Серия книг «Fortress» — 113 книг — стр. 3

Osprey Publishing

Эта серия издательства Osprey Pulishing специализируется на наиболее важных фортификационных системах мира - их истории, развитии, военной архитектуре и окружающем ландшафте. Книги рассказывают об истории крепостей от античных времен до современности, каждая содержит цветные чертежи укреплений в разрезе, карты, цветные и черно-белые фотографии.


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The Channel Islands 1941–45: Hitler's impregnable fortress
Charles Stephenson
Год издания:2006
Издательство:Osprey Publishing

Following the fall of France and the surrender of Paris on 14 June 1940, the British Government announced that the Channel Islands had no strategic importance and would not be…

The Vauban Fortifications of France
Paddy Griffith
Год издания:2006
Издательство:Osprey Publishing

Vauban was the foremost military engineer of France, not only during his lifetime, but also throughout the 18th century when his legacy and methods remained in place almost…

Roman Legionary Fortresses 27 BC–AD 378
Duncan Campbell
Год издания:2006
Издательство:Osprey Publishing

From the reign of Augustus (27 BC-AD 14) onwards the Roman Army became a standing force with permanent fortresses distributed throughout the empire. These fortresses developed…

American Coastal Defenses 1885–1950
Терранс МакГаверн, Bolling Smith
Год издания:2006
Издательство:Osprey Publishing

In the late-19th century, with the advances in technology and the increase in America's economic stature, a new round of fortification building began in the United States and its…

German Defences in Italy in World War II
Neil Short
Год издания:2006
Издательство:Osprey Publishing

In 1943, Hitler ordered his forces to occupy the Italian mainland to protect the Third Reich's 'soft underbelly'. After the successful Allied landings in Salerno, the Germans…

Castles and Tower Houses of the Scottish Clans 1450–1650
Stuart Reid
Год издания:2006
Издательство:Osprey Publishing

With the exception of the key royal sites, such as Stirling and Edinburgh, few Scottish castles were located at strategic points, or were intended to house garrisons required to…

Fortifications of the Incas 1200–1531
H. W. Kaufmann, J.E. Kaufmann
Год издания:2006
Издательство:Osprey Publishing

The greatest period of Inca expansion occured during the reigns of Pachacuti (1438-71), Tupa Inca (1471-93), and Huayna Capac (1493-1527). From the mountain stronghold of Cuzco,…

Viet Cong and NVA Tunnels and Fortifications of the Vietnam War
Гордон Роттман
Год издания:2006
Издательство:Osprey Publishing

During the Vietnam War, the Viet Cong (VC) main forces and North Vietnamese Army (NVA) were forced to hide weapons and supplies underground and to dig protective shelters to…

The Spanish Main 1492–1800
Рене Шартран
Год издания:2006
Издательство:Osprey Publishing

Following Columbus's arrival in the Bahamas in 1492, the lands of the 'new world' were divided between Spain and Portugal. The riches gained by the Spaniards soon aroused the…

The Forts of Celtic Britain
Ангус Констам
Год издания:2006
Издательство:Osprey Publishing

Half a millennium before the Romans first arrived in Britain, an even more ferocious people, the Celts, arrived in what is now south-eastern England. The Celts remained in Britain…

Indian Castles 1206–1526: The Rise and Fall of the Delhi Sultanate
Константин Носов
Год издания:2006
Издательство:Osprey Publishing

From the beginning of the 2nd millennium AD northern India began to fall under the sway of a number of Muslim-Turkic rulers who, at the start of the 13th century, founded the…

The Fortifications of Gibraltar 1068–1945
Clive Finlayson, Darren Fa
Год издания:2006
Издательство:Osprey Publishing

Gibraltar, located at the meeting points of Europe and Africa, preserves within its fortifications a rich testament to human conflict spanning 600 years. In 1068 the ruling…

Defending Space: US Anti-Satellite Warfare and Space Weaponry
Clayton K S Chun
Год издания:2006
Издательство:Osprey Publishing

The United States has been developing space for many years, and satellites provide the US Military with an unparaleled advantage over its adversaries. Constellations of both…

Forts of the American Frontier 1820–91: The Southern Plains and Southwest
Ron Field
Год издания:2006
Издательство:Osprey Publishing

During the 1840s, the rarely visited "Great American Desert” of the Southern Plains and Southwest became part of the inexorable westward expansion, as European traders and…

Cathar Castles: Fortresses of the Albigensian Crusade 1209–1300
Marcus Cowper
Год издания:2006
Издательство:Osprey Publishing

During the early 13th century the north of what is now France went to war with the south in a bloody crusade aimed at destroying the heretical sect known as the Cathars. The…

Rome’s Saxon Shore: Coastal Defences of Roman Britain AD 250–500
Nic Fields
Год издания:2006
Издательство:Osprey Publishing

Constructed to protect the coastline of southern and eastern Britain, the forts of the 'Saxon Shore' are among the most impressive surviving monuments of the Roman occupation of…

The Great Wall of China 221 BC–AD 1644
Стивен Тернбулл
Год издания:2007
Издательство:Osprey Publishing

The most famous example of fortification in the world, the Great Wall of China stretches for more than 6,000km across inhospitable terrain. Charting its development from its…

Vietnam Firebases 1965-73: American and Australian Forces
Randy E. M Foster
Год издания:2007
Издательство:Osprey Publishing

Artillery fire support bases of the Freeworld forces played a critical role in the conduct of operations during the Vietnam War. They served to lay down high-volume fire on enemy…

Crusader Castles in Cyprus, Greece and the Aegean 1191–1571
Дэвид Николль
Год издания:2007
Издательство:Osprey Publishing

The castles built by the Crusaders, Hospitallers, Venetians and Genoese in Cyprus, Greece, the Aegean, and on the Black Sea served to defend against a complex array of constantly…

The Forts of the Meuse in World War I
Clayton Donnell
Год издания:2007
Издательство:Osprey Publishing

On 29 October 1891, the new forts built around the cities of Liège and Namur, known as the 'forts of the Meuse', were turned over to the Belgian Army. This huge project produced…

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