
Моя оценка

“Orange Storm Warning” refers to the possibility of strong winds or heavy rainfall with an average wind force of 10 or above within the next 12 hours, influenced by tropical cyclones. It can also indicate that an area is already affected by a tropical cyclone with an average wind force of 10-11 or gusts reaching 11-12, and this condition may persist.*

In such weather, Fang Xing encountered Jiang Zhijin, who had just finished a fight with someone, outside the hospital’s emergency room. At that moment, Fang Xing thought, “Why is this person so irritating?” Little did he know that Jiang Zhijin had similar thoughts.

Fang Xing x Jiang…

Форма: новелла

Оригинальное название: 橙色风暴

Дата написания: 2020

Перевод: любительский перевод

Язык: Английский (в оригинале Китайский)

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