Моя оценка

It's true what they say . . . revenge is sweet.
1975. A baby, minutes old, is forcibly taken from its devastated mother. 2010. The body of an elderly woman is found in a Dublin public park in the depths of winter.
Detective Inspector Tom Reynolds is working the case. He's convinced the murder is linked to historical events that took place in the notorious Magdalene Laundries. Reynolds and his team follow the trail to an isolated convent in the Irish countryside. But once inside, it becomes disturbingly clear that the killer is amongst them . . . and is determined to exact further vengeance for the sins of the past.
Цикл: Тайна инспектора Тома Рейнольдса, книга №1

Дата написания: 2023

Номинант: 2019 г.Премия шведской Академии писателей детективного жанра (Лучший криминальный роман в переводе)

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