Издания и произведения

  • Theaetetus Plato
    ISBN: 9780199646166
    Год издания: 2014
    Издательство: Oxford University Press
    Язык: Английский

    'What exactly is knowledge?' The Theaetetus is a seminal text in the philosophy of knowledge, and is acknowledged as one of Plato's finest works. Cast as a conversation between Socrates and a clever but modest student, Theaetetus, it explores one of the key issues in philosophy: what is knowledge? Though no definite answer is reached, the discussion is penetrating and wide-ranging, covering the claims of perception to be knowledge, the theory that all is in motion, and the perennially tempting idea that knowledge and truth are relative to different individuals or states. The inquirers go on to explore the connection between knowledge and…

  • Theaetetus Plato
    ISBN: 9780140444506, 0140444505
    Год издания: 1987
    Издательство: Penguin Classics
    Язык: Английский

    Set immediately prior to the trial and execution of Socrates in 399 BC, Theaetetus shows the great philosopher considering the nature of knowledge itself, in a debate with the geometrician Theodorus and his young follower Theaetetus. Their dialogue covers many questions, such as: is knowledge purely subjective, composed of the ever-changing flow of impressions we receive from the outside world? Is it better thought of as “true belief”? Or is it, as many modern philosophers argue, “justified true belief,” in which the belief is supported by argument or evidence? With skill and eloquence, Socrates guides the debate, drawing out the…

  • Теэтет Платон
    Год издания: 1936
    Издательство: Государственное социально-экономическое издательство
    Язык: Русский
    1936 год, Государственное социально-экономическое издательство, Москва - Ленинград.
    Издательский переплет. Сохранность раритета хорошая.
    "Тэетет" является одним из основных сочинений виднейшего представителя древнегреческой философии - объективного идеалиста Платона.
    В этом сочинении мы имеем преимущественно изложение теории познания Платона. Здесь он пытается критиковать виднейших греческих материалистов - Гераклита, Демокрита и др.
    Перевод с греческого и примечания Виктора Сережникова.
  • Произведения