• The English Constitution Walter Bagehot
    ISBN: 9780199539017
    Год издания: 2009
    Издательство: Oxford University Press
    Язык: Английский

    'An ancient and ever-altering constitution is like an old man who still wears with attached fondness clothes in the fashion of his youth: what you see of him is the same; what you do not see is wholly altered.' Walter Bagehot's The English Constitution (1867) is the best account of the history and working of the British political system ever written. As arguments raged in mid-Victorian Britain about giving the working man the vote, and democracies overseas were pitched into despotism and civil war, Bagehot took a long, cool look at the 'dignified' and 'efficient' elements which made the English system the envy of the world. His analysis…

  • The English Constitution Уолтер Баджот
    ISBN: 0521465354, 978-0521465359
    Год издания: 2001
    Издательство: Cambridge University Press
    Язык: Английский

    This is a new and highly accessible rendition of one of the classics of English political writing. Paul Smith presents the text of the first (1867) edition of Bagehot's The English Constitution, together with the original conclusion, as well as Bagehot's long introduction to the second edition of 1872. All the usual student-friendly features of the Cambridge Texts series are present, including a concise explanatory introduction, select bibliography and brief biographies of key figures, as well as annotation designed to explain to modern readers some of Bagehot's more arcane contemporary allusions.

  • Государственный строй Англии Уолтер Баджот
    Год издания: 1905
    Издательство: М. и С. Сабашниковы
    Язык: Русский

    Предлагаемая русской публикѣ книга Беджгота объ англійской конституціи принадлежитъ къ числу такихъ рѣдко появляющихся трудовъ, которые вносятъ совершенно новыя точки зрѣнія въ разсматриваемые ими вопросы и разрушаютъ старыя ошибочныя продставленія. Таково было въ свое время значеніе книги Беджгота. Беджготъ является іоднимъ изъ первыхъ и наиболѣе яркихъ критиковъ стараго традиціоннаго взгляда на англійскую конституцію, унаслѣдованнаго еще отъ XVIII вѣка.

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