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Yangin-Atep, the volatile god of fire, alternately protects and destroys his city's denizens. There, nothing can burn indoors, and no fire can startexcept when the Burning comes. At that time the people, possessed by Yangin-Atep, set their town ablaze in a riotous orgy of destruction that often comes without warning. Whandall Placehold has lived with the Burning all his life. Fighting his way to adulthood in the mean but magical streets of the city's most blighted neighborhoods, Whandall dreams of escaping the god's wrath to find a new and better life. But his best hope for freedom may lie with Morth of Atlantisthe enigmatic sorcerer who…
Циклы: Магия уходит, книга №14
Golden Road, книга №1

Форма: роман

Оригинальное название: The Burning City

Первая публикация: 2000

Язык: Английский

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