David Karlins – лучшие книги
- 1 произведение
- 7 изданий на 2 языках
По популярности
Adobe Dreamweaver CS3 How-Tos: 100 Essential Techniques David Karlins
ISBN: 0321508939 Год издания: 2007 Язык: Русский Adobe Dreamweaver CS3 is more than just the world's most popular and powerful Web design tool: As part of Creative Suite 3 (which includes Photoshop CS3 and Flash CS3), it's a key component of an overall Web design workflow that encourages users to -
Adobe Illustrator CS2 How-Tos: 100 Essential Techniques (How-To Series) David Karlins, Bruce K. Hopkins
ISBN: 0321335406 Год издания: 2005 Язык: Русский Illustrator CS2 How-Tos is a highly focused survey of the one-hundred most essential things anyone needs to know to use Illustrator CS2. Folks new to Illustrator will find clear, basic, -
Digital Sports Photography : Take Winning Shots Every Time David Karlins, Serge Timacheff
ISBN: 0764596071 Год издания: 2005 Язык: Русский You can freeze that one moment in time Sports photography gets you up close and personal with the action you crave, the athletes you idolize, or the activities that make memories for your children. It also provides plenty of frustration -
Complete Idiot's Guide to Macromedia Flash 5 David Karlins
ISBN: 0789724421 Язык: Русский The Complete Idiot's Guide to Macromedia Flash 5 teaches you the basics of using Flash 5 to create stimulating and action-packed Web pages. Whether you're a novice or more experienced user, this step-by-step, light-hearted approach will ease you -
FrontPage 2002 Bible David Elderbrock, David Karlins
ISBN: 076453582X Язык: Русский Learn the tips, tricks and lessons that Web design professionals know, without the years of experience or formal training. Find out how to use FrontPage with other applications such as Flash and Dreamweaver.Protect your site and your customers by