Рон Хансен

Ron Hansen

  • 5 книг
  • 1 подписчик
  • 3 читателя
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Рон Хансен — новинки

  • The Assassination of Jesse James by the Coward Robert Ford Рон Хансен
    ISBN: 0061129011
    Год издания: 2007
    Язык: Английский
  • L'assassinat de Jesse James par le lache Robert Ford Рон Хансен
    ISBN: 978-2283022375
    Год издания: 2007
    Издательство: Buchet/Chastel
    Язык: Французский
    Kansas City. Septembre 1881. À trente-quatre ans, Jesse James est un bandit, un hors-la-loi au faîte de sa renommée ; superstitieux, taciturne mais charismatique, il règne en maître sur un gang de brigands en guenilles terrorisés par ses colères et par le feu mortel de ses pistolets. À dix-neuf ans, l'intrépide Robert Ford se fait, lui, peu à peu, une réputation dans la bande en forçant l'admiration de tous. Jesse James cependant l'obsède ; il voue à son chef une idolâtrie sans limites sous laquelle perce l'ambition de prendre sa place. Et un jour, par la force du destin, l'inévitable advient : de sang-froid Robert Ford abat lâchement Jesse James. Mais ce crime le tourmentera, le hantera durant toute sa vie... Admirablement écrite et décrite, jamais la saga de Jesse James et de Robert Ford n'a été si bien racontée que par Ron Hansen. La poésie et la précision sinistre le disputent à l'émotion pure dans ce roman qui mêle fiction et biographie.
  • The Assassination of Jesse James by the Coward Robert Ford Рон Хансен
    ISBN: 978-0061120190
    Год издания: 2007
    Издательство: Harper Perennial
    Язык: Английский

    One of the great classic tales of The Great American West... IT IS 1881. Jesse James, at the age of 34, is at the height of his fame and powers as a singularly successful outlaw. Robert Ford is the skittish younger brother of one of the James gang: he has made himself an expert on the gang, but his particular interest - his obsession - is Jesse James himself. Both drawn to him and frightened of him, the nineteen-year-old is uncertain whether he wants to serve James or destroy him or, somehow, become him. Never have these two men been portrayed and their saga explored with such poetry, such grim precision and such raw-boned feeling as…

  • Atticus Рон Хансен
    ISBN: 0060927860
    Год издания: 1997
    Язык: Английский

    Colorado rancher Atticus Cody receives word that his wayward younger son, Scott, has committed suicide in Resurrection, Mexico. When Atticus travels south to recover Scott's body, he is puzzled by what he finds there and begins to suspect murder. Illuminating those often obscure chambers of the human heart, Atticus is the story of a father's steadfast and almost unfathomable love for his son, a mystery that Ron Hansen's fiction explores with a passion and intensity no reader will be able to resist.