Роберт Джеймс Уоллер

Robert James Waller

  • 31 книга
  • 18 подписчиков
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Лучшие книги Роберта Джеймса Уоллера

  • Мосты округа Мэдисон Роберт Джеймс Уоллер
    ISBN: 978-5-386-14747-1
    Год издания: 2022
    Издательство: Рипол Классик
    Язык: Русский

    Эта книга - крупнейший литературный феномен Америки, который находился в списке бестселлеров крупнейших газет страны более 90 недель, по праву стал безоговорочным победителем премии ЭББИ. Только в США первый тираж романа тогда никому не известного автора, профессора из Айовы, составил семь миллионов экземпляров. "Мосты округа Мэдисон" - это роман, который пишут только раз в жизни, роман о любви и потере.

  • A Thousand Country Roads: An Epilogue to The Bridges of Madison County Robert James Waller
    ISBN: 978-0971766716
    Год издания: 2002
    Издательство: John M. Hardy
    Язык: Английский
    At last, the rest of the story.
    Epilogue: A concluding part added to a literary work.

    There was something about this man that was out of the ordinary, something almost familiar about him.

    Sunlight angled down and caught the right side of his face, caught the long gray hair parted in the middle and brushed back along the top and sides. The sea wind came up and blew his hair, and he reached to push it back from his face, pulled an orange suspender higher on his shoulder, adjusted the leather Swiss Army knife case on his belt. The sun passed behind a cloud, and he fell into shadow for a few seconds before sunlight again came on him. She experienced an involuntary shudder and had a powerful urge to walk outside and talk with the man.

    And later:

    He was glad he had come. It had not been a mistake. Here, in the old bridge, he felt a kind of serenity, and he bathed in the feeling and came quiet within himself. At that moment, he knew this place would be his home ground, the place where his ashes would someday drift out over Middle River. He hoped some of his dust would become one with the bridge and the land, and that some might wash far downstream and into larger rivers and then into all the seas he had crossed on crowded troop ships or night jets to somewhere.

    --From A Thousand Country Roads

    Ten years and twelve million copies after the first printing of The Bridges of Madison County, Robert James Waller brings to a poignant conclusion his story of the love affair between a wandering photographer and the conventional wife of an Iowa farmer. This stirring conclusion is for everyone who loved The Bridges of Madison County.

    In A Thousand Country Roads, Robert Kincaid initially finds himself with little but memories; memories of a lonely existence lived mostly on the road and memories of Francesca Johnson, the woman whose passion he stirred so briefly and with such power.

    So, with his memories pushing him, searching for something undefined, something to give meaning to the rest of his life, Kincaid takes to the road again in what becomes a journey of discovery and surprise.

    With his dog Highway beside him in an old truck named Harry, Kincaid begins a long winding run back to Roseman Bridge in Madison County, Iowa, returning to the place of his great love affair.

    Living her own solitary life, Francesca still visits Roseman Bridge and reflects on her days with Robert Kincaid. Cherishing the memory of the strange, wandering man who changed her world, she vows to search for him.

    On the expedition he calls Last Time, Kincaid wanders through Oregon, northern California eastward to the Dakotas, and on to Iowa. Along the way, a chance encounter with a woman from his distant past reveals another dimension of his life that he could not have imagined.

    Finally, in a Seattle bar called Shortys, where saxophonist Nighthawk Cummings still plays on Tuesday nights, Kincaid turns in his chair, looking inward and outward at the same time, and smiles at what he sees sitting before him.

    And so it comes, the ultimate loner finds he is not as alone as he once believed.
  • Border Music Robert James Waller
    ISBN: 0446518581
    Год издания: 1995
    Издательство: Warner Books
    Язык: Английский
    Most people don't run out the back door of a place called the Rainbow Bar in Dillon, Minnesota, with someone they don't even know, get in a pickup truck, drive all day, and end up without any clothes on in a motel room. But that's what Texas Jack Carmine did with Linda Lobo. It was the kind of thing Jack was famous for doing. The people who knew Texas Jack Carmine - such as songwriter Bobby McGregor and Jack's uncle Vaughn Rhomer back in Iowa - called him God's only freeborn soul, rider of the summer roads, traveler of the far places. Where he was headed with dark-haired, long-legged Linda was not just back to his one-horse Texas ranch. It was somewhere he had never been: face to face with his own heart and the wild, strange things that live there. Border Music is the story of Jack and Linda, of long, hot days on a high desert ranch, nights wild with loving beneath West Texas skies, and times when their relationship tears them both apart. It's about Vietnam and the Midwest, and Vaughn Rhomer, an old man who,tries in his own fumbling way to be free. It's about men and women who work hard and care intensely, about romance and the passion that you only find once...and you never stop wanting to find again.
  • Встреча, меняющая жизнь. Комплект из 2-х книг Роберт Джеймс Уоллер
    ISBN: 978-5-386-12621-6
    Год издания: 2019
    Издательство: Рипол-классик
    Язык: Русский
    В комплект "Встреча, меняющая жизнь" вошли две книги:
    Дэвид Николс "Один день"
    Роман Дэвида Николса - одновременно грустная и смешная, трогательная и светлая история любви, где каждый найдет для себя нечто близкое и очень важное.
    Роберт Джеймс Уоллер "Мосты округа Мэдисон"
    Эта книга - крупнейший литературный феномен Америки, который продержался в списке бестселлеров крупнейших газет страны более 90 недель. Только в США первый тираж романа составил семь миллионов экземпляров.
  • The Long Night of Winchell Dear: A Novel Robert James Waller
    ISBN: 0307209962
    Год издания: 2006
    Издательство: Shaye Areheart Books
    Язык: Английский
    The steady tick of an aged Regulator wall clock and the squeak of an overhead fan turning slowly are soft but insistent, counting down the night, while the high desert thrums like a half-remembered Victrola song. The sounds are below the consciousness of Winchell Dear, an old-time gambler, a Texas poker player on the southern circuit, as he waits for something . . . something vague that his life of chance tells him is evil and moving his way. He has gassed and oiled the Cadillac and adjusts the pistol in his right boot, then plays one of the six fiddle tunes he knows, thinking back to his good days with Lucinda Miller. Alone, he waits in his remote ranch house, while, just outside, an acquaintance named Luther hunts, unblinking and of nervous temperament and moving through yellow primrose bending in the night wind.
  • High Plains Tango Robert James Waller
    ISBN: 0307209946
    Год издания: 2005
    Издательство: Shaye Areheart Books
    Язык: Английский
    Among the windswept plains and Sioux reservations of South Dakota exists the all but deserted town of Salamander, pop. 042. Carlisle McMillan, a young drifter from Ca with a Stanford degree and duel passions for carpentry and solitude, finds it as good a place as any to pull off the highway to settle into. — For a small town it has seen it's fair share of controversy. A number of unexplained deaths have occurred on nearby Wolf Butte, a rugged and beautiful place once occupied by the Sioux and still considered sacred ground. The residents are certain that a kind of black magic is to blame.

    When Carlisle buys an abandoned house and a few acres of property just east of Wolf Butte the townsfolk think that he's crazy. He is determined to restore the house and in the process meets a wild, gorgeous, enigmatic woman named Susannah.