Моя оценка

I am one of the youngest defense attorneys at my firm. I have to believe in my clients even if they’re guilty sociopathic jerks. If they are truly innocent, I grieve hard if I can’t win their case. When I go home, I just want to relax. How I accomplish that is my deepest secret.

It comforts me every evening to enter into my “little” space, to go back to the days I had no worries except what crayon to use to color a dragon’s head, or if I want macaroni and cheese or dino-nuggets for dinner. Wrapping myself in soft flannel onesie jammies with feet and hugging my teddy while I watch cartoons gives me pleasurable warm fuzzies all over.

Цикл: Little Big Heart, книга №1

Форма: роман

Первая публикация: 2023

Язык: Английский

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