Кэти Гольке

Cathy Gohlke

  • 7 книг
  • 2 подписчика
  • 161 читатель
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Лучшие книги Кэти Гольке

  • Спасая Амели Кэти Гольке
    ISBN: 978-617-12-1461-3, 978-5-9910-3685-6
    Год издания: 2016
    Издательство: Клуб семейного досуга
    Язык: Русский

    1939 год. Лето. Рейчел Крамер получает послание от подруги детства, из которого узнает поразительную историю. Женщина просит спасти ее глухую дочь Амели. Увлеченный идеей о чистоте арийской расы, отец, офицер СС Герхард Шлик, может лишить малышку жизни. Мать просит в письме вывезти Амели из нацистской Германии, чтобы дать ребенку шанс на будущее… Так начинается эта трогательная, душераздирающая история о спасении маленькой девочки. Вы станете свидетелями побега через всю Европу, преследования эсэсовцев и семейной трагедии. Роман основан на реальных событиях, о которых должен знать каждый.

  • Пообещай мне Кэти Гольке
    ISBN: 978-5-86181-021-0
    Год издания: 2012
    Издательство: Христианское просвещение
    Роман об удивительной любви и преданности Майкла и Энни. Захватывающее повествование разворачивается на фоне событий начала ХХ века: крушение "Титаника" ужасы Первой мировой войны, ненависть и коварство. И, конечно, любовь.
  • Promise Me This Cathy Gohlke
    ISBN: 9781414353074
    Год издания: 2012
    Издательство: Tyndale House Publishers

    Michael Dunnagan was never supposed to sail on the Titanic, nor would he have survived if not for the courage of Owen Allen. Determined to carry out his promise to care for Owen’s relatives in America and his younger sister, Annie, in England, Michael works hard to strengthen the family’s New Jersey garden and landscaping business. Annie Allen doesn’t care what Michael promised Owen. She only knows that her brother is gone—like their mother and father—and the grief is enough to swallow her whole. As Annie struggles to navigate life without Owen, Michael reaches out to her through letters. In time, as Annie begins to lay aside her anger…

  • Secrets She Kept Кэти Гольке
    ISBN: 1496400801
    Год издания: 2015
    Язык: Английский
    The secret a mother was forbidden to share . . . the consequences a daughter could not redeem—but will risk everything in her attempt.

    All her life, Hannah Sterling longed for a close relationship with her estranged mother. Following Lieselotte’s death, Hannah unlocks secrets of her mother’s mysterious past, including the discovery of a grandfather living in Germany.

    Thirty years earlier, Lieselotte’s father, ascending the ranks of the Nazi party, demands a marriage for his daughter to help advance his career. But Lieselotte is in love—and her beloved Lukas secretly works against the Reich. How far will her father go to achieve his goal?

    Both Hannah’s and Lieselotte’s stories unfold as Hannah travels to Germany to meet her grandfather, who hides wartime secrets of his own. Longing for connection, yet shaken by all she uncovers, Hannah must decide if she can atone for her family’s tragic past, and how their legacy will shape her future.
  • I Have Seen Him in the Watchfires Кэти Гольке
    ISBN: 0802487742
    Год издания: 2008
    Язык: Английский

    The bonds linking family and the lines separating enemies have become very blurry for 17-year-old Robert. With his father away fighting for the Union, Robert must decide to act alone in order to help his ailing mother, extricate his injured Confederate Uncle, and bring relief to his cousin, Emily. When he unwittingly gets entangled in a Confederate escape plot, Robert must forge his anger and shame into a new determination to save his family. And, perhaps, he must also realize that the saving might not be entirely up to him. Honor and duty to God and country aren’t as clear-cut as he hoped them to be.

  • William Henry is a Fine Name Кэти Гольке
    ISBN: 0802499732
    Год издания: 2006
    Язык: Английский
    They told him his best friend wasn't human. Robert's father assisted the Underground Railroad. His mother adamantly opposed abolition. His best friend was a black boy named William Henry. As a nation neared its boiling point, Robert found himself in his own painful conflict. The one thing he couldn't do was nothing at all. William Henry is a coming-of-age story about a 12-year-old boy--and an entire country--that comes face to face with the evils of society, even within the walls of the church. In the safety of an uplifting friendship, he discovers the hope of a brighter day.