The Great Secret of Holy Death

Maribel Pedrera P?rez – Maga Beth

For a person suffering from alcoholism


– 1 white tablecloth

– 1 bone statue of the Most Holy Death

– 1 glass of wine, the wine preferred by the person suffering from alcoholism

– 1 vase you like

– 1 prayer or a paper image of the Holy Death

– ½ metre of purple ribbon

– 1 candle made of white roses

– 1 black ink pen

– 1 dozen flowers that you like

– 1 shelf, optional


Set up the altar wherever you like. Put the shelf, the tablecloth and the image of the Most Holy on top. Write three times the name of the patient in the prayer or in the paper image of the Holy Death, roll it up with the purple ribbon so the paper is totally covered. Put the rolled up prayer in the glass of wine and place it next to the Most Holy. Light the candle and say the prayer, repeat three times the name of the sick person. Ask the Holy Death to remove him/her from vice or do whatever you ask him/her to do. Let the candle burn down. Put the flowers in the vase. Change the wine and the paper every week, doing the same as before. Throw the wine down the toilet and bury the prayer in a flowerpot, so that the person stops drinking little by little.

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