Бо Бёрлингем
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Бо Бёрлингем — новинки

  • Finish Big. How Great Entrepreneurs Exit Their Companies on Top Бо Бёрлингем
    ISBN: 9780670923274
    Год издания: 2022
    Издательство: Penguin
    Язык: Английский
    No two exit experiences are exactly alike. Some people wind up happy with the process and satisfied with the way it turned out, while others look back on it as a nightmare. The question I hope to answer in this book is why. What did the people with 'good' exits do differently from those who'd had 'bad' exits?'
    Bo Burlingham's first book Small Giants became an instant classic for its original take on a common business problem: how to handle the pressure to grow. Now he is back to tackle an even more common problem: how to exit your company well.
    Sooner or later, all businesses get sold, given away, or liquidated. Whatever your preferred outcome, if you start planning for it while you still have time and options, you can build a stronger, more resilient company with a higher market value. Unfortunately, most don't - and they pay a steep price for their procrastination.
    Through dozens of interviews with entrepreneurs across a range of industries, Burlingham identifies eight key factors that determine whether owners leave their businesses happily. He showcases the insights, exits and cautionary tales of entrepreneurs across an array of industries including manufacturing, food and services.
    Finish Big is an illuminating and inspirational guide to one of the most stressful, and yet potentially rewarding, processes business owners must go through.
    Bo Burlingham is the author of Small Giants: Companies That Choose to Be Great Instead of Big, a finalist for the Financial Times/Goldman Sachs Business Book of the Year in 2006. An editor at large at Inc., he has reported on the entrepreneurial revolution in America since the early 1980s and has witnessed up close the birth and development of the companies that have reshaped our world.
  • Малі гіганти. Компанії, що обрали велич, а не розмір Бо Бёрлингем
    ISBN: 978-617-7535-96-5
    Год издания: 2018
    Издательство: КМ-БУКС
    Язык: Украинский

    Це аксіома бізнесу, що успішні компанії збільшують свої доходи та прибутки з року в рік. Тим не менш, ми не помічаємо, як деякі підприємства зуміли позбутися тиску безконечного зростання і поставили перед собою іншу мету в бізнесі. Вони створюють чудові місця для роботи, забезпечують якісне обслуговування клієнтів, роблять значний внесок у свої громади та шукають кращі способи прожити людське життя. У "Малих гігантах", журналіс

  • Большая игра в бизнес. Единственный разумный способ управления компанией Джек Стэк
    ISBN: 978-5-00057-422-5
    Год издания: 2015
    Издательство: Манн, Иванов и Фербер
    Язык: Русский
    Эта книга рассказывает о революционном подходе к менеджменту, который помог автору поднять погибающую компанию на новый уровень и добиться высочайшей вовлеченности сотрудников.
    Эта философия не была придумана на мозговых штурмах или в престижных бизнес-школах. Она родилась на предприятии, которое отчаянно пытались спасти от банкротства. Она значительно отличается от общепринятой философии ведения бизнеса, в ее основе находится следующее правило: каждый сотрудник компании должен иметь право голоса и участвовать в обсуждении всех важных вопросов и результатов деятельности компании, в том числе и финансовых.
    Такой способ ведения дел превращает бизнес в игру, пробуждает в людях интерес, желание соперничать и побеждать, делает их вовлеченными. Эффективность подхода была доказана автором и его сотрудниками. Он смог сделать из предприятия-банкрота успешную компанию. Несмотря на большие долги (9 миллионов долларов при практически полном отсутствии собственных средств), компания выжила и стала расти: за восемь лет число сотрудников выросло со 119 до 650 человек, годовая выручка выросла с 16 до 70 миллионов долларов, стоимость акций поднялась с 10 центов до 18 долларов.

    Для кого эта книга

    Для руководителей и менеджеров, которые хотят создать сильную команду сотрудников, объединенную общей целью.
  • Великие, а не большие Бо Бёрлингем
    ISBN: 978-5-00057-412-6
    Год издания: 2015
    Издательство: Манн, Иванов и Фербер
    Язык: Русский

    Книга расскажет, как отказаться от бесконечной погони за прибылью и при этом создать лучшую компанию. «Хорошая компания должна увеличивать свою выручку и прибыль каждый год». Это одна из аксиом бизнеса. Но некоторые компании отказываются от этих бесконечных «гонок на трамваях», чтобы сосредоточиться на более важных целях: стать лучшими в своем деле, предоставить своим клиентам уникальный опыт, создать потрясающее рабочее пространство для сотрудников... Автор тщательно исследовал истории четырнадцати компаний, которые решили стать лучшими на своих рынках и старались создавать идеальные продукты и услуги, а не гнаться за…

  • Finish Big: How Great Entrepreneurs Exit Their Companies on Top Бо Бёрлингем
    ISBN: 978-0-670-92326-7
    Год издания: 2014
    Издательство: Portfolio Penguin
    Язык: Английский
    No two exit experiences are exactly alike. Some people wind up happy with the process and satisfied with the way it turned out, while others look back on it as a nightmare. The question I hope to answer in this book is why. What did the people with 'good' exits do differently from those who'd had 'bad' exits?'

    Bo Burlingham's first book Small Giants became an instant classic for its original take on a common business problem: how to handle the pressure to grow. Now he is back to tackle an even more common problem: how to exit your company well.

    Sooner or later, all businesses get sold, given away, or liquidated. Whatever your preferred outcome, if you start planning for it while you still have time and options, you can build a stronger, more resilient company with a higher market value. Unfortunately, most don't - and they pay a steep price for their procrastination.

    Through dozens of interviews with entrepreneurs across a range of industries, Burlingham identifies eight key factors that determine whether owners leave their businesses happily. He showcases the insights, exits and cautionary tales of entrepreneurs across an array of industries including manufacturing, food and services.

    Finish Big is an illuminating and inspirational guide to one of the most stressful, and yet potentially rewarding, processes business owners must go through.
  • Small Giants: Companies That Choose to Be Great Instead of Big Бо Бёрлингем
    ISBN: 1591841496
    Год издания: 2007
    Издательство: Portfolio
    Язык: Английский

    It’s an axiom of business that great companies grow their revenues and profits year after year. Yet quietly, under the radar, a small number of companies have rejected the pressure of endless growth to focus on more satisfying business goals. Goals like being great at what they do . . . creating a great place to work . . . providing great customer service . . . making great contributions to their communities . . . and finding great ways to lead their lives. In Small Giants, veteran journalist Bo Burlingham takes us deep inside fourteen remarkable companies that have chosen to march to their own drummer. They include Anchor Brewing, the…

  • Small Giants: Companies That Choose to Be Great Instead of Big Бо Бёрлингем
    ISBN: 1591840937, 9781591840930
    Год издания: 2005
    Издательство: Portfolio
    Язык: Английский
    Most books about successful businesses focus on public companies, where the definition for success is steady growth in revenue and profits. Yet there are many excellent, privately held companies marching to the beat of a different drum; they have stricken revenue and profit growth from the top of their mission statements. Instead, they define themselves by their passion for their products and their commitment to their employees, customers, and community, embracing a clarity and loyalty to purpose that's an anomaly in today's environment. Small Giants is a fascinating book about the unconventional people who run these purpose-driven companies. Longtime Inc. magazine editor Bo Burlingham takes us deep inside these companies to determine the secret ingredient, the elusive "mojo" that makes them great. He profiles fourteen of the best, including Anchor Brewing, CitiStorage, Clif Bar Inc., Righteous Babe Records, Reel Precision Manufacturing, and Zingerman's Community of Businesses. These companies are consistently profitable yet have consciously resisted convention by staying small and great instead of becoming large and mediocre. For anyone who wants to explore America's most innovative and inspiring small business successes, this unique book is the place to start.
  • Большая игра в бизнес Джек Стэк
    ISBN: 5-86183-005-3
    Год издания: 1994
    Издательство: Деловая Лига
    Язык: Русский
    Написанная легким, живым языком книга профессионального менеджера Джека Стэка "Большая игра в бизнес" интересна для любого, кто намерен серьезно заняться или уже занимается этим чрезвычайно увлекательным, по мнению автора, делом. В некоторой степени - это учебник для руководителя предприятия, для главного бухгалтера и финансового директора, для тех, кто понял, что сегодня невозможно управлять предприятием, если у его работников нет чувства сопричастности общим проблемам.
  • The Great Game of Business: Unlocking the Power and Profitability of Open-Book Management Джек Стэк
    ISBN: 038547525X, 9780385475259
    Год издания: 1994
    Издательство: Crown Business
    Язык: Английский
    In the early 1980s, Springfield Remanufacturing Corporation (SRC) in Springfield, Missouri, was a near bankrupt division of International Harvester. That's when a green young manager, Jack Stack, took over and turned it around. He didn't know how to "manage" a company, but he did know about the principal, of athletic competition and democracy: keeping score, having fun, playing fair, providing choice, and having a voice. With these principals he created his own style of management -- open-book management. The key is to let everyone in on financial decisions. At SRC, everyone learns how to read a P&L -- even those without a high school education know how much the toilet paper they use cuts into profits. SRC people have a piece of the action and a vote in company matters. Imagine having a vote on your bonus and on what businesses the company should be in. SRC restored the dignity of economic freedom to its people. Stack's "open-book management" is the key -- a system which, as he describes it here, is literally a game, and one so simple anyone can use it. As part of the Currency paperback line, the book includes a "User's Guide" -- an introduction and discussion guide created for the paperback by the author -- to help readers make practical use of the book's ideas. Jack Stack is the president and CEO of the Springfield Remanufacturing Corporation, in Springfield, Missouri. The recipient of the 1993 Business Enterprise Trust Award, Jack speaks throughout the country on The Great Game Of Business and Open Book Management.
  • A Stake in the Outcome: Building a Culture of Ownership for the Long-Term Success of Your Business Джек Стэк
    ISBN: 0385505094
    Язык: Русский
    The First Management Classic of the New Millennium! A bold experiment is taking place these days, as leading-edge companies turn upside down the management paradigm that has dominated corporate thinking for more than one hundred years.