Sharpe’s Gold: The Destruction of Almeida, August 1810

Bernard Cornwell - Sharpe’s Gold: The Destruction of Almeida, August 1810

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Captain Sharpe’s task is to recover from a feared guerilla leader the gold Wellington so desperately needs.The enemy he faces strikes terror into the hearts of all around –a renegade guerilla band whose leader has a particular loathing for Sharpe who has stolen his woman.Soldier, hero, rogue – Sharpe is the man you always want on your side. Born in poverty, he…
Цикл: Приключения Ричарда Шарпа, книга №9

Форма: роман

Оригинальное название: Sharpe's Gold

Дата написания: 1981

Язык: Английский

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