bastion of general knowledge, regularly testing our finest young minds with a dizzying array of subjects. Now - if you think you're up to the challenge - you can pit your own wits against the trickiest quiz around.
With over 3,500 challenging quiz questions, The University Challenge Quiz Book will probe the murkiest corners of your intellect. Leaving no stone unturned, in-depth questions cover every aspect of history, science, language, economics, culture and more, and will put even the hardiest quiz veteran through their paces.
With games to play either on your own or in teams (no conferring), here is a collection to challenge, surprise and stimulate - from your first starter for ten to the final gong.
Come on, come on! -
Sherlock. The Puzzle Book Стив Трайб, Maslanka Christopher
ISBN: 9781785943034 Год издания: 2017 Издательство: BBC Books ‘Dear God, what is it like in your funny little brains? It must be so boring.’
Can you pit your wits against the best and the wisest? Through these 200 puzzles and challenges, you’ll be able to elevate your powers of deduction, detection and general brilliance.
From codes and sequences to perceptual and logic problems, there are puzzles for all levels, from beginner to expert. With explanations of how Sherlock (and hopefully you) arrived at the solutions, this official puzzle book is your chance to learn how to think like Sherlock. Step inside his mind palace, decipher Moriarty's taunting clues and find out if you're a match for the brains of 221b Baker Street. -
The Doctor: his lives and times Джеймс Госс, Стив Трайб
Год издания: 2012 Издательство: Ebury Publishing "I'm the Doctor. I'm a Time Lord. I'm from the planet Gallifrey in the constellation of Kasterborous. And I'm the man who's going to save your life."
He's made a mark on almost every era of history, and he's touched millions of lives across space and time. In these pages you'll find just some of the stories behind those brief encounters, each of them addressing the question that must never, ever be answered: 'Doctor Who?'
This is the story of an impossible life — of a man who borrowed a spaceship, travelled through time and continually saved the universe — as told by the Doctor's friends, by his enemies, and by the man himself. Letters, journals, trial records, secret government files and the occasional bit of tabloid journalism reveal the never-before-told story of Gallifrey's last Time Lord. -
Doctor Who: A History Of The Universe In 100 Objects Джеймс Госс, Стив Трайб
ISBN: 978-1-84990-481-0 Год издания: 2012 Издательство: BBC Books Язык: Английский Every object tells a story. From ancient urns and medieval flasks to sonic screwdrivers and glass Daleks, these 100 objects tell the story of the entire universe, and the most important man in it: the Doctor.
Each item has a unique tale of its own, whether it's a fob watch at the onset of the Great War or a carrot growing on the first human colony on Mars. Taken together, they tell of empires rising and falling, wars won and lost, and planets destroyed and reborn.
Within these pages lie hidden histories of Time Lords and Daleks, the legend of the Loch Ness Monster, the plot to steal the Mona Lisa and the story of Shakespeare's lost play. You'll find illustrated guides to invisible creatures, the secret origins of the internet, and how to speak Mechanoid.
A History of the Universe in 100 Objects is an indispensable guide to the most important items that have ever existed, or that are yet to exist. -
Doctor Who: Companions and Allies Стив Трайб
ISBN: 978-1-846-07749-4 Год издания: 2009 Издательство: Random House Язык: Английский The Doctor has been travelling through space and time for centuries, showing his friends and companions the wonders of the universe. From Sarah Jane Smith and the Brigadier to Martha Jones and Donna Noble, Companions and Allies celebrates the friends that have been by his side and the heroes that have helped him battle his deadliest foes. Beautifully illustrated and including, for the first time, a complete story guide to the adventures of all ten Doctors, Companions and Allies is the definitive guide to the Doctor's intergalactic family.