Goran Sudzuka
  • 14 книг
  • 353 читателя
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Goran Sudzuka - все книги по циклам и сериям | Книги по порядку

  • Y: Последний мужчина. Книга 4 Брайан К. Вон
    ISBN: 978-5-389-14437-8
    Год издания: 2018
    Издательство: Азбука, Азбука-Аттикус
    Язык: Русский
    В 2002 году мир навсегда изменился. Повсюду на земле все мужчины и мальчики, все млекопитающие с Y-хромосомой разом упали и умерли. Из-за гибели более чем половины человечества шестеренки общества застопорились. Теперь перед женщинами стоит задача: собрать мир по частям и уберечь цивилизацию от полного коллапса.

    «Гендерцид», впрочем, оказался не вполне тотальным. По неведомым причинам молодой человек Йорик Браун и его ручной капуцин Амперсанд остались живы. За одну ночь безвестный юнец оказался главным человеком на планете — возможным ключом к загадке гендерноспецифической эпидемии.

    А самый важный для самого Йорика человек по-прежнему для него недостижим. Но теперь, три года спустя, с великими трудами преодолев 10 000 миль, последний мужчина приближается к тому, чтобы узнать правду о своей невесте – и поразительные факты о причинах своего спасения.

    Впервые собранный в издании делюкс графический роман VERTIGO сценариста Брайана К. Вона и художницы Пии Гуэрры «Y: Последний мужчина» в ярких красках рисует ответ на давний вопрос: что на самом деле произошло бы с последним мужчиной на Земле?
  • Thors Уолтер Симонсон
    Год издания: 2016
    Издательство: Marvel
    The Thors of every Battleworld domain, united as one! Whenever there's trouble anywhere on Battleworld, the Thors bring the thunder as Doom's lightning-wielding cosmic cops. But a string of mysterious murders leaves some of them asking questions that may unravel all of reality! Thors you know (including Ultimate Thor, Beta Ray Bill and the Odinson himself) team with Thors you don't (say hello to Groot Thor) and place their lives on the line to hunt the killer. But will a surprising suspect help uncover the truth, or offer only lies? It's a hard-hitting Marvel Comics police drama...with hammers. If it were a TV show, it would be called Thor and Order. Plus: In an all-time classic, relive the green-skinned glory of the original Frog of Thunder!
  • John Constantine, Hellblazer Vol. 22: Regeneration Дэйв Гиббонс
    ISBN: 978-1401295684
    Год издания: 2019
    Издательство: Vertigo
    As strange as it sounds, seducing a 2,000-year-old demon with a grudge isn't the riskiest stunt John Constantine has ever pulled. But tipping the supernatural scales for a chance at love will exact a cost higher than he ever thought possible. And try as he might, is this something that devil-may-care Constantine can walk away from? Collects Hellblazer #250-260 and Hellblazer Special: Chas-The Knowledge #1-5.
  • Y: The Last Man Vol. 8: Kimono Dragons Брайан К. Вон
    ISBN: 978-1401210106
    Год издания: 2006
    Издательство: Vertigo
    Язык: Английский

    KIMONO DRAGONS brings the hunt for Ampersand - the monkey who could unlock the mystery of the male-killing plague - to its explosive climax, as the last man on Earth and his companions finally reach Japan and discover the truth behind Ampersand's abduction.

  • Outlaw Nation Джэми Делано
    ISBN: 978-1582407074
    Год издания: 2006
    Издательство: DC Vertigo
    Язык: Английский
    The complete saga complete in one volume! Story Johnson, a hundred-year-old semi-deranged amnesiac pulp fiction-writer returns home from 25 years MIA in Vietnam. All Story wants is to recover his missing time and catch up with some legendary, larger-than-life Johnson Family members. Trouble is, a lot of cousins have "disappeared," and those that are left have put the blame on him.
  • Y: The Last Man Vol. 9: Motherland Брайан К. Вон
    ISBN: 978-1401213510
    Год издания: 2007
    Издательство: Vertigo
    Язык: Английский

    Featured in THE NEW YORK TIMES and on NPR, Y: THE LAST MAN is the gripping saga of Yorick Brown, an unemployed and unmotivated slacker who discovers he is the only male left in the world after a plague of unknown origin instantly kills every mammal with a Y chromosome. Accompanied by his mischievous monkey, Ampersand, and the mysterious Agent 355, Yorick embarks on a transcontinental journey to find his long-lost girlfriend and discover why he is the last man on earth.

  • Y: The Last Man Vol. 7: Paper Dolls Брайан К. Вон
    ISBN: ISBN 1-4012-1009-0
    Год издания: 2006
    Издательство: Vertigo
    Язык: Английский
  • Hellblazer Special: Lady Constantine Goran Sudzuka
    Год издания: 2003
    Издательство: DC Comics, Vertigo
    Язык: Английский
    HELLBLAZER: LADY CONSTANTINE tells the story of Johanna Constantine, 18th-century ancestor of today's Hellblazer, whose reputation for sorcery lands her a job that promises a future of wealth and entitlement in - and almost certain death and damnation in the frozen North Sea!
  • John Constantine: Hellblazer Vol. 21: The Laughing Machine Шон Гордон Мёрфи
    ISBN: 978-1401292126
    Год издания: 2019
    Издательство: Vertigo
    As bloodthirsty war-mage Mako carves a bloody swath through London's occult underworld, John Constantine tries to rally his former allies. But he has burned a lot of bridges lately, and he's starting to look like a man with a target on his back.

    Just a few hours away, there is a room at the heart of the Vatican known as The Confessional, where any act may be committed without fear of guilt or sin. Here, the temptations of the flesh are drawn out and expunged through indulgence. But when something goes horribly wrong, a priest with a terrible secret is forced to turn to an outsider for help ... an outsider named John Constantine.

    John Constantine finds himself ensnared in a web of scandal that penetrates to the very heart of the Vatican. But Constantine has friends in low places, and his own hidden agenda that revolves around an ancient book buried deep within the Vatican's forbidden library.
  • A Walk Through Hell Volume 1 Goran Sudzuka
    ISBN: 978-1935002451
    Год издания: 2018
    Издательство: Aftershock Comics
    So these two FBI agents walk into a warehouse…

    Special Agents Shaw and McGregor handle the routine cases nowadays, which is just the way Shaw likes it. She’s pushing 40, a borderline burnout, the ghastly memories of her last investigation still clinging like shadows. McGregor is younger, more dedicated, hanging onto some measure of idealism whatever the world might throw at him.

    When two fellow agents go missing inside a Long Beach warehouse, Shaw and McGregor are sent to investigate. But what they find waiting is far from routine, as the local police have already discovered to their cost. Before the night is out, our heroes will encounter terror beyond their most appalling nightmares―in a place where the night may never end at all.

    A new kind of horror story for modern America, written by Garth Ennis (‘Preacher’, ‘The Boys’, ‘Crossed’) and drawn by Goran Sudžuka (‘Y: The Last Man’, ‘Hellblazer’)
  • Daredevil: Back in Black Vol. 5: Supreme Goran Sudzuka
    ISBN: 978-1302905637
    Год издания: 2017
    Издательство: Marvel
    Язык: Английский
    Matt Murdock takes his fi ht to the grandest stage of all: the Supreme Court! Can Matt Murdock defend his new law, while Daredevil defends his life?