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The unexpected return of an old friend draws Flinx and Pip to the backward planet of Largess, whose seal-like denizens' primitive technology and fractious clan politics have kept a wary Commonwealth from a profitable trade relationship. But now a rogue human employing forbidden advanced weaponry threatens to ignite a war among the Larians. And Flinx is just the man to stop it before it starts.

But once on Largess, Flinx discovers his empathic abilities--usually his greatest asset--are rendered useless by the natives' unique language, which is sung rather than spoken. Worse, the abduction of a powerful chieftain's daughter has raised…
Циклы: Вселенная Челанксийского Содружества, книга №34
Пип и Флинкс, книга №18

Форма: роман

Оригинальное название: Strange Music

Первая публикация: 2017

Язык: Английский

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