Шелли Крейн

Shelly Crane

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Шелли Крейн – лучшие книги

  • Запечатленные Шелли Крейн
    ISBN: 978-5-17-086471-3
    Год издания: 2015
    Издательство: АСТ
    Язык: Русский

    Мэгги – обычная семнадцатилетняя девушка из маленького городка, и у нее полно проблем: родители развелись, а парень, который за ней ухаживал, уехал. И вдруг все меняется – Мэгги встречает Калеба. Первое же его прикосновение обжигает ее, словно молния, а перед глазами начинают мелькать картинки из будущего… Так Мэгги узнает о таинственном мире, где люди обладают необычными способностями. Кто-то из них обретает дар исцелять от болезней, а кто-то – читать мысли, но только после встречи со своей половинкой… Шаг за шагом Мэгги меняется и становится частью этого мира – клана Калеба, которого она любит все больше и без которого уже не может…

  • Нареченные Шелли Крейн
    ISBN: 978-5-17-086723-3
    Год издания: 2015
    Издательство: АСТ
    Язык: Русский

    Мэгги и Калебу чудом удалось спастись от враждебного клана Уотсонов, стремящегося захватить девушку. Теперь влюбленные скрываются в Калифорнии, в доме родителей Калеба, где Мэгги открывает в себе удивительные способности. Однако в солнечной Калифорнии юных Ромео и Джульетту ждут новые проблемы: брат Мэгги никак не может найти общий язык с Калебом, а кузен Кайл, неравнодушный к Мэгги, упорно продолжает бороться за ее сердце. А тем временем по следу влюбленных снова направляется охотник Уотсонов – могущественный и безжалостный Сайкс…

  • Обреченные Шелли Крейн
    ISBN: 978-5-17-086944-2
    Год издания: 2015
    Издательство: АСТ, Neoclassic
    Язык: Русский

    Мэгги с Калебом и его кланом Джейкобсонов попадают в таинственный дворец, где проходит ежегодный праздник Воссоединения всех Асов – людей с магическими способностями. Однако там влюбленным угрожают новые опасности… Враждебный клан Уотсонов по-прежнему не оставляет Мэгги в покое. Они плетут интриги, стараются очернить ее и даже покушаются на ее жизнь. А Калеба, попытавшегося защитить любимую, они собираются отдать под суд. Миром дело уже не решить. Грядет последнее, открытое противостояние между Уотсонами и Джейкобсонами – и от его исхода зависит судьба не только Мэгги и Калеба, но и всех Асов…

  • Освобожденные Шелли Крейн
    ISBN: 978-5-17-086946-6
    Год издания: 2015
    Издательство: АСТ
    Язык: Русский

    Скоро свадьба Мэгги и Калеба — день, который они так долго ждали. Это одно из важнейших событий для клана Виртуозов, ведь их глава женится на самой Провидице! Однако война кланов еще не окончена. Пока влюбленные готовятся к свадьбе, их заклятый враг Маркус собирается нанести новый удар. Он решает уничтожать одного за другим родных и близких Мэгги и Калеба, пока не доберется до самих виновников торжества… И запечатленным предстоит вступить с ним в последнюю схватку. Назад пути нет. А на кону — жизни всех, кого они любят…

  • Ангелы и демоны. Обреченные Лэйни Тейлор
    ISBN: 978-5-17-101763-7
    Год издания: 2017
    Издательство: АСТ
    Язык: Русский
    Шелли Крейн. "Запечатленные".
    Мэгги – обычная семнадцатилетняя девушка из маленького городка, и у нее полно проблем: родители развелись, а парень, который за ней ухаживал, уехал.
    И вдруг все меняется – Мэгги встречает Калеба. Первое же его прикосновение обжигает ее, словно молния, а перед глазами начинают мелькать картинки из будущего… Так Мэгги узнает о таинственном мире, где люди обладают необычными способностями. Кто-то из них обретает дар исцелять от болезней, а кто-то – читать мысли, но только после встречи со своей половинкой… Шаг за шагом Мэгги меняется и становится частью этого мира – клана Калеба, которого она любит все больше и без которого уже не может обходиться. Но их хрупкое счастье под угрозой – совсем рядом те, кто так жаждет его разрушить…

    Шелли Крейн. "Нареченные"
    Мэгги и Калебу чудом удалось спастись от враждебного клана Уотсонов, стремящегося захватить девушку. Теперь влюбленные скрываются в Калифорнии, в доме родителей Калеба, где Мэгги открывает в себе удивительные способности.
    Однако в солнечной Калифорнии юных Ромео и Джульетту ждут новые проблемы: брат Мэгги никак не может найти общий язык с Калебом, а кузен Кайл, неравнодушный к Мэгги, упорно продолжает бороться за ее сердце.
    А тем временем по следу влюбленных снова направляется охотник Уотсонов – могущественный и безжалостный Сайкс…

    Шелли Крейн. "Обреченные"
    эгги с Калебом и его кланом Джейкобсонов попадают в таинственный дворец, где проходит ежегодный праздник Воссоединения всех Асов – людей с магическими способностями. Однако там влюбленным угрожают новые опасности… Враждебный клан Уотсонов по-прежнему не оставляет Мэгги в покое. Они плетут интриги, стараются очернить ее и даже покушаются на ее жизнь. А Калеба, попытавшегося защитить любимую, они собираются отдать под суд.
    Миром дело уже не решить. Грядет последнее, открытое противостояние между Уотсонами и Джейкобсонами – и от его исхода зависит судьба не только Мэгги и Калеба, но и всех Асов…

    Лэйни Тейлор. "Дни крови и света"
    У девушки со странным именем Кэроу – голубые волосы, татуировки "глаз дьявола" на ладонях и боевые ножи на поясе.
    А когда-то у нее было не только другое имя – Мадригал – но и другое тело.
    Восемнадцать лет прожила она в нашем мире. Но теперь настала пора вернуться в древний и жестокий Эрец, где тысячелетиями воюют друг с другом две могучие расы – ангелы и демоны, зовущие себя серафимами и химерами.
    Потому что народу химер угрожает гибель. Их столица лежит в руинах, на немногих уцелевших охотятся, точно на зверей, ангелы-каратели.
    И Кэроу начинает смертельную битву ради спасения тех, кто когда-то казнил ее за любовь к ангелу Акиве…
  • Significance Shelly Crane
    Год издания: 2011
    Язык: Русский
    Maggie is a seventeen year old girl who's had a bad year. She was smart and on track, but then her mom left, her dad is depressed, she's graduating - barely - and her boyfriend of almost three years dumped her for a college football scholarship. Lately she thinks life is all about hanging on by a thread and is gripping tight with everything she has.

    Then she saves the life of Caleb and instantly knows there's something about him that's intriguing. But things change when they touch, sparks ignite. Literally.

    They imprint with each other and she sees their future life together flash before her eyes. She learns that not only is she his soul mate, and can feel his heartbeat in her chest, but there is a whole other world of people with gifts and abilities that she never knew existed. She herself is experiencing supernatural changes unlike anything she's ever felt before and she needs the touch of his skin to survive.

    Now, not only has her dad come out of his depression to be a father again, and a pain as well, but Caleb's enemies know he's imprinted and are after Maggie to stop them both from gaining their abilities and take her from him.

    Can Caleb save her or will they be forced to live without each other after just finding one another?
  • Accordance Shelly Crane
    Год издания: 2011
    Язык: Русский
    In the sequel, Maggie learns much more about all the strange things that happened to her, and has to face new ones. She rebels against it, but ultimately, must face it for her new families sake and maybe even her life. Bish went from being her biggest supporter to her biggest pain in the butt and Kyle's intentions to attract her interest may not be so innocent. Caleb and Maggie face many new obstacles together and fight to work through them but will one that should be a good thing be too much for Maggie to handle?
  • Independence Shelly Crane
    ISBN: 978-1494803797
    Год издания: 2012

    In the fourth and final installment, Maggie and Caleb must tie up all the loose ends of their lives and make a way to be together completely on their own. With everything that happened with Bish and Maggie's father, she's almost reluctant to move on and move out. And now she must figure out all of this...stuff...with Haddock. But of course, nothing can stay simple for the Jacobsons. Enemies who were thought to be dissolved have decided to not go down so easily. And old flames come calling for more than just Maggie. Caleb is torn between leading his family and personal wants. Maggie is torn between Caleb and being the leader of their people.…

  • Catalyst Shelly Crane
    ISBN: 978-1468120257
    Год издания: 2011
    Язык: Русский
    In the third installment of the Collide series, we start off with Sherry, taken prisoner in the enforcement facility. The little bunker family must now decide whether it's worth the risk to try to save her or if it would bring doom to them all. Lily has started showing signs of her gift progressing, which may not be a desirable thing. And as Marissa starts to act strangely, Jeff must come to terms that there may be more to her illness that meets the eye.
    Daniel, the Lighter who shocked Lillian with his human emotions will reappear, but for what purpose? Will Sherry be rescued before it's too late? Will Daniel prove to be a genuine miracle? Will Cain be able to fully get over his love for Sherry and move on with Lillian? And how much more trouble can the new Taker cause for the rebels?
    Some will make it and some won't as the story continues...
  • Undeniably Chosen Shelly Crane
    ISBN: 978-1508996392
    Год издания: 2015
    Ava has watched her parents, Caleb and Maggie, live the perfect fairy tale, the perfect love story, played out in front of her eyes her entire life. Her family is love, life, and happiness. The Jacobsons are everything a family should be and Ava is loved and well taken care of. But the one thing that’s missing from her life is the one thing she’s waited for every day, the one thing her kind knows will make them complete, the one thing they thought was gone and lost forever. Her significant. Seth has lived with the Watsons his entire life. They’re the only family he knows, but he knows that there are things they keep from him. He knows that they lie and they do unspeakable evil, things from when he was a child that he can barely remember that cling to the edges of his memory. He barely remembers his real mother and all he knows is what he’s told. He doesn’t know what to trust. He wants to believe that the Watsons love and care for him, have his best interest at heart, but isn’t so sure of that anymore when he finally—after a lifetime of waiting for her—meets his soulmate, and the Watson’s first act is to try to take her away from him. The Virtuoso worlds collide, hearts are exposed, humans are endangered, and the lives of Seth and Ava are changed forever. They’ll have to love without judgment or reservation, they’ll have to be wise and accepting beyond their years, they’ll have to forgive for things before they’ve even happened, they’ll have to trust without seeing, have faith without knowing, and they’ll have to light their own way in the dark when everyone else is blind to show them the way. And more than anything else… they’ll fight like hell to keep each other.
  • Consequence Shelly Crane
    Год издания: 2014
    Язык: Русский
    Maggie and Caleb are married, leaders of their people, parents to their children, and happier than they ever dreamed, even with the visions they saw of it to prove it so. The council is still rebelling against Maggie’s changes, but this time it’s different. It’s almost as if something…or someone is behind them, pulling the strings and making decisions for them.

    And Maggie is having strange visions that only she can see, leaving Caleb helpless to help her. But when her visions start to warn her that their daughter, Ava, will one day be in danger, they’ll do anything it takes to find out what’s going on and how to stop it, even paying a visit to a previous Visionary.

    Maggie and Caleb must find out who or what is behind it all and stop them before Maggie is one vision too late.
  • Reverence Shelly Crane
    ISBN: 978-1477585542
    Год издания: 2012
    A short, THREE CHAPTERS from Caleb's point of view from each of the first three books in the series given as a Thank You to fans. It is not necessary to read to continue on with the series, but you'll miss out Caleb's yumminess if you don't read it...
  • Defiance Shelly Crane
    ISBN: 978-1475009866
    Год издания: 2011
    Язык: Английский
    In the third installment of the Significance series, we begin with Maggie and Caleb in the clutches of a new enemy; the Virtuoso council. Not only do they have to deal with the consequences of taking the lives of the Watsons and the council attempting to take Maggie away to keep their precious Visionary safe, but they must deal with Marla as well. All are determined to undermine, control and use Caleb and Maggie's rare gifts for their own uses, some wish to destroy them entirely. Then Maggie's father and Bish are threatened but the council forbids the presense of humans. Peter and the family fight and stand beside them every step of the way to save Maggie's father, to keep Caleb and Maggie together when the corrupted council is so set on keeping them apart and to stop Marla and whatever she has up her sleeve. Then Maggie has the shock of her life when she discovers something about her real father. It may change everything for everyone. Stay tuned as the story continues.
  • Wide Awake Shelly Crane
    ISBN: 9781483912646
    Год издания: 2013
    Издательство: CreateSpace
    A girl.
    A coma.
    A life she can't remember.

    When Emma Walker wakes up in the hospital with no knowledge of how she got there, she learns that she's been in a coma for six months. Strangers show up and claim to be her parents, but she can't remember them. She can't remember anyone. Not her friends, not even her boyfriend. Even though she can't remember, everyone wants her to just pick up where she left off, but what she learns about the 'old her' makes her start to wish she'd never woken up. Her boyfriend breaks up with the new girl he's dating to be with her, her parents want her to start planning for college, her friends want their leader back, and her physical therapist with the hazel eyes keeps his distance to save his position at the hospital.

    Will she ever feel like she recognizes the girl in the mirror?
  • The Other Side Of Gravity Shelly Crane
    Год издания: 2016
    Язык: Английский
    My name is Maxton and I’m a trader.

    I live on a soulless planet where gravity, oxygen, and everything else are sold to the highest bidder on the black market. People are sold on the black market, too. You have to work really hard not to become one of those people. Pay your taxes, keep your friends and family close, and more than anything else—don’t get caught by the Militia. But all the rules changed for me the day I found her.

    My name is Sophelia and I’m a stowaway.

    I’ve been a slave for almost as long as I can remember. Waiting for the one day, one second, for my proprietor to turn his head so I could run and never look back. Now I'm on the run. And on a planet where no one is on your side and people would turn you in for a good meal or a piece of a silver, being on the run on Landu is the last place you want to be. Until he found me.

    I won't survive without him.

    I can't breathe without her.
  • Smash Into You Shelly Crane
    ISBN: 978-1491234518
    Год издания: 2013
    Издательство: CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform
    Язык: Английский
    Jude has spent the whole twenty one years of his life running. From what, he wasn't quite sure. His mother tried to keep him safe; a low profile, a constant move on the horizon, a week's pay always stashed away. She tried to instill in him that he was special somehow. He never felt different. He was so completely normal and vanilla that he wondered if it had all been in her head. But then she was murdered and all he saw was a running silhouette of a man as his mother said three final words to him. Three words that changed his whole being.
    Never stop running...
    Now he's semi-settled into a big town. The college is huge and easy to blend into. It's been three months since he had to move because 'Biloxi', as he calls the man who killed his mother, found him once more. Then Marley, an eighteen year old girl who is as infuriating as she is blissfully ignorant of her gorgeousness, smashes into his car with hers. Then smashes into his life as he realizes that whatever it is he has that Biloxi wants, she has it, too. And now, they're after them both.