
Моя оценка

When Soah's impoverished, desperate village decides to sacrifice her to the Water God Habaek to end a long drought, they believe that drowning one beautiful girl will save their entire community and bring much-needed rain. Not only is Soah surprised to be rescued by the Water God-instead of killed-she never imagined she'd be a welcomed guest in Habaek's magical kingdom, where an exciting new life awaits her! Most surprising, however, is the Water God himself . . . and how very different he is from the monster Soah imagined.

Форма: графический роман

Оригинальное название: 하백의 신부

Дата написания: 2006-2014

Первая публикация: 2007-...

Перевод: Heejeong Haas

Язык: Английский (в оригинале Корейский)

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