
Моя оценка

Where Death leads, I follow. Nothing will stop me from my duty – not even the darkness that claims me. It’s the music that leads me from the dark, returning me to my brethren and a new foe that has risen. Learning who hunts Thea could be the key to unraveling what we need to know to defeat our enemy. The Half-Fae’s music stirs a passion within me that I’ve never known. For her, I will break my vow of silence. For her…I will risk everything.
Циклы: Темный Мир, книга №44
Жнец, книга №6

Форма: роман

Оригинальное название: Dark Alpha's Hunger

Дата написания: ~2018

Первая публикация: August 7th 2018

Язык: Английский

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