Новак Джокович

Новак Ђоковић

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Новак Джокович — новинки

  • Võitja serv. Maailma esireketi retsept: gluteenivaba menüü suurepärase füüsilise ja vaimse vormi saavutamiseks Новак Джокович
    ISBN: 9789949571468
    Год издания: 2017
    Издательство: Pilgrim Group
    Язык: Эстонский
    Novak Djokovic tutvustab meile oma gluteenivaba menüüd ja harjutusi, mis aitasid tal parandada nii füüsilist kui ka vaimset vormi ja tõusta tennisemaailma absoluutsesse tippu.

    2011. aastal tegi Novak Djokovic meeste profitennises ajalugu: ta võitis kümme tiitlivõistlust, kolm suure slämmi turniiri ja 43 järjestikust kohtumist. Tähelepanuväärne on aga see, et vaid paar aastat varem ei õnnestunud tal üldjuhul ühtegi turniiri edukalt lõpetada. Kuidas suutis valude, hingamisraskuste ja vigastuse küüsis vaevelnud sportlane tõusta maailma esinumbriks? Vastus on hämmastav: ta hakkas teistmoodi sööma!

    Novak Djokovic soovitab ka lugejal proovida, kuidas on võimalik tervist ja elu toitumise abil paremaks muuta. Lisaks nädalamenüüle ja retseptidele jagab sportlane soovitusi ka söömisviisi, stressi vähendamise võimaluste ja füüsilise vormi parandamise kohta.

    Selleks et parandada oma tervist ja enesetunnet, ei pea olema maailmakuulus sportlane. Igaüks saab juba selle raamatu abil algust teha uue ja parema eluga.
  • Serve to Win: The 14-Day Gluten-Free Plan for Physical and Mental Excellence Новак Джокович
    ISBN: 9780345548986
    Год издания: 2015
    Издательство: Zinc Ink
    Язык: Английский
    Novak Djokovic reveals the gluten-free diet and fitness plan that transformed his health and pushed him to the pinnacle.

    In 2011, Novak Djokovic had what sportswriters called the greatest single season ever by a professional tennis player: He won ten titles, three Grand Slams, and forty-three consecutive matches. Remarkably, less than two years earlier, this champion could barely complete a tournament. How did a player once plagued by aches, breathing difficulties, and injuries on the court suddenly become the #1 ranked tennis player in the world? The answer is astonishing: He changed what he ate.

    In Serve to Win, Djokovic recounts how he survived the bombing of Belgrade, Serbia, rising from a war-torn childhood to the top tier of his sport. While Djokovic loved and craved bread and pasta, and especially the pizza at his family's restaurant, his body simply couldn't process wheat. Eliminating gluten--the protein found in wheat--made him feel instantly better, lighter, clearer, and quicker. As he continued to research and refine his diet, his health issues disappeared, extra pounds dropped away, and his improved physical health and mental focus allowed him to achieve his two childhood dreams: to win Wimbledon, and to become the #1 ranked tennis player in the world.

    Now Djokovic has created a blueprint for remaking your body and your life in just fourteen days. With weekly menus, mindful eating tips for optimal digestion, and delicious, easy-to-prepare recipes, you'll be well on your way to shedding extra weight and finding your way to a better you. Djokovic also offers tips for eliminating stress and simple exercises to get you revved up and moving, the very same ones he does before each match.

    You don't need to be a superstar athlete to start living and feeling better. With Serve to Win, a trimmer, stronger, healthier you is just two weeks away.
  • Вкус победы. 14 дней без глютена для совершенства тела и духа Новак Джокович
    ISBN: 978-5-17-081636-1
    Год издания: 2014
    Издательство: АСТ
    Язык: Русский

    Новак Джокович - один из лучших теннисистов всех времен и народов, первая ракетка мира, шестикратный победитель турниров Большого шлема, двукратный победитель Мирового тура АТР, обладатель Кубка Дэвиса, вошедший в список "100 самых влиятельных людей мира" журнала "TIME". Всего год назад спортивная карьера Джоковича катилась в пропасть, а сам он страдал от проблем со здоровьем. Как же ему удалось быстро восстановить форму и добиться небывалых высот в теннисе? Ответ поразителен: он просто изменил диету и полностью отказался от некоторых блюд. Но от каких именно? Эта книга написана не очередным горе-диетологом, редко следующим собственным…
