Стюарт Макбрайд

Stuart MacBride

  • 52 книги
  • 45 подписчиков
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Стюарт Макбрайд - все книги по циклам и сериям | Книги по порядку

  • A Partridge in a Pear Tree Stuart MacBride
    ISBN: 9780007459285
    Год издания: 2019
    Издательство: HarperCollins Publishers
    Язык: Английский

    First story in a collection of interlinked tales of crime and retribution laced with dark humour, set around the festive season Billy Partridge wasn't really cut out to be a cat burglar, but it was 'do the job, or come up with thirteen grand by Thursday, or have both legs shattered'. 'Do the job' seemed the least worst option. But he's about to find out just how bad the least worst option can be...

  • Turtle Doves Stuart MacBride
    Язык: Английский
    Second story in a collection of interlinked bite-sized tales of crime and retribution laced with dark humour, set around the festive season – the perfect length for a short commute. Includes first chapters of Shatter the Bones and Birthdays for the Dead. When a double suicide arrives at the city morgue, Sandra thinks it’s a Christmas like any other. But she’s about to get a very nasty shock – make that two very nasty shocks…
  • French Hens Stuart MacBride
    Язык: Английский
    Third story in a collection of interlinked bite-sized tales of crime and retribution laced with dark humour, set around the festive season – the perfect length for a short commute. Includes first chapters of Shatter the Bones and Birthdays for the Dead. Being a top-flight chef can be stressful. Thankfully a professional kitchen throws up some unique opportunities for body disposal…
  • Calling Birds Stuart MacBride
    Язык: Английский
    Fourth story in a collection of interlinked bite-sized tales of crime and retribution laced with dark humour, set around the festive season – the perfect length for a short commute. Includes first chapters of Shatter the Bones and Birthdays for the Dead. Working in a call centre normally offers few career opportunities. But it looks as if Tracy’s about to get her big break.
  • Gold Rings Stuart MacBride
    Язык: Английский
    Fifth story in a collection of interlinked bite-sized tales of crime and retribution laced with dark humour, set around the festive season – the perfect length for a short commute. Includes first chapters of Shatter the Bones and Birthdays for the Dead. There is never a good time to look upon the face of a dead loved one. But Mr Unwin has dedicated his life to helping the bereaved. While helping himself at the same time…
  • Geese A Laying Stuart MacBride
    Язык: Английский
    Sixth story in a collection of interlinked bite-sized tales of crime and retribution laced with dark humour, set around the festive season – the perfect length for a short commute. Includes first chapters of Shatter the Bones and Birthdays for the Dead. The maternity ward: the last place you’d associate with criminal activity. Which makes it as good a place as any to carry it out…
  • Swans A Swimming Stuart MacBride
    Язык: Английский
    Seventh story in a collection of interlinked bite-sized tales of crime and retribution laced with dark humour, set around the festive season – the perfect length for a short commute. Includes first chapters of Shatter the Bones and Birthdays for the Dead. James Kirkhill thinks he has the best job in the world: coaching the girls’ swimming team. But he’s about to get into some very deep water…
  • Maids A Milking Stuart MacBride
    Язык: Английский
    Eighth story in a collection of interlinked bite-sized tales of crime and retribution laced with dark humour, set around the festive season – the perfect length for a short commute. Includes first chapters of Shatter the Bones and Birthdays for the Dead. Brian’s about to discover that life as a drug dealer can have hidden benefits. But he might come to wish he’d never taken advantage of them…
  • Ladies Dancing Stuart MacBride
    Язык: Английский
    Ninth story in a collection of interlinked bite-sized tales of crime and retribution laced with dark humour, set around the festive season – the perfect length for a short commute. Includes first chapters of Shatter the Bones and Birthdays for the Dead. Kayleigh’s a professional. But lap-dancing has rules. And when someone breaks the rules…
  • Lords A Leaping Stuart MacBride
    Язык: Английский
    Tenth story in a collection of interlinked bite-sized tales of crime and retribution laced with dark humour, set around the festive season – the perfect length for a short commute. Includes first chapters of Shatter the Bones and Birthdays for the Dead. Lord Peter Forsyth-Leven, MSP, is about to discover that having it all just means you’ve got more to lose…
  • Pipers Piping Stuart MacBride
    Язык: Английский
    Eleventh story in a collection of interlinked bite-sized tales of crime and retribution laced with dark humour, set around the festive season – the perfect length for a short commute. Includes first chapters of Shatter the Bones and Birthdays for the Dead. What could be more festive than a trip to see Santa at the local shopping centre? Depends on who’s gunning for Santa…
  • Drummers Drumming Stuart MacBride
    Язык: Английский
    The final story in a collection of interlinked bite-sized tales of crime and retribution laced with dark humour, set around the festive season – the perfect length for a short commute. Includes first chapters of Shatter the Bones and Birthdays for the Dead. It’s Christmas Eve, but the criminals never stop working, so neither do the police. The raid is on … but things don’t go entirely to plan…
  • Ледяной дождь Стюарт Макбрайд
    ISBN: 978-5-386-10804-5
    Год издания: 2019
    Издательство: Рипол Классик
    Язык: Русский

    "Ледяной дождь" - первая книга из серии романов о сержанте Логане Макрэе. Сержант Логан Макрэй провел год на больничной койке после тяжелого ранения и наконец готов вернуться к работе. Но его первый рабочий день оборачивается настоящим кошмаром. Трехлетний Дэвид Рид пропал три месяца назад, и наконец его нашли - изуродованное тело мальчика все это время лежало в канаве, заполненной холодной водой.

  • Меркнущий свет Стюарт Макбрайд
    ISBN: 978-5-386-05388-8
    Год издания: 2013
    Издательство: Рипол Классик
    Язык: Русский

    Утро начинается с тела проститутки, раздетой догола и забитой до смерти прямо в центре квартала красных фонарей шотландского Абердина. Еще одно плохое начало плохого дня детектива-сержанта Логана Макрея, тем более что и без того хватает добра на его голову: расчлененный труп собаки-лабрадора в чемодане, групповой секс членов городского совета с несовершеннолетней, пропавший без вести неверный муж. Повседневные проблемы обыкновенного полицейского из обыкновенного шотландского города начала XXI века. Ах да! Не забыть о маньяке, который наглухо закрывает двери домов и сжигает их вместе с обитателями - раз, другой, третий. К тому же над Макреем…

  • Broken Skin Stuart MacBride
    ISBN: 9780007193189
    Год издания: 2008
    Издательство: HarperCollins
    Язык: Английский

    The third in the bestselling Logan McRae series, set in gritty Aberdeen, laced with dark humour. In the pale grey light of a chilly February, Aberdeen is not at its best! There's a rapist prowling the city's cold granite streets, leaving a string of tortured women behind. But while DS Logan McRae's girlfriend is out acting as bait, he's dealing with the blood-drenched body of an unidentified male, dumped outside Accident and Emergency. When a stash of explicit films turns up, all featuring the victim, it looks as if someone in the local bondage community has developed a taste for violent death, and Logan gets dragged into the twilight world…

  • Дом плоти Стюарт Макбрайд
    ISBN: 978-5-386-02903-6
    Год издания: 2011
    Издательство: Рипол Классик
    Язык: Русский
    Когда в контейнере, готовящемся к отправке в море, были обнаружены куски человечины, началась самая масштабная в истории Гранитного города погоня за преступником.
    В конце восьмидесятых годов прошлого века Мясник убивал людей по всей Великобритании. Жертвы он превращал в куски мяса, поступавшие в магазины. Все это продолжалось до тех пор, пока полиция Грампиана не отправила его за решетку. Но... прошло несколько лет, и убийцу выпустили по апелляции. Люди начали умирать снова.
    После трагической гибели детектива Брукса, занимавшегося делом Мясника, сержант Логан Макрай начинает понимать, что копать следует в другом месте...
  • Blind Eye Stuart MacBride
    ISBN: 978-0007244577
    Год издания: 2009
    Издательство: HarperCollins Publishers
    Язык: Английский
    The new Logan McRae thriller set in gritty Aberdeen, from the bestselling author of Cold Granite and Flesh House. It's Summer in the Granite City, but even the sunshine can't improve the mood at Grampian Police Headquarters. Aberdeen's growing Polish community is under attack from a serial offender who leaves mutilated victims to be discovered on building sites -- eyes gouged out and the sockets burned. Detective Sergeant Logan McRae is assigned to the investigation, codenamed Operation Oedipus, but with the victims too scared to talk, it's going nowhere fast. When the next victim turns out to be not a newly arrived eastern european, but Simon McLeod, owner of the Turf n' Track bookies, Logan suddenly finds himself caught up in a world of drug wars, prostitution rings and gun-running courtesy of Aberdeen's oldest and most vicious crime lord.
  • Dark Blood Stuart MacBride
    ISBN: 978-0-00-724461-4
    Год издания: 2011
    Издательство: HarperCollins Publishers
    Язык: Английский
    Richard Knox has served his time, so why shouldn't he be allowed to live wherever he wants? Yes, in the past he was a violent rapist, but he has seen the error of his ways, found God, and wants to leave his dark past in Newcastle behind him and make a new start-or so he says. Detective Sergeant Logan McRae isn't exactly thrilled to be part of the team helping Knox settle into his new Aberdeen home, and he's even less thrilled to be stuck with DSI Danby, the man who put Knox behind bars for 10 years, supposedly here to "keep an eye on things". Only things are about to go very, very wrong. Edinburgh gangster Malk the Knife wants a slice of the development boom Donald Trump's golf course is bringing to the Granite City, whether local crime lord Wee Hamish Mowat likes it or not, while three heavies from Newcastle want a "quiet word" with DSI Danby about a missing mob accountant, and Richard Knox's dark past isn't done with him yet.
  • DI Steel's Bad Heir Day Stuart MacBride
    Why is DI Steel in an even worse mood than usual?Is it because it’s Christmas? Or maybe it's because the missing persons case she’s just caught looks like a hoax from a mile off? Or is it because she’s just been left a huge amount of money…?One thing’s for certain: Steel’s having a bad day, and she’s hell bent on making sure Constable Guthrie has one too.
  • Shatter the Bones Stuart MacBride
    ISBN: 978-0-00-734944-9
    Год издания: 2012
    Издательство: HarperCollins Publishers
    Язык: Английский
    The Number One bestseller from the award-winning Stuart MacBride. The seventh DS Logan McRae thriller is a gripping page-turner in which fame and fortune crash head-on with crime and punishment. No suspects. No clues. No rest for the wicked. "You will raise money for the safe return of Alison and Jenny McGregor. If you raise enough money within fourteen days they will be released. If not, Jenny will be killed." Alison and Jenny McGregor - Aberdeen's own mother-daughter singing sensation - are through to the semi-finals of TV smash-hit Britain's Next Big Star. They're in all the gossip magazines, they've got millions of YouTube hits, everyone loves them. But their reality-TV dream has turned into a real-life nightmare. The ransom demand appears in all the papers, on the TV, and the internet, telling the nation to dig deep if they want to keep Alison and Jenny alive. The media want action; the public displays of grief and anger are reaching fever-pitch. Time is running out, but DS Logan McRae and his colleagues have nothing to go on: the kidnappers haven't left a single piece of forensic evidence. The investigation is going nowhere. It looks as if the price of fame just got a lot higher...
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