Анита Брукнер

Anita Brookner

  • 35 книг
  • 6 подписчиков
  • 650 читателей
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5 106
4 235
3 218
2 69
1 15

Анита Брукнер — библиография

  • The Bay Of Angels
    Дата написания: 2023

    'It was at Millie's party, on that Friday evening, that she met her second husband, my stepfather-to-be, and thus changed both our lives . . .' Zoe is delighted when her widowed mother marries Simon, a generous older man who owns a villa in Nice. However, the long enchanted visits to France she enjoys come to an abrupt end when Simon suffers a bad fall. Zoe and her mother, finding themselves surrounded by well-meaning strangers, must learn how and how not to trust appearances . . .

  • A Family Romance Анита Брукнер
    Дата написания: 2016

    'Literature for me was a magnificent destiny for which I was not yet fully prepared.' Paul and Henrietta Manning and their solitary, academic daughter Jane have nothing in common with Dolly, widow of Henrietta's brother. Corseted and painted, Dolly is a frivolous, superficial woman, who has little time for those without that inestimable quality - charm. Jane, in particular, falls into this category, especially after the death of her parents. But Jane has money - and

  • The Next Big Thing Анита Брукнер
    Форма: роман
    Оригинальное название: The Next Big Thing
    Дата написания: 2002
    Первая публикация: 2002

    At seventy-three Herz is facing an increasingly bewildering world. He cannot see his place in it or even work out what to do with his final years. Questions and misunderstandings haunt Herz like old ghosts. Should he travel, sell his flat, or propose marriage to an old friend he has not seen in thirty years? Herz believes that he must do something, only he doesn't know what this next big thing in life should be . . .

  • Очередное важное дело Анита Брукнер
    Форма: роман
    Оригинальное название: The Next Big Thing
    Дата написания: 2002
    Первая публикация: 2004
    Перевод: М. Гальперина
  • Отель «У озера» Анита Брукнер
    Форма: роман
    Оригинальное название: Hotel du Lac
    Дата написания: 1984
    Первая публикация: 2001
    Перевод: В. Скороденко

    Место действия — небольшой отель в Швейцарских Альпах, главная героиня — писательница Эдит Хоуп, публикующая любовные романы под псевдонимом Ванесса Уайльд. На тихом курорте ей хотелось бы не только поработать над очередной книгой, но и обрести душевное спокойствие. Однако новый и оригинальный «роман» неожиданно начинает «сочиняться» самой жизнью.