Nikitozzz 3 июня 2022 г., 06:39 Пожаловаться Being a journalist, Hacker had no particular talent for reporting facts. The Complete Yes Minister Jonathan Lynn & Antony Jay 0,0
Nikitozzz 3 июня 2022 г., 07:25 Пожаловаться Hacker himself processed events in a variety of ways, and the readers will have to make their own judgement as to whether any given statements represents a. what happened b. what he believed happened c. what he would like to have happened d. what he wanted others to believe happened e. what he wanted others to believe… Развернуть The Complete Yes Minister Jonathan Lynn & Antony Jay 0,0
Nikitozzz 5 июня 2022 г., 08:21 Пожаловаться Every Minister we have would have been a laughing-stock within his first three weeks in office if it had not been for the most rigid and impenetrable secrecy about what he was up to. The Complete Yes Minister Jonathan Lynn & Antony Jay 0,0
Nikitozzz 5 июня 2022 г., 08:17 Пожаловаться Bernard claims that the citizens of a democracy have a right to know. We explained that, in fact, they have a right to be ignorant. Knowledge only means complicity and guilt. Ignorance has a certain dignity. The Complete Yes Minister Jonathan Lynn & Antony Jay 0,0
Nikitozzz 5 июня 2022 г., 08:14 Пожаловаться Arnold pointed out, with great clarity, that Open Government is a contradiction of terms. You can be open - or you can have a government. The Complete Yes Minister Jonathan Lynn & Antony Jay 0,0
Nikitozzz 4 июня 2022 г., 07:12 Пожаловаться If people don't know what you are doing, they don't know what you are doing wrong. The Complete Yes Minister Jonathan Lynn & Antony Jay 0,0
Nikitozzz 4 июня 2022 г., 07:06 Пожаловаться Open Government is a contradiction of terms. You can be open - or you can have government. The Complete Yes Minister Jonathan Lynn & Antony Jay 0,0
Nikitozzz 4 июня 2022 г., 07:02 Пожаловаться It is the law of Inverse Relevance: the less you intend to do about something, the more you have to keep talking about it. The Complete Yes Minister Jonathan Lynn & Antony Jay 0,0