Кимберли Вейл

Kimberly Vale

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Кимберли Вейл — новинки

  • Скрещенные кости Кимберли Вейл
    ISBN: 978-5-17-137745-8
    Год издания: 2023
    Издательство: АСТ, Mainstream
    Язык: Английский
    Звонит Кровавый Колокол, знаменуя собой смерть короля пиратов и начало Испытаний — захватывающего дух соревнования, наградой за которое становится Костяная Корона. Но только одному достанется желанный трон… И каждый готов пойти на любой риск, чтобы выиграть.

    Цилла Абадо намерена доказать свою силу опытным пиратам, которые недовольны ее юностью. И своей старшей сестре, что всегда жаждала стать капитаном. Цилла рискнет всем, чтобы стать первой королевой пиратов, чего бы это ни стоило.

    Кейн Блэкуотер хочет навсегда отказаться от грязного золота и незаконных сделок, которые он совершал, чтобы сохранить корабль своего отца "Стальная жемчужина". Испытания дают шанс на новое начало, но ходят слухи о тайном наследнике, который может поставить крест на надеждах Кейна стать королем пиратов.

    Лорелея Пенни мечтает только о том, чтобы отомстить за смерть своей матери. Предполагалось, что Железный камень, который она хранила, приблизит ее к убийце, но вместо этого Лорелея оказывается втянутой в смертельную битву, где сталкиваются верность и желание.

    У каждого своя миссия. Однако у моря другие планы. Темные волны поднимаются, и если герои не будут осторожны, стихия поглотит их.
  • Dark Tides Кимберли Вейл
    ISBN: 9781990259319
    Год издания: 2022
    Язык: Английский
    When love is an anchor, the sea can swallow you whole.

    Csilla Abado has a full plate after becoming the first Queen of Bones. While leading Cerulia, sending fleets to hunt for Dominic Rove, and recruiting new crews to the cause, she must also find a way to mend the lingering crack between Limbo and the mortal realm. Otherworldly creatures are spilling through, threatening more than just the island kingdom. When Lorelei and Nara go missing, the crew takes sail once again to find them and stop the worst of the villains, Magnus, before he can slip through the crack. As their leader, Csilla takes every decision head-on, but her sister's death weighs on her, and if she doesn't learn to let go, she could end up alone in her fight.

    After the events at Crossbones, Kane Blackwater is desperate to find the traitorous Dominic Rove, but when his desperation sends him to Death's Cove, he's met by creatures that should be locked away in Limbo. He returns to Cerulia with this knowledge and an evil, magic-laced wound that’s slowly seeping through his body. When Lorelei suddenly goes missing, he joins the search, but his time is running out and he must decide what's more important to him: her life or his own.

    Lorelei Storm isn't the same since her return from the realm of Limbo. A menacing and powerful magic rests under her skin, and she fears it as much as she craves its potential. She tries to keep this secret from her found family, but when she accidentally hurts someone, she finds she can no longer hide her ability. She flees only to be caught, alongside Csilla’s first mate Nara, by an Incendian Scout and taken as prisoner. But Lorelei finds out the scout is also an emberblood, and if she must, she will use her enemy to learn how to control her powerful new magic.

    Jaron Thorne was raised to hate and hunt pirates. Becoming his fire god's champion and wielding his obsidian sword has given him even more purpose in ridding the kingdoms of every last pirate. Fighting runs through his veins, but when Magnus's whispers send him to steal away the only living stormblood, he ends up taking an extra captive: an archer whose frosty demeanor intrigues him as much as he hates it. But as he learns more about the world he thought he knew, Jaron must learn to control his inner-flames or risk burning down everything around him, including his chance of finding his lost brother.

    As the war between gods and mortals builds to a crescendo, Csilla, Kane, and Lorelei must not only protect their world from destruction, but also their hearts from looming devastation. The seas darken and not everyone will survive the rising tides.
  • Crossbones Кимберли Вейл
    ISBN: 9781989365793
    Год издания: 2021
    Язык: Английский
    Never trust a pirate.

    The Blood Bell tolls, marking the death of the pirate king and the start of the Trials—a heart-stopping competition where the reward is the Bone Crown. Only one contender can claim the coveted island throne; each will gamble life and limb to win.

    Captain. Sister. Maiden.
    Csilla Abado yearns to prove her strength to the seasoned pirates who balk at her youth and to her elder sister who has always craved Csilla’s captainship. She will risk everything to become the first pirate queen, no matter the cost.

    Dealer. Son. Legacy.
    Kane Blackwater wants to leave behind the dirty gold and shady trades he’s made to keep his father’s ship, the Iron Jewel, alive. The Trials represent a new beginning—yet rumors of a secret heir are swirling, threatening his hopes of becoming the pirate king.

    Stowaway. Daughter. Storm.
    Lorelei Penny longs for nothing more than to avenge her mother’s death. Stowing away on the Iron Jewel was supposed to get her closer to the killer, but instead she finds herself caught up in the deadly battle where loyalty and desire collide.

    Csilla. Kane. Lorelei. Each on a mission. The sea, however, has other plans. Dark tides are rising, and if they aren’t careful, they’ll surely drown.