
Моя оценка

Orphan Jack Morgan, after losing his Uncle Virgil, has bonded with Dracos, K’da poet-warrior who requires hours daily on his host's back to survive, and escaped with fellow mercenary Alison Kayna, to the primitive Rho Scorvi planet. But they find a small lost colony of Draycos’s own race, the Phookas, grown slow, lethargic, and unintelligent. Before a thief, soldier, and slave, Jack must become a herdsman to protect the Phookas from danger, and guide them deep into the unexplored forest.
Цикл: Приключения драконников, книга №4

Форма: роман

Оригинальное название: Dragon and Herdsman

Дата написания: ~2006

Первая публикация: May 30th 2006

Язык: Английский

Жанры:  Зарубежное фэнтези


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