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What's worse than becoming a single dad? When your baby is secretly a dragon shifter.
Dragons don't exist. At least, that was what Elson used to believe, until he's suddenly the legal guardian of a nine-month-old baby. Who breathes fire.
There are precious few resources on how to care for a dragon child. Worse, his rent is way overdue, and a towering hulk of a man is at his door demanding payment.
In his desperation, Elson offers himself as compensation. One night of service for a week's shelter.
But the problem might be too big for him to handle. Yaeger is no human, and he's starting to see through Elson's pretenses that baby Sunnie is…
Цикл: Closet Baby Chronicles

Форма: новелла

Дата написания: 2023

Язык: Английский

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