Dancing With the Virgins

Стивен Бут - Dancing With the Virgins

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The second in the series set in the Derbyshire Peak District, Dancing with the Virgins is a tense psychological follow-up to Stephen Booth’s acclaimed debut Black Dog.‘The body of the woman sprawled obscenely among the stones… She looked like a dead woman, dancing.’The ring of cairns known as the Nine Virgins has stood on the windswept moors of Derbyshire for…
Цикл: Бен Купер и Диана Фрай, книга №2

Форма: роман

Оригинальное название: Dancing with the Virgins

Дата написания: 2001

Лауреат: 2002 г.Премия Барри (Лучший британский криминальный роман)
Номинант: 2001 г.Кинжалы (Золотой Кинжал)
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