Ада Палмер – лучшие книги
- 10 произведений
- 17 изданий на 7 языках
По популярности
The Will to Battle Ada Palmer
ISBN: 9781786699589 Год издания: 2018 Издательство: Head of Zeus Язык: Английский The year is 2454. Three centuries of peace and a hard-won golden age have come to an abrupt end.
The once steadfast leadership of the seven Hives – nations without fixed location – is soured by corruption, deception and insurgency. Savagery and bloodlust, three-centuries suppressed, have been unleashed.
The heartbreaking truth is that for decades, even centuries, the leaders of the great Hives bought the world’s stability with a trickle of secret murders, mathematically planned. So that no faction could ever dominate. So that the balance held.
But that terrible secret is no longer hidden, the balance has tipped, the Hives’ utopian façade has slipped. Just days ago, humanity stood at the pinnacle of civilization. Now everyone – Hives and Hiveless, Utopians and sensayers, emperors and convicts, warriors and saints – scrambles to prepare for the seemingly inevitable war. -
Dem Blitz zu nah Ada Palmer
ISBN: 3833240970, 9783833240973 Год издания: 2022 Издательство: Panini Verlags Язык: Немецкий Wir schreiben das Jahr 2454.
Die Menschheit befindet sich in einem hart erkämpften goldenen Zeitalter, in dem Religionen und auch Nationalstaaten keinen Platz mehr haben. Sieben Fraktionen - die sogenannten "Hives" - regieren nun gemeinsam die Welt, deren Herrschaft durch eine wohlwollende Zensur, statistische Analysen und technologischen Reichtum gestützt wird. Aber das Fundament dieser neuen Welt ist brüchig ...Verurteilt für seine Verbrechen und gefeiert für seine Talente gilt Mycroft Canner als das bevorzugte Instrument einiger der mächtigsten Menschen der Welt. Als er damit beauftragt wird, einen bizarren Diebstahl zu untersuchen, findet er sich auf der Spur einer Verschwörung wieder, die die Weltordnung der Hives in ihren Grundfesten erschüttern könnte.
Doch Mycroft selbst birgt ein Geheimnis, das genug Zündstoff enthält, um die Mächtigen ins Chaos zu stürzen. Denn wie wird eine Welt, die Gott aus ihrem Leben verbannt hat, mit einem 13-jährigen Jungen umgehen, der Wunder vollbringen kann? Band 1 der vierteiligen Reihe Terra Ignota. -
Perhaps the Stars Ada Palmer
ISBN: 978-0765378064 Год издания: 2021 Издательство: Tor Books Язык: Английский World Peace turns into global civil war.
In the future, the leaders of Hive nations―nations without fixed location―clandestinely committed nefarious deeds in order to maintain an outward semblance of utopian stability. But the facade could only last so long. The comforts of effortless global travel and worldwide abundance may have tempered humanity's darkest inclinations, but conflict remains deeply rooted in the human psyche. All it needed was a catalyst, in form of special little boy to ignite half a millennium of repressed chaos.
Now, war spreads throughout the globe, splintering old alliances and awakening sleeping enmities. All transportation systems are in ruins, causing the tyranny of distance to fracture a long-united Earth and threaten to obliterate everything the Hive system built.
With the arch-criminal Mycroft nowhere to be found, his successor, Ninth Anonymous, must not only chronicle the discord of war, but attempt to restore order in a world spiraling closer to irreparable ruin.
The fate of a broken society hangs in the balance. Is the key to salvation to remain Earth-bound or, perhaps, to start anew throughout the far reaches of the stars? -
Seven Surrenders Ada Palmer
ISBN: 978-0765378026 Год издания: 2017 Издательство: Tor Books Язык: Английский In a future of near-instantaneous global travel, of abundant provision for the needs of all, a future in which no one living can remember an actual war…a long era of stability threatens to come to an abrupt end.
For known only to a few, the leaders of the great Hives, nations without fixed locations, have long conspired to keep the world stable, at the cost of just a little blood. A few secret murders, mathematically planned. So that no faction can ever dominate, and the balance holds. And yet the balance is beginning to give way.
Mycroft Canner, convict, sentenced to wander the globe in service to all, knows more about this conspiracy the than he can ever admit. Carlyle Foster, counselor, sensayer, has secrets as well, and they burden Carlyle beyond description. And both Mycroft and Carlyle are privy to the greatest secret of all: Bridger, the child who can bring inanimate objects to life.