О премии

«Фолио» (Folio Prize) - британская литературная награда.

Учреждена лондонским издательством «The Folio Society» в 2013 году и позиционирует себя как альтернатива Букеровской премии. В 2011 году ряд писателей, издателей и литературных агентов выступили с резкой критикой Букера, обвинив его в популизме и погоне за «читабельностью».

Эта премия открыта для писателей из любой страны мира, пишущих на английском языке и издающихся в Великобритании.

Жюри премии избирается ежегодно. В его состав входят признанные писатели и авторитетные критики со всего мира. Их выбор должен основываться на художественной ценности представленных в конкурсе работ, а не на их популярности.

Спонсором премии является британский дом Folio Society, который издает классическую литературу.

Призовой фонд премии Фолио несколько меньше, чем у Букеровской премии, и составляет £40 000 ($66 000).

В 2016 году премия не вручалась из-за отсутствия спонсора.

Другие названия: Rathbones Folio Prize Страна: Великобритания Язык: Английский Первое вручение: 2014 г. Последнее вручение: 2023 г. Официальный сайт: https://www.rathbonesfolioprize.com/


Премия Фолио
Folio Prize
Художественная литература

Номинация учреждена в 2023 году.

Документальная литература

Номинация учреждена в 2023 году.


Номинация учреждена в 2023 году.

Художественная литература
Мишель де Крецер 0.0
A profoundly original exploration of racism, misogyny, and ageism—three monsters that plague the world—this novel from a beloved and prize-winning author is made up of two narratives, each told by a South Asian migrant to Australia.

"When my family emigrated it felt as if we'd been stood on our heads."

Michelle de Kretser's electrifying take on scary monsters turns the novel upside down—just as migration has upended her characters' lives.

Lili's family migrated to Australia from Asia when she was a teenager. Now, in the 1980s, she's teaching in the south of France. She makes friends, observes the treatment handed out to North African immigrants and is creeped out by her downstairs neighbour. All the while, Lili is striving to be A Bold, Intelligent Woman like Simone de Beauvoir.

Lyle works for a sinister government department in near-future Australia. An Asian migrant, he fears repatriation and embraces 'Australian values'. He's also preoccupied by his ambitious wife, his wayward children and his strong-minded elderly mother. Islam has been banned in the country, the air is smoky from a Permanent Fire Zone, and one pandemic has already run its course.

Three scary monsters—racism, misogyny and ageism—roam through this mesmerising novel. Its reversible format enacts the disorientation that migrants experience when changing countries changes the story of their lives. With this suspenseful, funny and profound book, Michelle de Kretser has made something thrilling and new.

"Which comes first, the future or the past?"
Документальная литература
Марго Джефферсон 0.0
Stunning for her daring originality, the author of Negroland gives us what she calls "a temperamental autobiography," comprised of visceral, intimate fragments that fuse criticism and memoir.

Margo Jefferson constructs a nervous system with pieces of different lengths and tone, conjoining arts writing (poem, song, performance) with life writing (history, psychology). The book's structure is determined by signal moments of her life, those that trouble her as well as those that thrill and restore. In this nervous system:
- The sounds of a black spinning disc of a 1950's jazz LP as intimate and instructive as a parent's voice.
- The muscles and movements of a ballerina, spliced with those of an Olympic runner: template for what a female body could be.
- Harriet Beecher Stowe's Topsy finds her way into the art of Kara Walker and the songs of C�cile McLorin Salvant.
- Bing Crosby and Ike Turner become alter egos.
- W.E.B. DuBois and George Eliot meet illicitly, as he appropriates lines from her story "The Hidden Veil" to write his famous "behind the veil" passages in The Souls of Black Folk.
- The words of multiple others (writers, singers, film characters, friends, family) act as prompts and as dialogue.
The fragments of this brilliant book, while not neglecting family, race, and class, are informed by a kind of aesthetic drive: longing, ecstasy, or even acute ambivalence. Constructing a nervous system is Jefferson's relentlessly galvanizing mis en scene for unconventional storytelling as well as a platform for unexpected dramatis personae.
Виктория Адуквей Булли 0.0
'In Quiet, Victoria Adukwei Bulley advances a poetics of balance. The poems collected in these pages mix a technically assured, sonically resonant, surface with a profoundly evocative, scrupulously integrated core. This book is a seismic event; its vibrations will be felt for a long time to come.' Kayo Chingonyi

Victoria Adukwei Bulley's debut collection, Quiet, circles around ideas of black interiority, intimacy and selfhood, playing at the the tensions between the impulse to guard one's 'inner life' and the knowledge that, as Audre Lorde writes, 'your silence will not protect you'. The poems teem with grace and dignity, are artful in their shapes, sharp in their intelligence, and possessing of a good ear, finely attuned to the sonics that fascinate and motivate the writing 'at the lower end of sound'.
