Энн Перри

Anne Perry

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Энн Перри - аудиокниги

  • Призрак с Кейтер-стрит Энн Перри
    ISBN: 978-5-699-62375-4
    Год издания: 2013
    Издательство: Эксмо
    Язык: Русский

    Семья Эллисон живет в респектабельном районе Лондона, где и слыхом не слыхивали о серийных убийцах и жутких преступлениях. И когда на Кейтер-стрит, буквально по соседству с их домом, одна за другой начинают гибнуть молодые девушки, весь квартал приходит в ужас, а вместе с остальными и Шарлотта Эллисон, средняя дочь в семье. Постепенно она приходит к выводу, что это дело рук не грабителя и не отчаявшегося бедняка из трущоб - здесь таких не бывает. Похоже, убийца - кто-то из их круга, живущий здесь же. А значит, это может быть любой из соседей, друзей, близких... Такого же мнения придерживается и инспектор Питт, ведущий расследование этих…

  • Находка на Калландер-сквер Энн Перри
    ISBN: 978-5-699-63035-6
    Год издания: 2013
    Издательство: Эксмо
    Язык: Русский

    Приводя в порядок небольшой садик в самом центре Калландер-сквер, садовники случайно обнаружили в земле останки двоих младенцев. Экспертиза показала, что их хоронили не одновременно: первое тельце было зарыто в землю около двух лет назад, второе – совсем недавно. Неслыханный скандал для этого района Лондона, в котором проживают представители высших слоев общества! Наиболее очевидной кажется версия о том, что это сделала какая-нибудь горничная, желавшая скрыть следы своего морального падения. Инспектору полиции Томасу Питту трудно добиться показаний от благородных хозяев и их домочадцев. Тем не менее, розыск дает ему основания полагать, что…

  • Dorchester Terrace Anne Perry
    ISBN: 9780345510631
    Год издания: 2013
    Издательство: Ballantine Books
    Язык: Английский
    Thomas Pitt is now the powerful head of Britain’s Special Branch, and some people fear that he may have been promoted beyond his abilities. His own self-doubt is fueled by rumors of a plot to blow up connections on the Dover-London rail line, on which Austrian duke Alois Habsburg is soon to travel. But why destroy an entire train to kill one obscure Austrian royal? Are the rumors designed to distract police from an even more devastating plot? Meanwhile, in a London sickroom, an old Italian woman is terrified that as she sinks into dementia, she may divulge secrets from her career as a revolutionary spy. And behind the doors of a stately manor, a beautiful young Croatian woman hoards mysteries of her own. Pitt and his clever wife, Charlotte, need these two fascinating women to tell them things they desperately need to know—before death and terror ignite an international catastrophe.
  • No Graves As Yet Anne Perry
    ISBN: 9780345484239
    Год издания: 2005
    Издательство: Ballantine Books
    Язык: Английский
    Through Anne Perry’s magnificent Victorian novels, millions of readers have enjoyed the pleasures and intrigue of a bygone age. Now, with the debut of an extraordinary new series, this New York Times bestselling author sweeps us into the golden summer of 1914, a time of brief enchantment when English men and women basked in the security of wealth and power, even as the last weeks of their privileged world were swiftly passing. Theirs was a peace that led to war.

    On a sunny afternoon in late June, Cambridge professor Joseph Reavley is summoned from a student cricket match to learn that his parents have died in an automobile crash. Joseph’s brother, Matthew, as officer in the Intelligence Service, reveals that their father had been en route to London to turn over to him a mysterious secret document—allegedly with the power to disgrace England forever and destroy the civilized world. A paper so damning that Joseph and Matthew dared mention it only to their restless younger sister. Now it has vanished.

    What has happened to this explosive document, if indeed it ever existed? How had it fallen into the hands of their father, a quiet countryman? Not even Matthew, with his Intelligence connections, can answer these questions. And Joseph is soon burdened with a second tragedy: the shocking murder of his most gifted student, beautiful Sebastian Allard, loved and admired by everyone. Or so it appeared.

    Meanwhile, England’s seamless peace is cracking—as the distance between the murder of an Austrian archduke by a Serbian anarchist and the death of a brilliant university student by a bullet to the head of grows shorter by the day.

    Anne Perry is a sublime master of suspense. In No Graves As Yet, her latest haunting masterpiece, she reminds us that love and hate, cowardice and courage, good and evil are always a part of life, in our own time as well as on the eve of the greatest war the world has ever known.

    From the Hardcover edition.
  • Angels in the Gloom Anne Perry
    ISBN: 1593357052, 9781593357054
    Год издания: 2005
    Издательство: Brilliance Audio
    Язык: Английский
    Angels in the Gloom is an intense saga of love, hate, obsession, and murder that features an honorable English family—brothers Joseph and Matthew Reavley, and their sisters, Judith and Hannah. In March 1916, Joseph, a chaplain at the front, and Judith, an ambulance driver, are fighting not only the Germans but the bitter cold and the appalling casualties of the Battle of Somme. Scarcely less at risk, Matthew, an officer in England’s Secret Intelligence Service, fights the war covertly from London. Only Hannah, living with her young children in the old family home in tranquil Cambridgeshire, seems safe.

    Appearances, however, are deceiving. By the time Joseph returns home, rumors of spies and traitors are rampant in Cambridgeshire. And when the body of a savagely murdered weapons scientist is discovered in a village byway, the fear that haunts the battlefields settles over the town—along with the shadow of the obsessed ideologue who murdered the four siblings’ parents on the eve of the war. Once again, this icy, anonymous powerbroker, the Peacemaker, is plotting to kill.

    Perry’s kaleidoscopic new novel illuminates an entire world, from the hell of the trenches to a London nightclub where a beautiful Irish spy plies her trade; from the sequestered laboratory where a weapon that can end the war is being perfected to the matchless glory of the English countryside in spring. Angels in the Gloom is a masterpiece, steeped in history and radiant with truth. It warms the heart even as it chills the blood.