Тим Коннор – лучшие книги
- 1 произведение
- 4 издания на 3 языках
По популярности
Все о продажах Тим Коннор
ISBN: 985-483-088-8 Год издания: 2004 Издательство: Попурри Язык: Русский Предлагается новый подход к практике продаж, отражающий непрерывную изменчивость жизни. Для широкого круга заинтересованных читателей. -
Soft Sell: The New Art of Selling (Soft Sell: Use the New Art of Selling to Create Opportunities & Close More Sales) Тим Коннор
ISBN: 1402201125 Язык: Русский A comprehensive look at every aspect of the sales process. Has been described by hundreds of business leaders as the best book on selling ever written. Covers every topic in sales including: Prospecting, attitude management, sales presentations, -
Your First Year in Sales: Making the Transition from Total Novice to Successful Professional Тим Коннор
ISBN: 0761534113 Язык: Русский Real Solutions and Advice from the Sales Trenches Why did you choose sales as a career? In a word, money! Your new profession has the potential to be both financially rewarding and personally satisfying. But let's face it: Your