Рэйчел Кушнер

Rachel Kushner

  • 12 книг
  • 4 подписчика
  • 126 читателей
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Лучшие книги Рэйчел Кушнер

  • Комната на Марсе Рэйчел Кушнер
    ISBN: 978-5-04-105125-9
    Год издания: 2019
    Издательство: Эксмо
    Язык: Русский

    Роми Холл — бывшая стриптизерша. Но это в прошлом. В будущем — два пожизненных срока в одной из тюрем Калифорнии. За забором остались маленький сын Джексон и Сан-Франциско ее молодости. Внутри тюрьмы ее ожидает новая реальность: тысячи женщин, пытающихся выжить, жестокость охраны и заключенных, абсурд жизни за решеткой, описанный с юмором и вниманием к деталям. "Комната на Марсе" — роман, шокирующий в своей откровенности и совсем не сентиментальный в описаниях быта женщин, чья жизнь превратилась в катастрофу.

  • The Flamethrowers Rachel Kushner
    ISBN: 1439142009, 9781439142004
    Год издания: 2013
    Издательство: Scribner
    Язык: Английский

    The year is 1975 and Reno—so-called because of the place of her birth—has come to New York intent on turning her fascination with motorcycles and speed into art. Her arrival coincides with an explosion of activity in the art world—artists have colonized a deserted and industrial SoHo, are staging actions in the East Village, and are blurring the line between life and art. Reno meets a group of dreamers and raconteurs who submit her to a sentimental education of sorts. Ardent, vulnerable, and bold, she begins an affair with an artist named Sandro Valera, the semi-estranged scion of an Italian tire and motorcycle empire. When they visit…

  • Telex from Cuba Rachel Kushner
    ISBN: 978-1416561040
    Год издания: 2009
    Издательство: Scribner
    Язык: Английский
    From the National Book Award Finalist and New York Times bestselling author of The Flamethrowers, an astonishingly wise, ambitious, and riveting novel set in the American community in Cuba during the years leading up to Castro's revolution—a place that was a paradise for a time and for a few. The first novel to tell the story of the Americans who were driven out in 1958, this is a masterful debut with a unique and necessary lens into US-Cuba relations.
  • Creation Lake Rachel Kushner
    ISBN: 9781787331747
    Год издания: 2024
    Издательство: Jonathan Cape
    Язык: Английский

    Sadie Smith--a sardonic, strikingly sexy, 30-something American undercover agent of questionable morals--is sent by her mysterious but powerful employers to a remote corner of France. Her instructions are to infiltrate a commune of radical eco-activists and coax them into violent action, provoking the French state to crush them and their dangerous ideas for good. At first Sadie finds Bruno’s idealism laughable--he lives in a Neanderthal cave and believes the path to enlightenment is a return to primitivism--but over time she falls for his narrative. His ingenious counter-histories, his artful laments, his own devastating story become…

  • The Flamethrowers Rachel Kushner
    ISBN: 9780099586982
    Год издания: 2022
    Издательство: Vintage Books
    Язык: Английский
    Reno mounts her motorcycle and sets a collision course for New York.
    In 1977 the city is alive with art, sensuality and danger. She falls in with a bohemian clique colonising downtown and the lines between reality and performance begin to bleed.
    A passionate affair with the scion of an Italian tyre empire carries Reno to Milan, where she is swept along by the radical left and drawn into a spiral of violence and betrayal.
    The Flamethrowers is an audacious novel that explores the perplexing allure of femininity, fakery and fear. In Reno we encounter a heroine like no other.