Моя оценка

A youthful beauty in exquisite brocade,

Under a man who reigns over tens of thousands.

A young man loses his backing,

Brothers fight against each other,

And a father and son that dread one another;

The courtier betrays his ruler.

Under such a rule, what branch can one even rely upon?

Amidst the sorrow of parting, what feeling can thee even trust?

Meeting you was not something I wished for.

But now that we met, I plead you to lighten up thy lamp,

Let its illuminating light,

Light up this beautiful hell for me.

Maybe then, I can climb Nanshan hand in hand with you in the late spring.

Let us witness the…

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Форма: новелла

Оригинальное название: 鹤唳华亭 / He Li Hua Ting

Дата написания: 2013

Перевод: любительский перевод

Язык: Русский (в оригинале Китайский)

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