Меган Куин

Meghan Quinn

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Меган Куин - циклы произведений

  • The Way I Hate Him Меган Куин
    Форма: роман
    Оригинальное название: The Way I Hate Him
    Язык: Английский
    Why am I holding a box of stolen memorabilia in my arms? It's called . . . revenge. After failing my last semester of grad school, I decided to come back to my hometown and wallow in my boyfriend’s sympathetic arms. Instead, he proceeded to dump me . . . for being boring! Now, I'm not typically a spiteful person, but there's only so much I can take. Hence why I’m holding the box of his most cherished possessions…stolen possessions no less! The plan? To give the box back to its rightful owner and rat my ex out. How’s that for being boring? But plans never go the way you want them, because instead of dropping off the box with a note, I’m pinned with the crime by the true owner of the box himself. Hayes Farrow is grumpy, arrogant, and stupidly hot in a way that makes it hard to even look him in the eye. Not to mention he’s my brother’s nemesis so I fully intended to stay far far away from the gorgeous jerk. But to add insult to the injury that has become my life as of late, Hayes gives me two options: turn me into the police and press full charges . . . or work it off. How could I possibly work for someone I can't stand? Easy, I don't look good in orange. But working for Hayes isn't as horrible as I thought it would be. The way I hate him begins to turn into something else - something I never thought I'd feel. But the way my brother reacts when he finds out I’m working for his enemy? He’d prefer me in prison orange.
  • The Reason I Married Him Меган Куин
    Форма: роман
    Оригинальное название: The Reason I Married Him
    Первая публикация: 2024
    Язык: Английский
    He proposed . . . and I said yes.
    Normally a jovial occasion for a couple in love, but this proposal has a very different feel.
    Because the man that I'll be calling my husband blew into town with one thing on his mind . . . to make my life a living nightmare. So why did I say yes? Well, because we both need something from each other. Namely, I want the farm land he currently owns, and he needs a wife in order to inherit his family cabin in his grandfather’s will. So as he so eloquently put it, my hand, for his land. At first, I thought the idea was nuts.
    Who really gets married out of convenience?
    Apparently, I do. And now we have to sell our relationship to the town. Meaning, we're holding hands, he's pinching my cheeks . . . upper and lower. We're even forced to share the one-bedroom guest house on the farm where his monstrous body is taking up a large percentage of the bed. But we’re so persuasive about our farse, that now I’m starting to think he actually might like me. Especially when he grabs me by the wrist and teases the shell of my ear as he whispers, “Mine.”
  • Bridesmaid for Hire Меган Куин
    Форма: роман
    Оригинальное название: Bridesmaid for Hire
    Первая публикация: 2024
    Язык: Английский
    Sometimes the wedding of the century calls for desperate measures. And sometimes those desperate measures are to pretend the person you hate most is actually your boyfriend. After years of working her tail off at her event-planning business, Maggie Mitchell is ready for a vacation. With nothing on her mind but R & R, she's enjoying the warm weather of Bora Bora when in saunters Brody McFadden, her brother's best friend and also her sworn enemy. Thanks to years of tension between the two―kicked off by a make-out session at her brother's wedding that ended horribly―Maggie has sworn to stay away from the man. That is, until she finds out he's in Bora Bora for his boss's daughter's wedding, hoping to use the trip to win a real future at the company. Maggie promised herself she wouldn't even think of work on the island, but as word spreads about the "wedding of the century" taking place in the midst of her vacation, she realizes offering her services as a bridesmaid and planner could bring her business to the next level. The only catch? She needs to pose as Brody's girlfriend to get the job…while letting him stay in her peaceful bungalow. Tensions rise, irritation flairs, and despite years' worth of bickering behind closed doors, Maggie can't quite squash the sparks building between her and her new fake boyfriend, especially when she learns the real reason their first kiss was cut short. But as the wedding day draws closer and everything starts to go wrong, it just might be Brody who sends Maggie's business crashing down―and her heart along with it.
  • Bridesmaid Undercover Меган Куин
    Форма: роман
    Оригинальное название: Bridesmaid Undercover
    Первая публикация: 2024
    Язык: Английский
    She'll have to go undercover to help him prove to his ex he's worth a second chance…but what if the second chance he really needs is with the woman who's been at his side from the start? Everly Plum is delighted to be heading up the Bridesmaid for Hire program at Magical Moments by Maggie. And when Hardy Hopper, one of their billionaire investors, approaches Everly for help with his friends' wedding, she's more than happy to step in. But Hardy has an extra assignment for her: his ex-girlfriend will be the maid of honor opposite his role as best man, and he wants Everly's help getting her back. There's only one problem: Everly may have a tiny crush on the dashing businessman. But despite the way Hardy makes her stomach flutter, she's determined to prove herself, both as a bridesmaid and as a matchmaker. That is, until she finds her crush turning into real feelings. Not to mention, Hardy can't help but notice how well he clicks with Everly, and before he knows it, he's not looking for his ex's attention anymore. But even after their simmering attraction finally rises to the surface, they will have to contend with meddling friends, poor timing, and professional boundaries―and the risk that no one might get a second chance after all.
  • The Secret to Dating Your Best Friend's Sister Меган Куин
    Форма: роман
    Оригинальное название: The Secret to Dating Your Best Friend's Sister
    Язык: Английский
    How do you date your best friend's sister? Easy. Step one: Pretend you want her to set you up with someone else. That will bring the two of you closer. Step two: Go on date with lots of random women, proceed to get stupid drunk and talk about your best friend's sister, thus gaining the courage to finally make a move. Step three: Randomly show up at her apartment and confess your love. Women love that, right? It all seemed so simple. A fool-proof three step process that will guarantee the love of your life to fall madly in love with you. At least--that's what I thought was going to happen. But my attempts to win over Julia Westin backfired in more ways than I can count. The thing about Julia? She's smart--really smart--and her wicked gaze cuts through all the charm I've tried slinging her way. She's not interested in games, my gifts, or my stories. She might want me too; but she's not giving in that easy...
  • Diary of a Bad Boy Меган Куин
    Форма: роман
    Оригинальное название: Diary of a Bad Boy
    Язык: Английский
    Dear Diary, I might have gotten myself into a wee bit of trouble—and I'm not talking about the "court mandated community service," or “therapy sessions from bashing a bloke in the head" kind of trouble. I wish it were that simple. Nope. I’m talking about the "falling in love with one of my client's daughters,” kind of trouble . . .
    The kind of problem I can’t talk my way out of when the truth gets out. How I ended up with her phone is a long story—and when she called to get it back, I took things a bit too far. One innocent exchange wound up leading to so much more. Fun, new, and totally immune to my charm, Sutton is different. And I had no idea she was the daughter of Foster Green. Blame it on the dark colored stout running through my veins, pushing me toward one bad decision after another. Pushing me toward her even though I know right from wrong; even though she's my client's daughter. Dating her might be the best or worst decision I've ever made. Only time, whiskey, and one more roll around the mattress with her will tell. Roark
  • Boss Man Bridegroom Меган Куин
    Форма: роман
    Оригинальное название: Boss Man Bridegroom
    Язык: Английский
    "Will you do me the greatest honor of all time and be my bridegroom?” she asks, hope in her eyes . . . How did I get here? My assistant, bent on one knee, holding my hand, her expectant face waiting for an answer. Just . . . how? How did I go from being insulted by Charlee Cox to hiring her to be my assistant? How is it that she’s chaos in color - making me crazy and my life better at the same time? I never thought I would be staring down at her bright blue eyes begging me to go along with this ridiculous scheme I suggested. Yes, I suggested. Like the idiot I am, I thought hey, why not start an HR nightmare and have my assistant ask me to marry her? Confused? Don’t worry, so am I. But try to follow along, because this is how I became Boss Man Bridegroom.
  • Целуй и молчи Меган Куин
    Форма: роман
    Оригинальное название: Kiss and Don't Tell
    Первая публикация: 2024
    Язык: Русский
  • Those Three Little Words Меган Куин
    Форма: роман
    Оригинальное название: Those Three Little Words
    Первая публикация: 2022
    Язык: Английский
    I knocked up my best friend's sister. Figured I would get straight to the point because how it happened is a mere snippet of the story I have to tell. The real meat and potatoes is what happened after. Let's start with how she decided to inform me and Pacey the news . . . together. Imagine that nightmare. I was going into what I thought was a hockey marketing meeting and then BAM! I'm going to be a dad and my best friend/teammate is attempting to imprint my face with his fist. It wasn't pretty. Threats were tossed around, friendships were revoked, and then I was marched up to her apartment, suitcases in hand, and forced to live with her so I could take care of her every need. Given how much I've pined for the girl, you would think that wouldn't be a hardship. Wrong. This is my one shot to win my teammate back. Pacey is the only family I've got, so hooking up with his sister isn't a mistake I can make twice . . . despite the fact that she's pregnant with my child. But with every mood swing, every pair of pants that doesn't fit right, and every late night run to find the perfect donut, I'm finding it harder and harder not to fall for my best friend's little sister. Especially when she kisses me...
  • Right Man, Right Time Меган Куин
    Форма: роман
    Оригинальное название: Right Man, Right Time
    Первая публикация: 2023
    Язык: Английский
    Running into your ex is never ideal.
    Running into your ex who is now dating your nemesis is a literal nightmare. That’s how I found myself in a sheer panic, reaching for the closest guy at the bar and kissing him. And to my delight he was easily the most attractive man I’ve ever seen. The only problem is, when I tried to walk away after thanking him for his help, he stopped me with three life-changing words . . .“You owe me.” That’s how I found myself, a college girl, in a fake relationship with a professional hockey player ten years older than me. At first it was easy.
    He helped me with my internship.
    I helped keep his ex away from him.
    We were becoming fast friends. It wasn’t until he started staying the night at my dorm did the rules of our arrangement become complicated. Now my feelings are involved and even though I kissed the right man at the right time, I’m worried he’s just waiting for the clock to run out.
  • He's Not My Type Меган Куин
    Форма: роман
    Оригинальное название: He's Not My Type
    Язык: Английский
    This steamy, one bed romantic comedy will bring all the laughs while making your cheeks blush at the same time. Sometimes the quietest are the most . . . vocal . . . Word to the wise, never become roommates with a girl you’ve been pining over for the better part of a year. You’re probably wondering why I would do such a thing? Well, I didn’t. It was my teammates. The moment they found out Blakely White was single, they took it upon themselves to play cupid and instruct me on how I should win her over. Don't wear a shirt around her.
    Make her dinner.
    Lightly touch her shoulder when you say goodbye. I'm so flustered, so overwhelmed, so madly in love with this woman who barely notices me, that I lose control of the situation and make one huge mistake: I offer to be her fake date for a wedding so she can make her ex jealous. That means, for one whole night I get a free pass with her. I get to hold her, dance with her, kiss her…stare at her from across the room like she’s my entire world because she has been for months now. But when the night comes to an end, I’m faced with two options: bring her back to my bedroom and show her how I really feel, or let her walk away, succumbing to the fact that I very well might not be her type.
  • Автор любовных романов - девственница Меган Куин
    Форма: роман
    Перевод: любительский перевод
    Язык: Русский
    Ее грудь вздымалась с угрожающей скоростью, когда его грубая рука нашла свой путь вниз, к ее мягкому, но неутомимому терновому кусту...
    Можно писать «терновый куст» в любовном романе? Как насчет «полового меча»? Вот что это такое... «половой меч», верно, половой, и выглядит как меч, поражая внутренние подземелья темных женских желаний. Что насчет груди? Действительно ли грудь вздымается?
    Боже, я понятия не имею, что происходит, когда дело доходит до интимных деталей.
    Я девственница, которая пытается написать любовный роман, и, кажется, я не могу описать сцены секса, благодаря отсутствию у меня опыта.
    Двое моих лучших друзей подстрекают меня бросить на время перо и получать практику в реальной жизни, путем различных граней свиданий, таких как: свидания в слепую, онлайн-знакомства и случайные контакты.
    Но потерять свою девственность, оказывается, сложнее, чем ожидалось...
  • The Randy Romance Novelist Meghan Quinn
    Форма: роман
    Оригинальное название: The Randy Romance Novelist
    Язык: Английский
    It finally happened, I lost my virginity. Cue applause and cheers. For a while life was all rainbows and kittens prancing in a sky full of cotton candy clouds…that was until the demands of the real world set in. My best friend is getting married and she asked me to be her maid of honor. She’s not worried about flowers, or the dress, or the food at the venue. No, she’s worried about the bachelorette party, what kind of penis crown she will wear, and the nipple size of the stripper who will be attending. I’m in way over my head trying to balance life with a boyfriend, planning a penis party, and writing my romance novel. Something is bound to give. This is my life after my happily ever after…
  • Неидеальное свидание Меган Куин
    Форма: роман
    Оригинальное название: A Not So Meet Cute
    Дата написания: 2021
    Язык: Русский
    Представьте, меня внезапно уволили! Подруга-начальница просто-напросто выставила меня из офиса в одночасье, и теперь у меня ни подруги, ни работы. На счетах как назло почти не осталось денег, а я еще должна внести взнос за съемное жилье и кредиты по учебе. Мне срочно нужен богатый и щедрый мужчина. Только где такого найти? В отчаянии я стала слоняться по богатым кварталам Беверли-Хилз, и тут судьба мне улыбнулась. Я встретила его – богатого, красивого и готового мне помочь. Но что мне придется за это сделать?
  • So Not Meant To Be Меган Куин
    Форма: роман
    Оригинальное название: So Not Meant To Be
    Дата написания: 2022
    Первая публикация: 2022
    Язык: Английский
    Am I friends with JP Cane? Ha! That's laughable. Besides the fact that he’s adopted some far-fetched notion from the movie When Harry Met Sally that says men and women can't be friends and work together, it’s safe to say we're not friends. He's annoyingly loud, obnoxiously handsome, and has made an art out of poking all my hot buttons . . . multiple times a day. So you can imagine how disgruntled I am when I not only have to fly to San Francisco with him for work, but stay in the same penthouse. Yup, we're sharing the same air, twenty-four-seven. We're talking full-fledged working roommates. The man doesn't know what it means to wear a shirt, thrives off protein bars, and you guessed it, moans loud enough for people to believe he's Meg Ryan in a restaurant. Spoiler Alert: I WON'T be having what he's having. Tack on his continuous flirting and his polished good looks, and I'm caught staring down the barrel of a seductive temptation that makes it hard for me to sleep at night. But guess who can control herself? This girl. Because if there is one thing I know for certain, it's that JP Cane and I are so not meant to be.
  • A Long Time Coming Меган Куин
    Форма: роман
    Оригинальное название: A Long Time Coming
    Дата написания: 2023
    Первая публикация: 2023
    Язык: Английский
    Have you ever heard of a man-in-waiting? Yeah, neither has my best friend's soon-to-be monster-in-law. Ooo, sorry, I meant mother-in-law. Nor has she heard of the term, what the bride wants, the bride gets. With wedding planning underway and a short timeline, my best friend, Lia, has recruited me to help her battle the snarly beast that is Mrs. Beaver. Not scared at all, I accept the challenge as her man-in-waiting--aka, man of honor--and take matters into my own hands. The only problem is, with every second we draw closer to the wedding, I'm starting to see my best girl in a different light. She's always been beautiful to me, but now . . . I find myself staring a touch too long. My hand lingering for one more minute. And when she's upset? Allowing her to sleep in my bed. And before I know what's happening, it hits me like a ton of bricks. I'm in love with my best friend. Not just in love, but infatuated. No one compares to her and nothing seems to distract me from that realization.
    Not the girl I try to date while I help plan Lia's wedding.
    Not her angry fiancé who thinks I'm growing too close.
    And not the looming deadline of her nuptials. Which means, there's only one thing left for me to do. Prove to Lia I'm the one she should be with instead. But with the pressure of her engagement, the stress from her soon-to-be mother-in-law, and the breath-stealing nerves running through me, I'm finding it a lot harder to claim the girl than I would like to admit. Say a little prayer for me . . .
  • Мать всех дорог Меган Куин
    Форма: роман
    Оригинальное название: The Mother Road
    Перевод: любительский перевод
    Язык: Русский
    И за миллион лет я никак не могла представить себя в образе девушки, разрубающей топором разноцветные фланелевые рубашки, для создания лоскутного одеяла. Но вот она я, занимающаяся именно этим, стараясь справиться с разочарованием. Все началось, когда мой брат Пол убедил меня поехать в последнее семейное путешествие по «Матери всех дорог» вместе с ним и отцом. Как в старые добрые времена? Нет. Пол забыл упомянуть, что также он пригласил с нами своего лучшего друга, Портера Смита, который был моей детской влюбленностью и мужчиной, разбившим мне сердце 4 года назад. То, что предполагалось быть веселым семейным путешествием по знаменитому «Шоссе 66» - превратилось в постоянные перепалки, неловкие моменты, и ванную, полную грязных фланелевых рубашек. Вечные подколки Пола, дьявольская улыбка Портера, превратили наше недельное путешествие по Америке в стареньком домике на колесах в настоящее безумие. Но это было не самое страшное. Просыпаясь каждое утро, мне пришлось наблюдать, как соседский мальчишка, укравший мое сердце, превратился в сексуального мужчину, от которого у меня до сих пор перехватывает дыхание.
  • Дорогая жизнь Меган Куин
    Форма: роман
    Оригинальное название: Dear Life
    Дата написания: 2017
    Перевод: любительский перевод
    Язык: Русский
    Четыре жизни. Четыре истории. Четыре комплекта писем. Четыре храбрые души, которые нуждаются в помощи, сталкиваясь с жизненными вызовами.
    Анонимная программа «Дорогая жизнь» создана, чтобы помочь им выйти из их зон комфорта, встретиться лицом к лицу с препятствиями и побороть своих демонов… и доказать смысл их существования.
    Пока их жизни зажаты между желанием чего-то большего и возможностью потерять всё, все четыре души окунаются в программу в канун Нового года и отправляются в чумовое, жизненное путешествие.
  • Игрок Меган Куин
    Форма: роман
    Оригинальное название: Hustler
    Дата написания: 2016
    Первая публикация: 2019
    Перевод: любительский перевод
    Язык: Русский

    Я игрок по жизни, и я хорош в этом. Я не особо разговорчив и пользуюсь этим, чтобы управлять положением вещей. Я всегда знаю, что собирается сделать человек, прежде чем он даже это решит. Так было до встречи с Пенелопой. Я не мог прочитать ее, или что еще хуже, она не хотела иметь со мной ничего общего. Из-за этого я хотел ее еще больше. Сейчас я в самой сложной игре в своей жизни. Каким-то образом мне нужно убедить ее, что она принадлежит мне. Хорошо, что я всегда принимаю вызовы.